Which kefir is better to buy

Which kefir is better to buy

Kefir is a drink whose main task is to normalize the intestinal microflora and accelerate metabolism. It is a low-calorie product, therefore it is used in dietetic food. But which kefir is better? The variety of brands is confusing, advertising encourages buying, but how do you know which drink to trust?

Which kefir is better to buy?

Everyone’s taste preferences are different, but this is not the parameter that indicates the quality of the product. What are flavors and flavorings. The raw materials from which the drink is made is the main indicator of quality.

The usefulness of kefir is determined by several criteria:

  • strength of the drink. This parameter is characterized by the content of carbon dioxide and alcohol. If you are prone to constipation, a weak kefir (one-day – less than 3 days of ripening) is suitable for you, strong is useful for diarrhea, but it should not be used for patients with stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • consistency. The quality indicator is uniformity. The appearance of lumps and flakes is a sign of product spoilage;
  • bifidobacteria. A drink marked “Bio” contains beneficial microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, as well as these bacteria – a component of the natural environment of the intestine;
  • fat content. When dieting, it is recommended to use kefir, which contains a maximum of 1% fat.

You can check the quality of the drink using a simple test. Take a sip and look in the mirror: if a kefir “mustache” appears, this means that the density and fat content of the product is normal.

The production of a fermented milk drink in Russia is set on a grand scale: store shelves are bursting with products of different brands.

According to the results of the examination, all domestically produced drinks are safe for consumption, but the following brands were recognized as leaders among them:

· BioMax;

· “Ruzsky”;

· “Vkusnoteevo”.

Kefir brands “Prostokvashino”, “Activia” and “36 kopecks” scored 50, 78 and 78 points out of 100, respectively. The first manufacturer exceeds the declared indicators of fat on the package, the second – the shelf life exceeds the permissible seven times, the third – the protein indicator is underestimated.

The choice of kefir depends on taste preferences and health conditions. Try to choose an unflavored drink with a classic recipe. Products made in Russia are not hazardous for consumption. The main thing to look out for is the expiration date.

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