Which vaccine best protects against hospitalization and death? MZ compares the preparations
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The last day there were 9,5 thousand. COVID-19 infections. There are over 14 in hospitals due to the coronavirus. patients. These are mainly unvaccinated people. Because, as doctors and virologists repeat boringly, the main task of vaccines is to protect against severe disease, hospitalization and death. This is also shown by the data presented by the Ministry of Health.

  1. Coronavirus infections in Poland are growing. The daily average from the last week is over 14 thousand. The number of occupied beds in hospitals is also growing dynamically
  2. The risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 is as much as 29 times higher among the unvaccinated than in the fully vaccinated – reminded the doctor Bartosz Fiałek recently
  3. It is never too late to be vaccinated, doctors urge
  4. There is enough time until Christmas for people to come to their senses and get vaccinated, says virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Vaccine efficacy – the latest data

The fourth wave of coronavirus takes an increasing toll in Poland. Last week, the daily number of people infected for the first time this fall approached 20. On November 11, the Ministry of Health informed about 19 thousand. 704 COVID-19 infections.

There are currently over 13 in hospitals. people. The vast majority of this applies to unvaccinated people. The same is true of COVID-19 fatalities. According to the Ministry of Health information from November 12, “Among all deaths of people infected with coronavirus, 3,51 percent. were vaccinated persons. Deaths are not related to vaccination ».

As you can see, vaccines are still very effective in protecting against severe disease, hospitalization and death.

The rest of the text is below the video.

These data confirm the effectiveness of vaccines, which was reminded by the Ministry of Health on Twitter a few days ago.

Here’s what the protection looks like with the two-dose vaccines (3-4 months after the second dose):

Effective against the Delta variant Comirnaty vaccine (Pfizer-BionTech) Vaxzevria vaccine (AstraZeneca) Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine
Infection 75-85 percent 60-70 percent no data
Symptomatic infection 80-90 percent 66-75 percent 90-99 percent
Hospialization 95-99 percent 90-99 percent 95-99 percent
Death 90-99 percent 90-95 percent no data

As you can see, preparations available in Poland in over 90 percent. protect against hospitalization and death due to COVID-19.

These vaccines are equally effective before the infection itself. According to the Ministry of Health, «from the start of vaccination with the second dose of 6,86 percent. infections were fully vaccinated ».

– Vaccines in 90 percent. work, so nine out of ten vaccinated people don’t die, even if they get COVID-19. This is the greatest strength of vaccinations: they save lives and prevent severe postovid complications – said the immunologist Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski in Radio Zet.

Vaccines protect against severe course, hospitalization and death

Since the level of full vaccination in Poland is still not satisfactory, it is worth reminding what experts say about the effectiveness of vaccines. They confirm what the statistics say all the time. They will not protect us 100%. before infection with the virus, but will significantly reduce the risk of severe disease and the need for hospitalization.

A study published by the CDC clearly shows that unvaccinated people get COVID-19 five times more often than those who are fully vaccinated. On the other hand, the risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 is 29 times higher among unvaccinated than in fully vaccinated ones. These studies clearly illustrate which group of people with COVID-19 ends up in hospitals and dies – said doctor Bartosz Fiałek a few weeks ago.

– Vaccines do not protect against infection, but COVID-19 disease. However, this must be clearly regulated in advance and said out loud. Infection with the virus, a positive SARS-CoV-2 result does not mean COVID-19 disease. People don’t see this significant difference. It must be said: dear ones, we protect you from death, we protect you from hospitalization, from serious illness, disability, but you can still get infected – said in an interview with Medonet prof. Piotr Kuna.

  1. Vaccinated or healed – who has better resistance to COVID-19?

– It should be noted that none of the vaccines, even the most effective, can be XNUMX% guaranteed. If we have a society with a high vaccination rate, as is the case in Israel, the calculus of probability says that the majority of people who will be infected with the new virus variant will also be vaccinated. This is, in a way, normal. This is not cause for concern. This is at best a reason for consideration. As far as we know, people vaccinated and then infected with the new variant of the coronavirus go through it much more gently and without the need for hospitalization. We must remember that the basic thing is that the vaccine is to prevent infections, while the second – equally important – is protection against severe course, hospitalization and death. And here, these vaccines at our disposal are doing very well – explained the virologist Dr. hab. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski.

– Delta is not a very escape variant – which means that vaccines remain very effective against it. However, it has the trait that it spreads much more easily between people. More of it is produced in the respiratory tract, which makes the risk of transmission much greater than the original. This results in a much deeper penetration of society by the virus. However, there are many fewer deaths than during the previous waves. This is a prime example that shows the effectiveness of vaccines – emphasized prof. Krzyszrof Pyrć in an interview with PAP.

Still not enough vaccinated

By November 15, almost 40 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered in Poland. Almost 20,5 million people received the first dose. 20 are fully vaccinated. people. It is just over 53 percent. population. It is still not enough to be safe in the face of the coronavirus threat.

  1. What to do when you notice the first symptoms of coronavirus? [WE EXPLAIN]

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, before more and more dangerous variants appeared, there was talk of population resistance at the level of 70-80%. Currently, with the Delta variant worldwide, this level has been calculated at 95%.

Vaccination data show that after the number of daily vaccinations fell in September, bars started to rise again in October. However, this is largely due to additional and booster vaccinations, the percentage of people fully vaccinated (with two doses, or one for J&J) is increasing very slowly. With 53 percent In comparison to the fully vaccinated population, we look pale compared to Italy (72%), Great Britain (67%) and Germany (67%).

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

– I always give the example of Spain. This country was hit hard at the beginning of the epidemic. And when it turned out that it was possible to protect against the virus, because vaccinations appeared, at the moment the level of full vaccination of the population there is 77 percent. They have a solid population immunity. And according to my count, there are mostly unvaccinated children who are not vaccinated – said family doctor Małgorzata Stokowska-Wojda recently in an interview with Medonet.

Also read:

  1. Poles are “yes” to the third dose [SONDAŻ]
  2. Grzesiowski: the virus has not yet said the last word, where there are many infections, we expect new mutations
  3. Experts: This group should not take the third dose of the vaccine
  4. Great health knowledge quiz. How many points will you get? [QUIZ]

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