Which products can be frozen?
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Freezing is the most convenient way to store food and create inventory. During this process, the products retain most of their nutrients. It is also a good saving tactic, larger packages of products usually cost less than single ones. Preparing more dinner and freezing some of it will also save time in the kitchen on another day. So what products can be frozen?

Raw meat

Meat should be frozen immediately after purchasing it, because the longer we keep it in the refrigerator, we lose more and more nutrients. The freezing process does not deprive meat of significant amounts of fat, protein or vitamin A and vitamin D. Only in the defrosting process some water-soluble vitamins can be lost, which will leak out with the cell juice.

Raw meat also has a certain period of time when we should eat it, namely, for pork this period is 6 months, for poultry it is 3 months and for beef it is 8 months. Cold cuts can also be frozen, of course only the fresh ones, preferably already sliced.

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Fatty fish keep the longest freshness. It is best to freeze the freshly caught ones right away, then we can store them in this way for up to 4 months. Of course, before putting it in the freezer, gut the fish and remove the scales.

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Bread tolerates freezing well and can be stored in this form for up to a month or two. It is best to defrost it at room temperature, if you do it with a microwave or oven, it will crumble.

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Fruits full of water easily lose their consistency after frostbite, due to small ice crystals breaking up cell membranes formed during this process. Still, some fruits are worth freezing. Small fruits such as blueberries, currants, gooseberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, and strawberries are best for freezing. It is best to spread them on a tray and put them in the freezer, when they become hard, pour them into a bag. Thanks to this, they will retain a better consistency.

You can also freeze bananas, preferably sliced. They will be perfect for a cocktail with other fruits and milk. We store such fruit for a maximum of six months. Of course, it is worth freezing fresh fruit, then it will retain the most nutritional value.

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Vegetables that contain a lot of water are not suitable for freezing. Others, such as beans, carrots, and broad beans can be frozen. Some vegetables should be blanched, i.e. poured with boiling water, and then rinsed with cold water before placing in the freezer. These include sugar snap peas, green beans, parsley, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots. This method will retain more of the nutrients, color, taste and smell.

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Bakery products

Most cakes are suitable for freezing cheesecake, cake, pie and others. It should be divided into smaller portions and frozen in plastic containers. They should be consumed within 3 months.


Mushrooms with a firm flesh are best suited for freezing. These will be boletes, boots, buttermilk, chanterelles, red pine mushrooms. Before placing them in the freezer, clean them and wipe them with a damp cloth. Larger mushrooms should be cut into smaller pieces. You don’t even have to cook bolete mushrooms, boots, buttermilk before this process.

Chanterelles and mushrooms should be boiled for at least 10 minutes before freezing so that they do not lose their flavor. They can be stored for up to a year.

It is best to defrost mushrooms until half, and then immediately put them in a hot pan or in boiling water.

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Shortcrust pastry

When making shortcrust pastry, it is worth making more of it and freezing some of it. After removing from the freezer, you do not have to wait for it to thaw. You can grate them straight onto the baking tray.

Prepared dishes

Bigos, baked beans, boiled cabbage do not lose their taste or consistency during seaing. The same is true for soups that can be frozen in plastic containers.

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Dumplings are a very laborious dish, so make more of them and then freeze them. They handle this process very well. After shaping, boil them in boiling water for 2-3 minutesuntil they come out. Then cool them and put them in the freezer on a tray so that they do not touch each other. When they become hard, put them in a bag or box. This way we will avoid sticking them together.

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