Which toothpaste to choose?

Toothpaste and toilet soap constitute a duo of cosmetics winning popularity rankings. On the one hand, it is still a caring cosmetic, on the other – a therapeutic agent. The offer in both supermarkets and pharmacies is so wide that it is difficult to decide what we really need.

It is enough to go to the best drugstore to find out that the choice of toothpaste on our market is enormous. One would like to say: “to choose from, to color”. And there is a lot of truth in this, because the only difference between pastes is the color, consistency and type of packaging. Several leading producers clearly impose trends, although also small, usually domestic producers, try not to be left behind.

So what to consider when choosing a paste – price, recommendation on the packaging, habit? Will the magic granules actually clean our teeth on their own, and will the microparticles rebuild the cavity in two minutes and replace a visit to the dentist? Which paste to choose? The one that takes care of the teeth 7 days a week and eliminates 7 signs of dental and gum diseases, or the one that fights 12 dental problems within 12 hours?

What’s inside

The composition of all toothpastes is very similar. Its main ingredient is water, there are also fragrances, dyes, flavors, preservatives and foaming agents. Active substances constitute a small percentage of the tube’s content. But they are the most important part of it. The fact that “ordinary” toothpaste becomes a medicinal product is caused by herbal extracts and the amount and type of abrasive, antibacterial substances, chemical compounds reacting directly with enamel and dentine at the molecular level.

Fluoride is the most important and basic active ingredient of toothpastes. It works by direct chemical reaction with enamel hydroxyapatite. The resulting fluoroapatite is very resistant to cariogenic bacteria. Recent studies have shown that fluoride builds into enamel at any age of the patient. It is also known that the acid-base balance in the mouth changes throughout life. We observe saliva pH fluctuations several times a day. The enamel is alternately damaged, i.e. demineralized and remineralized. Thanks to fluoride compounds, it is more resistant and rebuilds faster.

As reports on the toxic and carcinogenic effects of fluoride have appeared in recent years, many companies have started producing toothpastes that do not contain this element. Meanwhile, low-dose fluoride applied topically is not a poison. However, people who handle toothpaste in an uncontrolled manner, such as children or disabled people who cannot rinse their mouth thoroughly, should use a toothpaste that is fluoride-free. Dentists recommend that all other owners of their own teeth use toothpaste with its contents.

Fluoride can be present in pastes as sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate (considered to be the least effective), amine fluoride – the organic form of fluoride, stannous fluoride or aluminum fluoride. Fluoride concentration is usually given in parts per million (parts per million). Toothpastes contain between 500 and 1500 ppm of fluoride (each tube should contain information about the concentration of this element). For intensive home fluoridation, a gel containing as much as 12 ppm of fluoride ions (Elmex gel) is also available in pharmacies. However, it should be used at most once a week.

They clean and rub

Cleaners and abrasives fill 20 to 60% of the tube. They give the paste the right consistency, but are primarily responsible for removing plaque and plaque. Unfortunately, during unskillful use, they can also wear away the enamel, expose the necks, cause abrasive cavities, thus leading to tooth hypersensitivity.

The cleaning substances can be silica particles, calcium salts or hydroxyapatite. It is important that these particles are oval in shape and up to 10 micrometers in diameter. Only then do they not destroy the enamel.

An important indicator that we should check on the packaging is the RDA Dentin Abrasion Index. These values ​​range from 30 – for sensitive toothpastes (eg Elmex Sensitive has RDA 30, Sensodyne – 38), to 194 for high-abrasive toothpastes – whitening type or for smokers. Unfortunately, for the latter pastes, especially if the RDA is above 100, usually manufacturers do not include this information on the packaging. Therefore, if we do not have the opportunity to obtain reliable knowledge about the RDA, it is better to give up the purchase.

Pastes for the youngest

Can children use adult toothpastes? No, because they differ mainly in the concentration of fluoride. Young children who cannot spit out yet should use a toothpaste without fluoride (eg Nenedent) or simply have their teeth brushed without toothpaste. Along with the improvement of this skill, you can introduce toothpastes with an increasing dose of fluoride.

For children aged about 2-4 years, the concentration of fluoride in the toothpaste is correspondingly lower (250-500 ppm), and for older children (5-7 years old) it is already about 1000 ppm. Recent studies suggest, however, that a higher dose of fluoride should be used as soon as possible, because the low concentration has no therapeutic properties.

In addition, toothpastes for children have a much milder taste than those for adults. The manufacturers of Elmex children’s toothpaste believe that the smell and taste of the toothpaste should not be associated with delicacies, so as not to encourage the addition of swallowing toothpaste. Oral-B, on the other hand, offers various packaging and color sets, different for boys and other for girls.

Whitening pastes

Probably each of us has bought a toothpaste with whitening properties at least once. For who would not like to have a snow-white smile? Producers are aware of this, so the production of newer and newer varieties of toothpastes is flourishing, giving our teeth a shade close to white. It is worth knowing that all whitening toothpastes are based on the same scheme: mechanical or chemical removal of plaque and plaque from the enamel surface. No toothpaste has whitening properties in relation to the underlying tooth tissue, i.e. dentin. Some of them work by contrast – they emphasize the red of the gums to make the teeth appear whiter in their vicinity.

The pastes mechanically removing the sediment contain more abrasives, usually in the form of various particles, balls, granules – individually named by producers and carefully hidden by patents. There are also several toothpastes that chemically dissolve or loosen plaque, making the brush easier to handle. This is how Yotuel paste containing the enzyme papain, which loosens plaque and tartar so that it can be removed more easily. BlanX paste also contains Icelandic lichen extract, which removes sediment without affecting the enamel.

Rembrandt whitening toothpastes contain the Cytroxain whitening formula, a combination of natural chemically acting enzymes with the abrasive Alumisil. Some manufacturers also use the whitening properties of lemon or baking soda (Colgate Herbal White, Blend-a-med Lemon Freshness and Whitening, Blend-a-med Soda Bicarbonate).

Sensitive toothpastes

The problem of hypersensitive teeth arises when a thin layer of enamel does not sufficiently protect against temperature changes, and the exposed dentinal tubules excessively conduct thermal and mechanical stimuli to the tooth pulp. Protection of dentinal tubules can be achieved in several ways. Adding strontium chloride to toothpaste effectively closes them. This is how Sensodyne C paste works. The more common is the addition of potassium chloride or nitrate, the ions of which inhibit conductivity in the tubules, thus blocking nerve conduction. This method is used in most sensitive toothpastes. Oral-B Sensitive works thanks to the content of hydroxyapatite, which closes the channels, and Elmex Sensitive Plus eliminates the hypersensitivity effect by increasing the concentration of amine fluorides and reducing the abrasive properties of its product.

Tooth delaying tooth pastes and for cleaning dentures

Recently, several toothpastes have appeared on the market trying to keep the “youth” of teeth. BlanX Anti-Age toothpaste contains a complex of minerals supporting the reconstruction of enamel and preventing the aging processes of the teeth. The innovation of Colgate Time Control toothpaste, which controls the passage of time, is the addition of vitamin E, which strengthens the condition of the gums, preventing them from receding. This vitamin is also contained in Colgate Herbal Propolis paste and Sensodyne Total Care or Rembrandt Stain Defying.

With age, the process of tooth loss is also inevitable, and for health and aesthetic reasons we replace them with removable prosthetic restorations. Their owners should take special care of them as well as the hygiene of the remaining teeth. Cleaning the denture requires not only a separate brush, but also a different toothpaste. Ordinary toothpastes are not suitable for cleaning them. There are many other specialty products: tablets, ultrasonic cleaners, but also pastes. The specially selected composition of such pastes ensures the cleanliness of the prosthesis and has an antibacterial effect. The type of abrasive cleaning substances is also selected so as not to damage or scratch dentures.

To comprehensively care for oral health, try the Cannaderm cosmetic set. The kit includes toothpaste and a regenerating serum for thrush and cold sores. The products, thanks to the content of natural plant extracts, perfectly care for and help you enjoy a beautiful, white smile.

Pastes for parodontosis

The main causes of tooth loss in adulthood are gum disease and periodontitis. It is a condition that affects over half of adult Poles. Adherence to the rules of oral hygiene plays a key role in its prevention and treatment. Toothpastes with ingredients that alleviate the symptoms of gingivitis and prevent gingivitis can help.

Most of this type of toothpaste contains various herbs: sage, chamomile (Vademecum), eucalyptus, anise, myrrh (Aquafresh Herbal), echinacea, rattan (Parodontax), lemon balm, rosemary, witch hazel (Biodent), aloe and arnica (Aloe Vera). ). There are also pastes containing allantoin – accelerating healing and soothing, or chlorhexidine having bactericidal properties, and even metronidazole – a strong bactericidal pharmaceutical. The use of the last two ingredients in pastes, however, is controversial – they are powerful drugs and their use should be monitored by a doctor.

Lacalut toothpastes contain aluminum lactate, which inhibits bleeding. There are also pastes with coenzyme Q10 – known for its rejuvenating, regenerating and healing properties. It was used, among others in Sensilab Q10 Sensitive and Zymbion toothpastes.

Pastes for special tasks

Many patients require individually selected toothpastes. For people using homeopathy, Elmex has produced a paste without aromatic oils and menthol. On the other hand, the manufacturer of the toothpaste Ortho Salvia Dental took care of people wearing fixed braces. The set of four pastes offers a variety of ingredients – a paste to be used in the morning, in the evening, on the road and finally after removing the fixed appliance while using the retainer. Email Diamant Fumeurs paste is designed especially for smokers, containing aromatic compositions dominated by mint, which eliminates nicotine stains and freshens breath for longer. People suffering from xerostomia – dry mouth – are offered Biotene toothpaste.

To choose the right toothpaste, you need to know your needs. Once we know them, but we still have a few pastes to choose from, we can follow our preferences – taste, texture, form of packaging. Let’s not just get fooled by advertising. The paste and brush are the basic form of oral cavity care, but they will not replace additional care treatments – the use of a dental floss and rinse.

Text: Dorota Pálfi, Prestatyn Dental Center (UK)

Source: Let’s live longer

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