Which tea is dangerous to health?

Despite the well-known benefits of tea, sometimes this drink can be hazardous to health. The tea company Newby Teas found out which microelement contained in tea negatively affects our body.

Every day, many of us drink tea, but do not always think about the quality of the drink. The tea leaf, like any other plant, contains many natural trace elements obtained from the soil. Among them is the well-known fluoride (fluorine), which is widely used in dentistry as a disease prevention and strengthening of tooth enamel.

The British tea company Newby Teas, together with researchers from the EUROFINS laboratory in London, have identified dangerously high levels of fluoride in tea bags of some brands. So, several of the tested samples contained 1,25 mg of fluorides per 200 ml of brewed tea. According to the World Health Organization, when taking more than 7 mg of fluoride per day, there is an increased risk of skeletal fluorosis, as well as other acute diseases.

The older the tea leaf, the more fluoride it contains.

Based on these figures, consuming more than 4 cups of low-quality teabags leads to the maximum daily intake of fluoride and is at high risk of disease. In addition to tea, fluorides are also found in other everyday foods: cereals, vegetables, milk, fruits, etc., which, combined with low-quality tea, increases the risk of oversaturation of the body with fluorides.

The fluoride content is influenced not only by the quality of the tea leaf (the older the tea leaf, the more it contains), but also by the quality of the material from which the bag is made. Artificial packaging materials and adhesives also contain fluorine compounds.

Newby experts recommend that all connoisseurs of the ancient drink do not save on tea bags and choose only high-quality brands whose products undergo multi-stage quality control from the moment they are picked on the world’s best plantations to reaching the end consumer.

It should be noted that among all studied samples of well-known brands, the smallest amount of fluorides is contained in the teas of the British company Newby Teas. For example, one mug of classic tea (200 ml) accounts for:

  • Newby Upper Assam in pyramids: 0,25 mg;
  • Newby English Breakfast pyramids: 0,31 mg;
  • Newby Assam sachets: 0,32 mg;
  • Newby English Breakfast sachets: 0,35 mg.

You can find out more detailed information about the quality of teas in the Newby Teas tea boutique in the Afimol City shopping center or on Online.

About Newby Teas

The British tea company Newby Teas is one of the world leaders in the category of super premium teas. The Newby range includes more than 150 varieties of tea from the best plantations in the world, collected during the most favorable harvesting period. To ensure that tea does not lose its freshness, it is packaged in multilayer aluminum foil and delivered to customers, preserving all its properties as much as possible.

Newby Teas is one of the few tea companies that has its own tea storage and packaging factory in Kolkata, India. Thanks to the company’s efforts, when brewing a cup of Newby tea, the customer receives the best that nature can give.

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