My brother has just returned from a business trip to the other end of the country. We decided to somehow celebrate this case, and went fishing. On the way we passed through a linden forest. I remembered how my grandmother used to say in childhood that the flowers of this tree taste sweet. I decided to check for some eyelids and plucked a couple of pieces.
The brother, seeing this matter, laughed and said that the flowers could be used for more useful purposes. For example, for the manufacture of moonshine.
The story was sent by our subscriber Yuri.
What ingredients and equipment will be needed
I didn’t believe it at first, I thought he was joking. However, my brother did not give up and suggested that if I suddenly want to try moonshine on lime blossom, immediately pick up her flowers.
The offer was more than tempting. I couldn’t refuse. To be honest, I didn’t so much want to try a new type of alcohol, but just for myself to find out how moonshine is made from linden.
I asked my brother what ingredients and equipment we would need. It turned out that everything is not so complicated and expensive:
- Directly moonshine itself – 0,5 liters. Well, there were no problems with this case. My father had an apparatus, which he really used exclusively for personal purposes, but yes, he would allocate half a liter for his sons, we had no doubt about that.
- Linden flowers – 5 gr. Also no financial cost. While we were walking to the lake, these flowers were collected not only for moonshine, but also for tea, and for drying for the winter.
- Honey – 30 gr. This ingredient surprised me a little, well, let’s not argue with the professionals, but let’s go to the store after fishing, where, as far as I remember, it costs 250-300 rubles per jar.
- Water – 50 ml. To make the moonshine more delicious, we could not resist and after fishing we went to the spring, got some spring water.
In general, moonshine turns out to be so inexpensive. Assuming that honey and alcohol are already at home, it will not require any financial investment at all.
Beautiful … And, as it turned out, very fragrant
Note! For tincture, it is better to take fresh linden flowers. It is important that they are not damaged by insects and diseases. If this is not possible, you can use dried flowers in the same proportions.
The cooking process
So, we returned from fishing with spring water, lime blossom, but, unfortunately, without a catch. It was decided not to shelve the preparation of moonshine.
We went to the store for honey, begged a pint from my father, took a three-liter jar from my mother and got down to business. However, on the first day there were not so many of them. We took a glass container, poured lime blossom on the bottom and filled the whole thing with moonshine.
After that, the jar was closed with a lid and removed for infusion in a cupboard.
Important information! The jar can not be cleaned in a cool room. Infusion should take place at a temperature of at least 20 ° C.
First stage completed
In the closet, the container was gathering dust for 10 days. Well, how dusty. She had to be shaken vigorously every day. I don’t know if my brother was joking about this or not, but the fact remains. Every day I took the jar out of the closet and, to the general laughter of all the household members, shook it for several minutes.
After 10 days, the liquid was filtered through a gauze filter. After that we got into honey. It was combined with water and set to warm up in a water bath. Moreover, the honor of stirring it until it dissolves, again went to me.
When the whole thing cooled down, we added this mixture of honey and water to the moonshine, closed the jar again with a lid and sent it to infuse. However, this time, in the cellar.
The brother said that the temperature of the air surrounding the container should now be below 15°C. Whether he was laughing at me or not, I did not understand, but he still climbed into the cellar.
Important! Honey should not be heated to more than 60°C. Otherwise, it will lose its properties.
What will be the result
As soon as five days had passed, I again had to climb into the cellar. Anyway. I already get used to it. Got the bank. The brother filtered the liquid again, though this time through several layers of cotton wool.
We were going to taste the fake moonshine in the evening, when we go fishing again. However, for my work, rather difficult, by the way, I demanded to immediately pour me a glass. The brother grumbled, grumbled, but nevertheless agreed.
Moonshine turned out sweetish. Linden and honey were clearly felt in the taste, which almost hid the alcohol notes. The smell was spicy. The liquid had a hazy, yellowish color.
Linden tea and moonshine almost do not differ in color.
What can be added to the recipe
We decided to drink the rest of the moonshine while fishing. Well, rather it would be called not fishing, but rest. We came to the lake, threw in our fishing rods, set up a tent and lit a fire.
When my brother drinks, he becomes very talkative. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but to be honest, it was nice to listen to him.
It was he who told me that lime moonshine can be prepared in different ways. For example, vanilla is added instead of honey and some spices are added to everything else – cloves, ginger, star anise, and so on.
In general, moonshine on linden impressed me. It has its own, unique taste, is quite easy to drink and costs nothing. Have you ever tried alcohol prepared according to unusual recipes?