Which Whirlpool washing machine to buy? TOP-5 models: features and reviews

The Whirlpool brand of the American household appliance company of the same name enjoys well-deserved respect in the world market. The Whirlpool washing machine is distinguished by efficiency, reliability, high-quality assembly, so it is a rare guest in repair shops. What is the peculiarity of Whirlpool washing machines? From here we will tell you more.

Where is American Whirlpool equipment assembled and produced?

The company has been in existence for over a century. During the period of work in the technology market, the management opened production in several countries of the world. For example, in Italy and Poland, hobs, refrigerators, hoods, and ovens are produced. China manufactures microwave ovens, dishwashers, split air conditioners. France produces clothes dryers. The washing machines to which the review is devoted are made by Slovakia. In May 2009, the company presented a collection of appliances for a Russian-made house, which is located in the city of Aleksandrov. In June 2017, the model range was updated in Lipetsk, and the production of “smart” equipment began not only for the domestic market, but also for European countries. Local production allows you to reduce the cost of additional transportation, which makes prices lower, but does not affect product quality. The choice of the manufacturing country depends on many factors that are analyzed by the company’s head office in the United States. Whose production is more expedient even depends on the climate, for example, air conditioners will be in demand in hot countries, and Russian production produces more compact and narrow SM models. Their popularity is due to the small size of domestic bathrooms and kitchens.

Interesting fact. Few people know that in 1960, Whirlpool received an order from NASA to create a kitchen for astronauts. The pilot project included a mini-fridge with freezer, oven, water heater, waste disposal unit. It is rather problematic to cook an omelet in zero gravity, but the engineers took into account all the nuances, and space cuisine was included in such projects as Skylab, Gemini, Appolo.

Features of Whirlpool washing machines

Whirlpool is famous for its design, innovations that make it easier to manage and improve results.

  • Technology 6th Sense – a system of sensitive sensors that determine the weight of dirty laundry, the degree of contamination; controls the washing process, choosing the appropriate temperature, adjusting the amount of water, engine power. Still, an objective perception of artificial intelligence is more effective than choosing a mode at random.
  • Soft Move. Sets the appropriate drum rotation speed according to the material. Your favorite delicate things will remain safe and sound. No puffs and spools.
  • Fresh Care+. Protects clothes and the interior of the machine from the appearance of unpleasant odors with the help of gentle rotation of the drum and steam treatment. A very useful feature for bath towels and terry dressing gowns, which can accumulate unpleasant odors.
  • Color 15C — gently washes bright things at a temperature of 15 degrees. Washing quality as at 40. The special asymmetrical movements of the drum allow the powder to penetrate deep into the fibers. You will save on water heating, the clothes will remain bright and will not fade after the first wash.
  • Clean+.  Adjusts the process parameters to your personal needs. Cycle correction depends on the degree of contamination of things: fast, intensive, everyday. There are situations when a thing just needs to be refreshed, now you can not expose the fabric to the aggressive effects of a full cycle, but “order” the appropriate care.
  • Technology Zen — a special structure of the case, providing silent operation even at night.

Browse popular models

Whirlpool washing machines occupy the first positions in the ratings not only due to their reliability and high-quality assembly. The wide model range of the brand allows you to choose an option of any type, capacity and size. The review includes the most popular and proven models.

Largest freestanding FSCR 90420


  • Size (WxDxH): 60x60x85 cm.
  • Volume: 9 kg.
  • Energy class: A+++.
  • Spin: 1400 rpm.
  • Modes: 10.
  • Noise level: up to 69 dB.
  • Additional features: 6th sense, Zen, Color 15.


  • Intelligent control, digital display, Russified panel.
  • Leak protection (body).
  • Economical inverter motor.
  • Noiselessness – according to user reviews, it is not audible even at night.
  • Spaciousness is a valuable quality for a large family with small children.
  • The ability to add linen during the washing process (a rare quality for frontal machines).


  • Some buyers complain about the large weight and size. Of course, the parameters of the model are standard, but not for small-sized living space. And the weight adds stability to the device and reduces vibration.

Whirlpool FWSG 61283 WC – “customer’s choice”

A stylish, powerful stand-alone model with an average load and an informative display has become the “choice of buyers” on the YandexMarket marketplace – users rated this machine with a maximum of 5 points.

Let’s find out what this automatic machine is so captivating. Options:

  • Capacity: 6 kg.
  • Spin speed: up to 1200 rpm.
  • Number of programs: 14, including Down, Mixed fabrics, Prewash and others.
  • Types of protection: against leaks (partial type), against children, against foaming, imbalance control.
  • Energy efficiency class: A+++.
  • Washing / spinning classes: A / B.
  • Delayed start: yes, up to 24 hours.
  • Noise washing / spinning 55/79 dB.
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 60x43x85 cm.
  • Features: FreshCare, Clean + options.
  • Price: from 18 rubles.


  • High-quality assembly.
  • Silent work.
  • Display of the time until the end of the program.
  • Down and feather grooming program.
  • Optional extra rinse.

Users did not find any shortcomings in this SMA, and even the price is quite adequate for such a rich functionality. This machine only lacks drying, but then it would not be so economical.

Popular narrow model of domestic assembly FWSG 61053 WV RU

Technical specifications:

    • Dimensions (WxDxH): 60x44x84 cm.
    • Capacity: 6 kg.
    • Energy class: A+++.
    • Spin: 1000 rpm.
    • Modes: 12.
    • Noise level: 62-83 dB.
    • Additional features: 6th sense, Color 15, Fresh Care+.


  • A full range of innovative features will help you quickly, economically and delicately take care of things.
  • Compact size, intelligent control.


  • Makes a lot of noise during operation.
  • There is often water left in the powder receiver.
  • The glass hatch of the door protrudes strongly outward (from this, space is lost, which I would like to save just the same).

Top Loading Solo Model TDLR 60230


  • Size (WxDxH): 40x60x90 cm.
  • Volume: 6 kg.
  • Power consumption: A+++.
  • Spin: 1200 rpm.
  • Number of programs: 14.
  • Noise: 51-72 dB.
  • Additional features: 6th sense, Zen, Color 15.


  • The vertical washer is narrower than its “sisters” with horizontal loading.
  • The housing is leak-proof.
  • Special rollers for moving are an absolute bonus, quite rare for modern SMA.


  • Compared with the front ones, there should be free space above the machine to open the lid, hence the inability to hide the device in the headset, under the countertop, under the sink.
  • The powder does not wash out of the tray well and can become moldy if not cleaned regularly.
  • Only the front legs are adjustable.

Built-in CMA with dryer BI WDWG 75148


  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 60x55x82 cm.
  • Capacity: 7 kg (drying – 5 kg).
  • Power consumption: B.
  • Spin: 1400 rpm.
  • Programs: 14.
  • Noise: 46-73 dB.
  • Additional features: 6th sense, Zen, Color 15, Clean+.


  • Horizontal loading.
  • All the advantages of built-in variations and a complete innovative “stuffing”.
  • Two drying modes.
  • You don’t need to hang up your clothes – everything is already dried for you.
  • Roomy.


  • Consumes 0,13 kWh/kg due to the built-in dryer, but you can use this function in an emergency, not regularly.

As you can see, each model has not only indisputable advantages, but also unpleasant disadvantages. In general, the lion’s share of the reviews are laudatory. Buyers highlight an acceptable price, versatility, reliability, noiselessness and, of course, clean, fresh linen.

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