Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Pink salmon and chum salmon belong to the salmon family of fish species. Pink salmon is one of the most common representatives, and chum salmon is somewhere in second place. Red caviar is mined in the Far East, as well as in other parts of the world where these types of fish are found. Unfortunately, it was not always considered a delicacy.

In the seventeenth century, it began to be supplied to the royal table, but otherwise there was not much demand for it. Therefore, an expensive product was sold through poor taverns. As for the inhabitants of the Far East, their red caviar has always been a valuable product. Caviar was used for food in various forms.

Hunters and fishermen took it with them in dried form. It was not only useful for them, but also gave a feeling of satiety. Some of the northern peoples simply used it as bread. She was a great addition to various cereals. It was dried, fried and fermented.

It began to be salted only in the 20th century. Prepared in a concentrated saline solution, it has become very popular both throughout Russia and around the world.

The famous pancakes with red caviar were prepared not only for Shrovetide, but also for Lent. Only in this case, pancakes were not spread with this product, but it was added to the dough during cooking.

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

In Soviet times, many believed that all red caviar produced on the territory of the USSR was exported and only a small part remained on this territory. At present, it is already possible to state the fact that out of 2400 tons of red caviar, only 20 tons went abroad, and the rest was distributed among the republics. Despite this, it was not an affordable product for a wide range of Soviet citizens. At that time, it could only be obtained from speculators.

Now we can safely say that red caviar has become more accessible throughout Russia, although not all citizens are able to buy it. In addition, there are fakes and it is very important to know how to choose the right quality product so as not to spoil your holiday mood.

What is the difference between caviar chum salmon and pink salmon

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Ketu and pink salmon can be distinguished by their characteristic external features:

  • pink salmon is easy to distinguish from other representatives of salmon species by the specific hump on the back, which is formed during the spawning period. Under normal conditions, this fish has a light blue color. In addition, small black spots can be found on the back of pink salmon;
  • Ketu can be distinguished by the characteristic pink stripes located on both sides of its body and shifted closer to the lower part of its body. In water, keta has a silvery color.

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

In addition to these external features, fish differ in their behavior during the spawning period:

  • chum, as a rule, spawns in those places where she herself was born;
  • pink salmon, unlike chum salmon, can spawn not only in native backwaters. In addition, pink salmon prefer areas of water bodies with a faster current.

How to distinguish red caviar of different types of salmon

Characteristics of caviar

The caviar of these fish species differs not only in color, but also in size:

  • Chum salmon caviar is one of the best such products. The eggs are located in a hard shell that has the correct shape. At the same time, caviar has a unique taste, as well as orange color, with an amber sheen;
  • pink salmon has caviar, with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm and a bright orange or light orange hue. As a rule, caviar of light orange color predominates. This caviar is considered the most common, therefore it is not an expensive product.

Caloric value

100 grams of caviar contains 245 kilocalories. This is a fairly high-calorie product, but at the same time, quite useful, which allows you to use it to get rid of excess weight. In small quantities of red caviar there is a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body. In this regard, it is possible to eat less food, but the benefit from this will be greater.

Benefit and harm

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

First of all, you should dwell on the beneficial properties of red caviar and what vitamins and minerals are in this product. For example:

  • red caviar contains up to 32% protein, which is easily digestible;
  • it contains up to 13% of fats, which in their composition belong to fish oils;
  • it has a certain amount of polyunsaturated acids;
  • red caviar contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which has a positive effect on the work of the entire human body;
  • this product has vitamins such as A, B, C, D and PP;
  • no less important is the fact that it contains folic acid and trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and manganese.

The presence of such a number of useful components indicates the fact that a person is simply obliged to regularly eat red caviar. But this does not mean at all that it should be eaten every day and in large quantities. The product should be consumed exactly as much as the body needs.

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

For the product to be really useful for the body, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Use only high quality product.
  2. For one week, it is enough to eat no more than one or two sandwiches to replenish the lack of nutrients.

It is very important to decide on such a factor as the need to eat caviar. This can help:

  • insufficiently strong immunity;
  • with problems with the cardiovascular system and the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • poor eyesight, low hemoglobin levels, varicose veins and other health problems.

Naturally, many violations of the vital activity of the human body were not included in this list. At the same time, this product can be used not only by people suffering from a particular ailment, but also by people who want to improve their health or for prevention purposes. At the same time, you should always remember that overeating it will not lead to anything good.

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

And yet, despite its benefits, if it is used improperly, damage to human health is possible. In this case, you need to pay attention to some factors:

  • caviar should not be consumed in large quantities, as this will not lead to an increase in the positive effect;
  • the presence of a high concentration of salt limits its use for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. In addition, salt can accumulate in the body;
  • it is not recommended to eat red caviar for people who cannot tolerate this product due to allergic reactions;
  • people with excess weight should be careful with this product, as well as with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

How much is red caviar?

In this case, you need to pay attention to the following indicators for Russia:

  • pink salmon caviar, weighing 250 grams will cost 690 rubles;
  • caviar of chum salmon, of the same weight, is estimated at 800 rubles;
  • pink salmon caviar in a 0,5 kg glass jar is sold for 1600 rubles;
  • caviar caviar in a specialized glass container weighing 500 grams will cost 2430 rubles.

Pink salmon for weight loss

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Caviar is not just a tasty and nutritious product, but also useful, especially for those who have gained excess weight and are trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, not everyone understands what causes weight loss.

First, weight loss is not characterized by a simple refusal to eat. Although giving up food is also not very easy and not everyone can do it. And yet, with this approach, it would be very easy to get rid of extra pounds. Therefore, reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods should be combined with the consumption of the required spectrum of vitamins and microelements. Red caviar is just the product that contains all the necessary nutrients.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the total amount of unhealthy fats. This is one of the conditions for healing the body. Under such conditions, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced, and fat metabolism is also improved. As a rule, such a factor optimizes the work of the brain.

Red caviar contains a large amount of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body.

The presence of a whole “bouquet” of vitamins contributes to the normal functioning of the body in the conditions of taking low-calorie foods.

The presence of such a trace element as iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which affects the optimization of memory and the reduction of mental fatigue.

Choosing the right red caviar

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

One of the most important factors affecting the quality of red caviar is the term for salting this product. Red caviar is salted immediately, after the end of the spawning period. The eggs should be distinguished by elasticity and integrity, with the presence of a natural shade for this type of caviar. Almost all eggs should have the same size and optimal shape. The aroma of caviar should correspond to a fresh fish product.

Caviar in a tin: choice

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Since the product is in a tin, non-transparent container, it is very difficult to determine the quality of the product, although the following should be noted:

  • the container should not have signs of swelling or deformation;
  • the terms of suitability must be legibly indicated on the bank;
  • no more than one month should elapse between the cooking process and preservation;
  • salt concentration should correspond to the figure 4-6%. The composition may include: vegetable oil, additives E400 and E239 (urotropin), 0,1% antiseptics. The presence of other additives is undesirable;
  • on the tin can there should be information about which caviar of which particular fish is in the bank.

How to choose loose caviar

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

The task is greatly facilitated, since the quality of the product can be controlled visually:

  • all eggs must be of the same shape, elastic, whole and have the same size;
  • conformity of taste and color to the declared type of caviar;
  • the presence of an aroma of freshness and compliance with the type of fish;
  • there should not be much moisture on the surface of the caviar;
  • caviar should not have the taste of an old, stale product.

Caviar in a glass jar: how to choose?

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

Since the product is in a transparent container, all the previous selection criteria that apply to the selection of loose caviar can be used in this case as well. Particular attention is paid to the size of eggs, their integrity, as well as color. It should correspond to the characteristic shade of the caviar of the fish indicated on the package. In addition, there should be no liquid at all in the jar, or there should be very little of it.

How to eat red caviar

As a rule, sandwiches are made from red caviar for snacks. Despite this, there are other options for its use. Connoisseurs of this product prefer to eat it with a small spoon. Some experts claim that it is especially useful in combination with a fresh cucumber or if it is served in a boiled egg protein. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are norms for one-time consumption of this product: no more than 2-3 spoons at a time.

How and with what to serve

Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon, what are the differences

The main course is sandwiches with red caviar. For this, a loaf (or white bread) is taken and a piece is cut off from it, which is spread with a thin layer of butter. A layer of red caviar is placed on top, after which the sandwich can be decorated with greens, lemon or olives. Salted cucumbers go well with the taste of red caviar. A good flavor combination is obtained if small slices of omelet are served with sandwiches.

Alternatively, you can make a multi-layer sandwich, richly decorating it with herbs. The meat of red fish can serve as a layer between the layers.

Recently, red caviar has been an integral part of any holiday table. But we should not forget that red caviar not only can decorate the holiday, it is also very tasty and healthy. At the same time, it should be remembered that only a high-quality, natural product is capable of this, and not some kind of cheap fake.

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