Which vision defects can be corrected by laser vision correction?
Start Laser vision correction Laser correction of presbyopia
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Would you like to say goodbye to a visual impairment once and for all? Forget about foggy lenses or the stressful need to insert contact lenses in the eye? It is possible – during a short procedure you can ensure good vision and change your own life.

Millions of eyes in Poland

They are our most important sense and one of the most delicate parts of the body. They weigh only 16 grams and account for 80 percent. information received by our brain. It is thanks to them that we know what the world looks like and we are able to find ourselves in it. Unfortunately, not all of us have properly functioning eyesight.

According to statistics, nearly half of Poles (42%) aged 16-54 require vision correction, of which 29% are not even about it. Eye defects, also known as refractive errors, include myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. People over 40 struggle with presbyopia, the result of physiological processes taking place in our eyes. It manifests itself in difficulties with clear vision close up, especially in poor lighting. For presbyopes, the real challenge is to write an SMS, read a restaurant menu or work on a laptop. Despite the deterioration of visual acuity, many of them treat the decision to put on reading glasses as a border point between youth and old age and postpone it …

A dream of focus

Where do vision impairments actually come from? They result from incorrect proportions in the structure of the eye. In the measuring eye, i.e. with no refractive error, the image focuses on the retina, which allows you to see clearly and sharply. In myopic people, the light is focused in front of the retina, and in people with hyperopia, behind it. On the other hand, with astigmatism, due to the uneven curvature of the cornea, the rays passing through the cornea focus in two planes – instead of at one point.

How do people with visual impairments see? Very differently – short-sighted people see well what is close, while objects further away – out of focus. They also have a problem with night vision. Persons suffering from hyperopia, depending on the size of the defect, may have difficulty seeing both near and far. On the other hand, astigmatics see the image out of focus, with blurred contours, sometimes deformed as in a crooked mirror.

Popular and imperfect

There are many methods of correcting vision defects, the most common of which are corrective glasses and contact lenses. They both correct your vision, but neither corrects your problems permanently. They also have their limitations.

Anyone who wears glasses will agree that they are not always reliable. They are definitely less helpful when we are planning a holiday by the sea, winter holidays in the mountains or simply want to play sports. Usually, the nightmare of fogged up lenses is also a problem of the lack of comfort. Daily makeup is a problem for many glasses wearers. Without correction, we do not see sharply and we paint ourselves with feeling, which makes the usual mascara or painting the perfect line a real challenge. In addition, the image seen through the glasses is of good quality when looking through their central part, and peripheral vision is not perfect.

Contrary to them, the lenses applied directly to the cornea guarantee an unlimited field of view, which does not mean that they do not have defects. They make it easier to practice sports, but in the case of swimming, there are strict rules, the non-observance of which may result in serious diseases. One of them is keratitis, which is manifested by acute pain, decreased visual acuity, swollen eyelids and mucopurulent discharge in the conjunctival sac.

Another issue is the feeling of discomfort when wearing them. For many people the very process of inserting and putting on contact lenses is stressful and unpleasant. However, their biggest disadvantage remains the increased risk of eye infections. The lens is a foreign body, and microbes always cling to the foreign body. That is why hygiene is so important, which must not be neglected under any circumstances! The constant need for contact lens care becomes a problem, especially if we travel a lot. Besides, taking into account that their purchase must be permanently included in the household budget, they do not seem to be an economic solution.

An investment for life

Fortunately, people with visual impairments can benefit from one more treatment method – laser vision correction, hailed 30 years ago as a “revolution in ophthalmology”. A short treatment will help you regain visual acuity effectively and painlessly in all conditions, no matter if you are nearsighted, struggling with hyperopia or astigmatism. Presbyopia can also benefit from this innovative solution by choosing the Clearvu® treatment, available only in Optegra clinics.

Importantly, the vast majority of patients qualify for laser vision correction. It is enough to be at least 21 years old and have a stable visual impairment within the past year. It is possible to correct even large vision defects: myopia up to – 12.00 diopters, hyperopia up to +6 diopters and astigmatism up to 6 diopters.

There are many advantages of laser vision correction – first of all, it is a quick, painless method and allows you to return to work or daily duties in a short time. Secondly: it is the safest method of surgical intervention in the eyeball. The procedure is performed only on the outer part of the eye, i.e. the cornea, and the risk of complications is lower than when wearing contact lenses! This is why laser vision correction is one of the most frequently performed medical procedures in the world.

To sum up: if you are looking for a method that will allow you to forget about your sight defect once and for all, make an appointment today for the qualifying examination for the laser vision correction surgery at the Optegra clinic. Don’t lose your life – in 2021, ensure yourself the comfort of healthy eyes and visual acuity!

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