Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

Every gardener probably knows what a valuable fertilizer of an organic structure is, like horse and cow manure, an indispensable tool in the agricultural technology of vegetable and horticultural crops, as well as fruit trees. However, not everyone knows from which animals organic fertilizer will be better for certain crops, as well as how to prepare and apply it to fertilize the soil and get a high yield. This article will talk about how to get good horse manure and mullein and what plants are best to use.

Which litter is better?

To figure out which litter is better, it is important to know its composition and the positive aspects that can be obtained when using organic fertilizer. Generally speaking, everything is useful for the garden: cow, horse, bird droppings (kuryak) or rabbit droppings.

Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

Depending on the technology of harvesting litter, you can:

  • use for the purpose of obtaining compost;
  • directly apply raw in the fall to the ground;
  • apply as top dressing (liquid or dry) during the growing season of crops.

However, before using humus in agricultural technology, it is necessary to carry out special measures, the nature of which depends on the chemical and mechanical composition of manure (chicken). If we are talking about medium-sized thinness, then chicken is considered the richest in terms of a set of nutrients. In addition, the rate of “ripening” of fresh chicken is the highest, therefore, within a short period of time, plants treated with this fertilizer begin to receive additional nutrition. However, if it is necessary to fertilize large areas, then it is more profitable to use horse manure or mullein, since getting chicken in large volumes is problematic. The nutritional base of both types of organic fertilizer is approximately the same, but the time it takes to convert fresh horse manure into a useful top dressing is much less than for cow manure. Horse dung takes 9 to 12 months to decompose, while mullein takes 3 to 4 years.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which litter is better, since it all depends on the tasks that are planned to be implemented with his participation and the type of vegetable or horticultural crop. The only true judgment about such an organic fertilizer is that it takes time to obtain an excellent nutrient, so it is better to use fresh manure only in some cases.

Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

The use of horse manure in the beds

The use of horse manure is acceptable for most plants. Its composition is quite rich, therefore, as a catalyst, it has a very active effect on vegetation. Phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen and other trace elements – all this is in horse manure, the use of which increases the yield and resistance of plants to various diseases. 1 kg of substrate contains:

  • nitrogen – 4,7 g;
  • calcium – 3,5 g;
  • phosphorus – 3,8g;
  • potassium – 2g.

“Rich” top dressing is rare today, since it can only be obtained in large stables. However, thanks to the work of agrochemists, it is now possible to use horse manure on the beds in liquid form or granules. One bag of fertilizer weighs up to 40 kg and contains 40-50 liters of dry manure. It is used on beds in the following forms:

  1. Overripe manure.
  2. Fresh manure for heating beds in early spring.
  3. liquid substance.
  4. In granules.

Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

When the initial organic material decomposes, a huge amount of heat is released, which is best used in beds with gourds. The “burning” temperature is sufficient to grow watermelons, for example, in Siberia or the Urals. Rotted manure is also very useful for a large number of vegetable and horticultural crops, as it contains 2-3 times more nutrients than fresh material. On average, up to 5 buckets of substrate per unit are required to feed fruit trees, and 3 buckets for berry bushes.

The liquid substance, packaged in plastic bottles of 5 liters, has also proven itself as an organic type fertilizer. This package is convenient if you have a small area. It is recommended to use in the evening for watering or spraying a leaf outlet. Granular horse manure is a compact package for those who want to treat a small area. It does not increase the toxicity of the soil, and most of the nutrients are retained in full. Preparation of top dressing takes some time:

  • within 4 hours, dry granules are completely dissolved in water;
  • before applying top dressing, the composition is thoroughly mixed;
  • watering rates according to the instructions on the package.

Video “How and what is better to feed the soil”

Informative video with useful information about organic and beneficial top dressing.

Using cow manure in the garden

The most common type of organic fertilizer is cow dung (mullein). Its use is available to almost everyone, since it is plentiful and not as expensive as other types. In addition, the susceptibility of agricultural crops to cow manure is almost 100%. The composition of the substrate (per 1 kg) is as follows:

  • nitrogen – 3,5 g;
  • calcium – 2,9 g;
  • phosphorus -3 g;
  • potassium -1,4 g.

When preparing fertilizer, it is important to know the sex and age of the animal, since the chemical set may be different. Excrement of adult cattle contains 15% more nutrients than young animals. Methods and volumes of application depend on the fertility of the soil, however, on average per 1 sq. m. 7-10 kg of manure is used. In liquid form, the substance may contain eggs of parasites, so it is recommended to use composted fertilizer or resort to fermenting cow dung. When using mullein to feed crops, you need to be extremely careful, as an excess amount of fertilizer can become a source of nitrates.

Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

Interaction with different cultures

Vegetable crops are fertilized with horse waste in open and closed ground. If we are talking about closed ground, i.e. greenhouses and greenhouses, then they are used as biofuels. When applying, a 30 cm layer of soil is removed, then manure is laid and watering is carried out with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After that, a layer of soil, previously mixed with wood ash, is laid back. Within 2 days, the site is not touched, and then seedlings or seeds can be sown. Which crops are more responsive to top dressing:

  • potatoes and pumpkin;
  • cucumbers and zucchini;
  • cabbage.

It is also recommended to fertilize the soil in autumn with fresh manure (1-5 kg of fertilizer per 6 sq.m.). Cow dung is best used in liquid form. A ratio of 1:10 is called mullein. It is prepared from fresh material, and after mixing with water, the solution must be infused for seven days. This period is enough for some of the nitrogen to evaporate and the nutrient base to pass into a solution that can be used to feed all fruit and vegetable plants.

Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

It is not recommended to use manure from cows for the following crops:

  • root crops, except for beets (the introduction of organic matter makes them hard and clumsy);
  • legumes;
  • radish, radish and cabbage;
  • onion and garlic.

Procurement and storage

Harvesting and storage of organic fertilizers are possible both independently, and the purchase of finished material in packaged or liquid form is provided. Fresh horse manure must be collected in a pit in the garden or a separate fence should be made on the site. When harvesting, it is important to follow the sequence of laying layers:

  1. Peat (20-30 cm).
  2. Manure (15cm).
  3. Sawdust, grass and foliage (30 cm).
  4. Earth (20 cm).

For fermentation in the winter, the pit must be covered with polyethylene. In the absence of separate materials, it is possible to alternate layers of manure and peat, or manure and soil. In the summer, the workpiece must be watered and “slowed down” several times with a pitchfork. Harvesting compost based on cow manure requires the following conditions:

  1. Constant supply of oxygen and moisture. Air is essential for the life of bacteria, and moisture should not allow it to dry out. In dense stacks, it will be stored longer, and in loose form, overheating occurs faster.

    Which manure is better horse or cow and how to apply?

  2. Avoid freezing and rain. Rains can wash away all useful substances, and frost can slow down the activity of microorganisms. It is not recommended to use the film so as not to suffocate.

Thus, horse manure, mullein, chicken is an excellent humus with an organic structure, the advantages of which are simply inexhaustible.

Video “All you need to know about cow dung”

Useful information about organic nutrition.

cow dung as fertilizer

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