Which plant-based drinks should you choose? Please see our list. |

Today we celebrate World Plant Milk Day. Plant-based drinks are becoming more and more popular, not only among vegans. They are also used by people intolerant to lactose or those who want to protect the environment. Which plant-based drinks should you choose? What to watch out for?

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Milk or vegetable drink?

According to European Union food law, the proper name for this product group is plant-based drinks. The word “milk” is reserved exclusively for products obtained from the milking of animals. On the other hand, it is also commonly used to use the term “plant-based milk”.

Types of plant drinks

More and more stores offer a wide range of different plant drinks. Each of them has slightly different properties:

  • soy drink – it contains the highest amount of protein of all plant-based drinks and is the most similar in nutritional value to cow’s milk,
  • rice drink – provides the lowest amount of protein of all plant-based drinks; eagerly chosen for its sweeter taste,
  • almond drink – contains more monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E compared to other plant drinks,
  • coconut drink – contains saturated fatty acids, the consumption of which should be limited,
  • oat drink – contains beta-glucans beneficial for health; eagerly chosen for its sweeter taste,
  • and others, e.g. spelled, millet, hazelnut drinks.

Which one should you choose? It depends on your preferences 🙂 Try each one and see which one suits your taste best.

Plant drink – for whom?

Plant-based drinks as a substitute for cow’s milk are an important source of dietary calcium. They can be used for various dishes, e.g. porridge, millet, desserts, cocktails, sauces, or as an addition to coffee. They are most popular among people on a vegan diet. However, they can also be used by people who are lactose intolerant, allergic to cow’s milk proteins, mothers breastfeeding children allergic to cow’s milk proteins.

Some plant-based drinks can be consumed by people with gastrointestinal complaints who are on the FODMAP diet. Another group that eagerly uses these products are people who care about the environment. Switching from cow’s milk to plant-based drinks has a significant impact on climate change as livestock farming leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Plant drink – which one to choose?

  • the most important rule – always choose a plant drink fortified with calcium, in the composition of the product we will find it under the name “calcium carbonate” or “calcium phosphate”,
  • the shorter the composition of the plant drink, the better, the ideal composition is: water + base ingredient of the drink (e.g. soybeans, almonds) + calcium,
  • plant drink can also be enriched with vitamin D, E, B2 and B12,
  • optionally, it may contain oil, salt and thickeners, e.g. guar gum or gellan gum, -These thickeners are neutral for our health and are designed to keep the added vitamins in the structure of the plant drink,
  • avoid adding sugar or syrup in the composition,
  • if you have a problem with getting the right amount of protein in your diet – choose a soy drink.

Can soy drinks be consumed by men?

Soy isoflavones do not adversely affect the hormonal balance of men. On the contrary, some studies show that they may be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer. Soy drinks and other soy products can be part of a men’s diet.

Should you be concerned about arsenic in rice drinks?

Arsenic is a heavy metal which, when supplied to our body in excess, has a toxic effect. In food, we find it mainly in rice, fish and seafood. So should you give up consuming rice drinks?

Among adults, the average intake of arsenic is much lower than the lowest dose that may cause adverse health effects. Remember that, as with any product, common sense and moderation are the most important. However, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for Children (ESPGHAN), rice drinks should not be given to infants and young children in order to reduce the exposure to arsenic.

Recipe for homemade soy drink

Ingredients: 300 g of dry soybeans, water, erythritol,


  1. Soak the soybeans in water overnight, then rinse.
  2. Add soaked soybeans to the blender cup and add water (for 1 cup of soaked soybeans, add 1 cup of water). Blend.
  3. Add 3 cups of water to the pot and mix the drink in a blender. Boil it.
  4. Filter the prepared drink through gauze. Boil the resulting liquid again.
  5. You can add a sweetener, e.g. erythritol, to the prepared soy drink.

A list of 9 plant-based drinks with a good composition

We have compiled for you a list of 9 different plant-based drinks with a good composition. Each of these products is enriched with calcium. We included those products that are available in most popular stores.


  • Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organization of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037 / 2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007.
  • van Die MD, Bone KM, Williams SG, Pirotta MV. Soy and soy isoflavones in prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BJU Int. 2014;113(5b):E119-30.
  • Fewtrell M, Bronsky J, Campoy C, Domellöf M, Embleton N, i in. Complementary Feeding: A Position Paper by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition. JPGN. 2017;64(1):119-132.
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Natalia Nowak Dietician

Clinical dietitian, insulin-resistant-friendly specialist, graduate of the Medical University in Poznań. It shows how to live a healthy life without letting yourself go crazy in a fit world. He relies on Evidence Based Medicine in his work. He also shares his passion for dietetics on Instagram. Privately, she is passionate about traveling and road biking.

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