Which heartburn remedy is the best?

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What medications for heartburn should be used? Which drugs are proven and work fast? What Heartburn Remedies Will Be Best? What can cause heartburn? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

Which Heartburn Remedies Are Best?

Hello, I am 47 years old, I am a man and I struggle with heartburn sometimes. Sometimes I get heartburn after eating different foods and I don’t know how to deal with it anymore. The burning sensation of acid in the throat is very bothersome and unpleasant. Sometimes I wait for my heartburn to go away on its own, but it tires me out. My wife tells me to drink milk or kefir, but I don’t like these products. I am thinking about buying heartburn medications.

However, I would like to choose a proven drug that works quickly and effectively. I don’t have time to experiment and spend money on a drug that will only slightly alleviate the symptoms and not help. Therefore, I am asking for help, which medicine for heartburn will be the best? I would like to have a medicine in my home medicine cabinet, which I will reach for if necessary and get rid of my heartburn problem. By the way, I wonder what exactly could be causing heartburn? I don’t know if it’s normal at my age for heartburn to happen more often. Most of all, however, I am looking for an effective heartburn remedy which will be the best.

The doctor advises which medications for heartburn should be used

Sir, it doesn’t exist the perfect remedy for heartburn. First, the cause of the symptom must be diagnosed. Very often, heartburn is a symptom gastro-oesophageal reflux disease which results from an abnormality in the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter or due to the presence of a hiatal hernia – a situation where the upper part of the stomach passes through the hiatus of the diaphragm into the chest cavity. In people with recurrent bothersome heartburn, gastroscopy should be performed to accurately assess the esophageal mucosa and stomach walls.

Three groups of drugs are used to treat heartburn. The first group is drugs that inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The most effective are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole and pantoprazole, which are taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach.

This group of drugs also belongs to histamine H2 receptor antagonistsfor example ranitidine or famotidine, although the effect is weaker and shorter than that of PPIs. The second group includes antacids and drugs that protect the mucosa. First of all, they are magnesium and aluminum compounds, sucralfate and alginic acid. Due to the quick effect of the action, they can be used ad hoc.

  1. ANTYZGAGOCAPS for the digestive system – a herbal dietary supplement that supports the body in the fight against heartburn, you can order safely at Medonet Market.

The last group is prokinetic drugswhich is used to supplement the inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion. The most commonly used is itopride. In your case, I suggest that you go to your family doctor, who will certainly select the appropriate treatment for you.

To combat heartburn, try Langsteiner Alkaline Powder, which restores the acid-base balance in the body.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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