Which foods promote sleep and which ones steal it

To get a good sleep, you should pay special attention to your diet. How exactly are food and sleep related? Is it possible to make falling asleep and waking up easy, and deep and healthy sleep? 

Carbohydrates for sleep

Carbohydrates help the production of tryptophan, a hormone that calms the nervous system and relaxes muscles. This does not mean that dinner before bed should be too satisfying, it is better to use complex carbohydrates – cereals, whole grain bread, and simple ones – pastries, sweets – to leave for the first half of the day.

Afternoon nap

It is generally accepted that sleepiness in the afternoon is the result of a heavy meal that relaxes us. In fact, a person’s daily biorhythms are tuned in such a way that after a productive first half of the day, we need some rest. If there is such an opportunity, you should not refuse it.


Energizers and drowsiness

Energetics really get rid of the signs of fatigue and help to cheer up, but resorting to their help is a bad idea. They provide a burst of energy only for a short time due to the large dose of sugar and caffeine. The best way to stay awake is to get enough sleep.

Caffeine blocks sleep hormones

Caffeine blocks receptors for the neurohormone adenosine, which slows down nerve impulses. That is why caffeinated drinks during the day will help you feel more invigorated, but it is better to refuse to drink them before bedtime. The last time you drink caffeine is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Alcohol interferes with sleep

Usually we fall asleep well under the relaxing effect of alcohol. Only now, its effect on the nervous system will not allow you to sleep well. Because of alcohol in the body, there are sharp jumps in sugar, which is why the deep phase of sleep does not occur. You may not remember this, but in the morning you will definitely wake up broken and tired.

Melatonin is not a panacea 

The effect of melatonin on sleep quality has not been scientifically proven. This hormone is released in total darkness and helps regulate sleep cycles. But melatonin-containing drugs do not work on the body in the same way. Only their use for a long time helps to fall asleep, but this is unlikely to affect the quality of sleep during the night.

Tryptophan helps sleep

Tryptophan promotes better sleep quality and easier falling asleep. Foods that are high in this substance are milk, oatmeal, bananas, peanuts, tuna, and eggs.

Magnesium and Calcium to Help Sleep

The low content of these elements in the human body also affects its ability to fall asleep, provoking anxiety, stress, muscle cramps. Eat more bananas, milk, nuts, spinach, and fish.

Tyramine exception

The tyramine amino acid is considered the enemy of quality sleep. Once in the body, it is converted into norepinephrine, a hormone that has a stimulating effect. Therefore, do not eat cheese, chocolate, tomatoes, potatoes, wine, pork before bed.

Recall that earlier we talked about what pancakes and pancakes are dreaming of, and also advised how to resist if after eating it gets sleepy. 

Be healthy!

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