In suburban private houses, and even more so in summer cottages, there is practically no centralized sewage system. In this case, each homeowner decides what to do with wastewater on their own. Differences in design, installation method and wastewater treatment require a serious approach in the choice. Therefore, let’s consider the options and make a choice – which septic tank is better for a private house.
This is a plastic, fiberglass or concrete tank in which wastewater is processed. There are various design and technical solutions that affect the efficiency of the installation and ease of maintenance.
Types of devices
Let’s immediately deal with the types of septic tanks. They are accumulative and with anaerobic treatment. Accumulative is just a sealed container from which waste is removed by a sewage machine. Septic tanks with anaerobic wastewater treatment are already treatment facilities (VOCs), although they also require additional treatment on the ground or in filtration fields.
Septic tanks
These are hermetic tanks of different capacities. According to the device, they consist of one compartment into which sewage flows. The main role is reduced to the function of collecting waste, which is pumped out by a sewer machine with a period depending on the number of people living in the house.
The disadvantage in the form of the need to pump out is compensated by a number of positive points, these are:
- Cheap.
- Takes up little space on site.
- There is no need for a post-treatment system that occupies additional space.
- No need to focus on salvo discharges from home.
- Safety for the environment.
- Autonomy and energy independence.
- Need a free driveway.
- The need for pumping.
- Rollout payment.
Septic tank
Consists of several chambers. There may be two of them, but more often three, and in each there is a wastewater treatment. Consider how drains are cleaned using the example of a two-chamber septic tank. The design may change slightly, but the principle of operation remains the same.
Drains from the house (1) enter the first chamber. As a result of settling and fermentation, heavy fractions precipitate (3), while light fractions rise to the top. Here anaerobic bacteria multiply and decompose organic residues.
The cleanest drains are in the middle. It is here that overflow is made and the drains enter the second chamber. Here the process with the work of anaerobic bacteria continues. Further, relatively pure water rises to the outlet (4) and goes for further purification.
To get the best result, three chambers are made, and even a mechanical filter is installed in front of the outlet pipe. Septic tanks clean wastewater by 50-75%, for great results additional treatment is necessary.
- Good degree of cleaning.
- Reliable construction.
- There is no need for electricity.
- When installing, you need to take into account the types of soils.
- Need a license to operate.
- Periodic cleaning of the first compartment from precipitation is necessary.
- Increased area of the underground part including infiltrates and drainage wells.
- The need to buy bacteria and in some cases biofilters.
Biotreatment systems
More complex multi-chamber systems for a country house, called biological stations, allow you to clean wastewater by 96-97%. That allows you to dump them into the ground or water. Such a high quality of purification is provided by aerobic bacteria with forced air enrichment (aeration). Such biotreatment systems may have a compressor or even two to force air, as well as pumps for pumping into tanks.
- compactness;
- no post-treatment required;
- infrequent cleaning and pumping;
- installation in any soils.
- you need an electrical network for the operation of aerators;
- complex service;
- a ban on the use of certain chemicals to avoid the death of aerobes.
- high price.
Based on this, choosing a septic tank for a small country house or cottage, where the residence is unstable, a septic tank will be a reasonable solution. Here are options for sewerage in the country.
For country mansions, the best solution would be a bio-cleaning station. A storage septic tank is also a good solution if regular and inexpensive pumping is possible.
Selection options for a country house
There are also important selection criteria – this is the material of construction, the number of drains and the type of soil with the level of groundwater.
- Concrete. Durable version with self-assembly using formwork.
- Rings. Durable. Need special equipment and sealing during assembly. How to make a septic tank from concrete rings.
- Brick building. Sealing required. Complicated installation.
- Plastic containers. Lightweight, durable, but can be damaged by rodents. Destroyed at low temperatures.
- Metal. Sealed, durable. Corrosive, needs protection.
- Fiberglass. Lightweight, durable, long lasting. Do not crack in frost.
Soil type and groundwater level
Soil parameters and groundwater levels also affect the choice. On soils that absorb water well and up to GWT more than 1 meter, it is better to install a sump with a drainage well.
And on soils with poor absorbency, it is impossible to make a post-treatment system. And as an option, a septic tank or biostation is better. It is also worth doing with a large GWL.
The size of the septic tank is also calculated from the number of drains. It is generally accepted that 1 person per day accounts for 200 liters. And based on the norms, the capacity of the septic tank is calculated for a 3-day norm for each resident plus a 30% margin.
From here, another choice is made, so with drains less than 1 m3, a single-chamber septic tank is chosen. Less than 10 m3 – two-chamber, and if more than 10 m3 – three-chamber. Homemade devices are calculated randomly.
Overview of popular septic tanks
Do not rely on this review as a rating. This is a description of popular bioseptics on sale.
Septic Tank
The case is made of polypropylene, thicker vertical ribs (wall thickness 10 mm, rib thickness 17 mm) give additional rigidity. The neck is welded to the body, as a result, the seam is almost monolithic. Manufacturers say that the internal structure is designed so that the output is 70-75% purified wastewater. This is a very good indicator.
Installation is simple, there are no anchoring or other measures to prevent ascent. With strict observance of the installation rules, the Tank septic tank does not float even at a high level of groundwater.
If we talk about the model range, then the Tank-mini is suitable for servicing 1-3 people, and there are for 10-35 and even 150. So there will be no problems with choosing the required performance.
Septic tanks Termite
According to the internal structure of the Termite septic tank, it is very similar to the Tank described above. Only the walls are thicker. These are not only the words of the manufacturer – it is felt by weight.
- The lids don’t screw on, just slip on.
- In the last chamber, pumice is poured in the filtering cone (from below, it is placed in nets) and gravel (it is placed in nets on pumice, it serves not only for final cleaning, but also for holding expanded clay). A “beard” is attached to the camera from below – a special fabric “algae” with a colony of bacteria. All this improves cleaning, the output is light drains.
- There is a difference in installation. When installing in an area with a high level of groundwater, it is necessary to install or pour a reinforced concrete slab on the bottom of the pit, to which the VOC is tied. Otherwise, the installation is exactly the same as that of the Tank.
Septic tank Termite – traditional solution, thicker walls
If we talk about reviews, then the owners talk about the high quality of workmanship – everything is done with high quality, the workmanship is solid, the neck seams are neat, the nozzles are welded well. If the installation is done according to the instructions, there are no problems during operation.
Septic Mole – interesting solutions
The manufacturer of this type of equipment is the Kirov company Aquamaster. The septic tank Mole outwardly differs from those described above. This is a smooth cylindrical body, to which the necks are welded (there is a standard package, but the neck can be made higher or lower if desired). Each unit is equipped with two covers – the outer one to protect against precipitation, the inner one, insulated with foamed propylene foam, will protect against freezing.
Standard septic tanks Mole
There are two versions – vertical and horizontal. Horizontal for convenient installation have a flat bottom, on the bottom they are equipped with an extended “skirt”, which prevents the container from floating at a large GWL. Also, “skirts” can be in vertical models. If there is an anti-flotation device, anchoring to a concrete slab is not necessary.
These models look, maybe not as impressive as the Tank or Termit, but for 7 years of production they have not had a single case of container destruction, and this is saying something.
If we talk about the internal structure, then the Mole can be two and three-chamber. Better three-chamber – a greater degree of purification. In general, these manufacturers have very interesting solutions:
- With a large number of gray drains (from a bathhouse, from a bathroom, etc.), it is possible to bring them directly into the second chamber, bypassing the first one (it is possible to weld the inlet pipe).
- The inlet and outlet pipe from the tank is available for cleaning – if necessary, the blockage can be removed.
- If it is impossible to determine the exact entry point of the sewer pipe from the house, an adapter is installed on the inlet pipe, which makes it possible to change the angle of entry.
- When overflowing from the first to the second chamber, the drains are additionally cleaned – a biofilter is installed there.
- In the third chamber, a filter is installed to clarify the treated effluents.
- If necessary, a pump can be installed in the third chamber (you can put it on a filter bed, or you can weld a shelf). This is useful at high GWL, when pumping to an intermediate well or to filtration fields is necessary.
- To prevent the septic tank from flooding with groundwater, it is possible to install a sewer check valve at the outlet.
These are all standard solutions for the Mole septic tank. Pretty good set of options that allows you to get equipment by making this choice.
Special Solutions
There are two variants of the Mole septic tank, which differ in the principle of operation: a composting septic tank and a natural cleaning complex. The Krot composting septic tank in the inlet chamber has two additional storage tanks for solid fractions and a grease trap. Effluent flows directly into the solids storage tank, where most of them remain. Then they are poured into the grease trap, where light components remain. Already partially purified water enters the first compartment and goes through a full cleaning cycle.
These additional containers are removable. When they are filled, they are taken out, the contents are buried in the ground away from the site. After some time, the collected waste is processed by microorganisms and worms living in the soil.
What gives such a device? With this method of disposal, a sewage truck has to be called every 3-5 years. Take out the accumulated waste – once every three months, with a service of three people.
The Mole natural cleaning complex works in the same way as described above. It differs in volume and is suitable for a small country house, a separate building with a toilet. In general, the decisions are really worthy of attention.
Mounting Features
If the Mole is used with a “skirt” against ascent, it is not necessary to additionally fasten it to a concrete slab. Backfill – as recommended by the manufacturer – with clean sand. Backfilling with a mixture of sand and cement is prohibited. There are no other features. In general, we can conclude that VOC Mole for a home or a summer residence is a good choice.
Septic Rostock – a unique overflow system
This instance differs not so much in external structure as in internal. The container is divided into two chambers, but the second one also has a horizontal perforated partition, on which a filter layer is laid. From the upper part of the second chamber, clarified effluents go for further treatment (without this they cannot be dumped onto the ground).
Design features
For final wastewater treatment, the manufacturer has a filter in which expanded clay is used as a filter element. Such a pair, according to the manufacturer, gives a purification of 90-95%.
This design has several unique solutions:
- Flow damper installed at the inlet. This is a pipe through which drains come from the entrance. It is not solid, it has a cut out sector directed from the side opposite from the partition. In this way, manufacturers make the path of the drains longer.
- The overflow from the first chamber to the second also has an unusual shape. This is a thin layer module. Its structure is not specified anywhere, but the overflow occurs from the bottom / up, which reduces the amount of suspensions entering the second chamber.
- In the second chamber there is a tee with overflow pipes installed at an angle. Water rises along them from the bottom to the top. Due to the nature of the movement of water, fewer contaminants enter the inclined pipes.
As you can see, this design also has interesting solutions. Operating experience suggests that they work, cleaning at the outlet of the septic tank is quite normal.
The nuances of editing
To protect this structure from ascent, it is necessary to dig niches on the sides of the pit (the dimensions are traditionally 20-30 cm larger than the size of the septic tank) into which anchors are installed. Most often, these are curb stones with ribbon cables tied to them (ordinary ones are not suitable). The ends of these cables are fixed around the body.
Backfilling is done with sand while filling the container. Water is immediately poured into the filter cup (gray container), then into the main chamber. Sand is poured in layers, spilling it for compaction.
Concrete septic tank Aspen
This type of local sewage differs from all the others in the material of the body – it is made of concrete. With a high GWL, this can be useful – it will not push out, and concrete is stronger.
Manufacturers position this structure as a mechanical and biological installation. A biological component is added to the usual waste processing for a septic tank with the help of anaerobic bacteria and fermentation. Manufacturers recommend adding some bacteria to the sewer every two weeks (down the drain through the toilet or sink). They recommend the French “Biosept”, which they themselves also sell, but are not against the use of other drugs.
Manufacturers say that the septic tank will have to be pumped out in 3-5 years. In principle, this is possible – bacteria significantly reduce the amount of sediment. But no one bothers to use them in other treatment plants.
In this brand, you can choose from three models – for 6 people (up to 1 m3 / day), for 12 people (up to 2 m3 / day) and for 18 people (up to 3 m3 / day). As you can see, there is no model for small houses.
Installing it will be expensive. Firstly, the cost of transportation, and secondly, the installation, since it can only be installed in the pit with a crane. But the body is certainly reliable, and the system itself is simple and reliable, but nothing special is different.
Installation of a homemade septic tank
The choice of this option is justified. This saves money. But before construction, you need to obtain permission from the SES, and during construction, comply with the norms of SNiP.
For a small house or a temporary residence, it is better to choose a drive with a small capacity. Septic tanks supplemented with a post-treatment system are suitable if soils and groundwater allow.
Biotreatment stations are best chosen for homes with a permanent stay. But for the most part, it all depends on the desire of the owner and his capabilities.
Only you can determine what is best for your home. Before buying, carefully read the design. In addition to the principle of operation, pay attention to the fact that the installation is convenient in maintenance.