Which professions will irrevocably change the introduction of artificial intelligence

Knowledge-based people will be the first to feel the effects of automation

Many believe that robotization will primarily lead to a reduction in blue collars (working professions. -). Indeed, a 2017 McKinsey study found that 50% of manufacturing processes were already automated. However, new data suggests that white-collar workers — even those whose work involves complex analytical work — are not spared the same fate.

Michael Webb, an economist at Stanford University, came to this conclusion in his study. According to the scientist, with the help of machine learning, robots can make decisions similar to human ones and use new data in real time to improve themselves – just like people who do mental work. The introduction of AI, for example, has already practically “destroyed” telemarketing – now bots communicate with customers. Webb predicts that in the future AI will affect the work of chemical engineers, physicists and market analysts.

However, the Stanford study does not mention whether specialists will lose their jobs or if robots will take over only part of their duties.

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