Which summer drinks are safe for health

Which summer drinks are safe for health

We are all thirsty because of the heat, you can’t argue with nature here. But what to choose, a truly Russian summer drink – kvass, mineral water, cool soda, juice? Roskontrol specialists checked the products on store shelves and found out which life-giving moisture is safe for health.

Mineral and drinking water

It would seem, what can ordinary bottled water be dangerous? Maybe!

According to the examination data, the radioactivity of the popular “Narzan” and “Slavyanovskaya” is almost 3 times higher than the established maximum. Of course, you won’t get radiation sickness from one bottle. But keep in mind – no, even the highest quality medical table water can be drunk daily and without a doctor’s prescription.

Water “Essentuki No. 4” produced by LLC “Kavkazskaya zdravnitsa” also did not pass the test, it turned out to be a fake, that is, a fake. It has too high mineralization: 13,6 g / l and chloride content. For medicinal table waters, such an amount of mineral salts is unacceptable. They have a negative effect on the body in the presence of kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by high blood pressure, edema.

“Novoterskaya healing” is also recognized as a fake – silicon, for which this mineral water is so valued, in it is 1,5 times less than it should be.

The chemical smell of Demidovskaya Lux water made the experts assume the presence of harmful aromatic compounds (benzene, naphthalene, quinoline, etc.) in the water, possibly migrating from the package. It is better not to drink it, like any other water with a smell. It cannot be considered safe.

Vinnie and Bebi have exceeded ammonia and ammonium ions, indicating contamination from wastewater. Moreover, the content of nitrites is also at the limit in Bebi water. Here’s a baby drink for you.

In two drinks – Ascania “Cherry” and “Tarkhun Lagidze” – synthetic dyes were found that were not indicated in the composition. In cherry – red azorubin (E122), in tarragon – yellow quinoline (E104). According to research, they are dangerous for children. Kids who often drink “colored” soda, become hot-tempered, aggressive, unable to concentrate.

The drink “Favorite taste of Buratino” (produced by LLC “Kavminprod”) contains artificial sweeteners – aspartame and acesulfame, which can cause allergic reactions. Meanwhile, they are not indicated in the composition. Also in “Buratino” there are preservatives – potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate. These substances are also not harmless, in particular, foods with preservatives cannot be used in children’s nutrition.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi are relatively safe, but because of the caffeine and phosphoric acid content, they cannot be called useful for sure. Phosphoric acid flushes calcium out of the body.

And in another glass of Coca-Cola or Pepsi, there is as much caffeine as in a cup of strong brewed tea! In children, this amount of caffeine can cause tachycardia and tremors in the hands. What if the child drinks two or three glasses?

As for sugar, 1,5 liters of Coca-Cola contains 40 (!) Teaspoons of sugar. So think before drinking.

Orange juices “Dobry”, “Ya”, “RICH”, “Lyubimy”, “My family”, “Fruit garden”, “Tonus”, J7 were tested. And, drum roll, all samples are safe for the consumer.

However, most of them are not juices with pulp, but ordinary juices or nectars at all.

What is the difference? In order for the product to have the right to be called “juice with pulp” or “nectar with pulp”, the pulp must contain at least 8%. There is less pulp in J7, “Ya” and “Tonus” juices and “Orchard” nectar.

The lack of pulp, that is, fiber, in reconstituted packaged juices is a big disadvantage. After all, fiber helps the body to cope with sugars. That is, if you drink fruit juices often and in large quantities (and some drink them instead of water), then, no matter how fantastic it sounds, you will pave a direct path to obesity.

There is a myth that juices are a concentrated source of vitamins. Is it really? Partly yes, but not always.

Champion in the content of ascorbic acid “Favorite”, it contains 53 mg / l. The daily intake of vitamin C is contained in 175 ml of this nectar. But in this case, vitamin C was clearly added to the product, since natural orange juice contains no more than 40 mg / l.

Least of all ascorbic acid was found in the nectars “My family” and “Orchard”. To get your daily intake of vitamin C, you will need to drink at least 0,5 liters of them.

Good news – examination of pasteurized kvass of popular brands “Nikola Traditional”, “Khlebny Krai Traditional”, “Starominsky Traditional”, “Ochakovsky”, “Russian Dar Traditional” and white kvass “Family secret. Traditional ”did not reveal any harmful microbes or harmful preservatives in the drinks.

Claims arose only for two samples in relation to the marking. The composition of Nikola kvass included citric acid not declared on the label, but allowed by GOST; Starominskiy kvass has the same situation with lactic acid.

The greatest number of points in aggregate in terms of microbiological and organoleptic indicators were scored by Ochakovsky kvass and unfiltered white kvass Semeyniy secret. Traditional ”, which are made using double fermentation technology. It was this cooking method that our ancestors used. Therefore, these kvass can be called real, traditional.

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