Which face cream to choose

Which face cream to choose

The skin absorbs an average of 2,5 kilograms of various cosmetic products per year. WDay.ru decided to find out how, when and in what quantities the cream should be used for maximum benefit.

Each age has its own cream

  • Nourishing and protective creams are used even in childhood. For example, the well-known baby cream. By the way, it can be useful in adulthood, if you want to relieve irritation on the skin. Just do not forget to blot your face with a napkin 30-40 minutes after application.

  • You can start using regular cosmetics from the age of 12, especially if you have obvious dermatological problems on your face (for example, teenage acne).

  • At 18-20 you can start using moisturizers. Moisture is the perfect way to prolong youthfulness.

  • It is better not to apply creams for wrinkles earlier than 25-30 years to the skin. Until this age, cells work actively and are able to stand up for themselves.

  • After 30 years, the skin needs active support. Creams for premature wrinkles that can normalize the functioning of the skin. At this age, special concentrates and serums can be used as a supplement. Together with the cream, they will give the most tangible result. Of course, wrinkles cannot be completely eliminated, but with proper care you can reduce their size and number and, most importantly, stop further appearance.

What are serums and how do they help the skin

Serum from cream is distinguished by a high concentration of active ingredients, light consistency and the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. These funds, penetrating the skin, make the cells work very actively, helping keep youth… Each bottle of the product is designed for approximately 1,5 months. And, not by chance. Serums and concentrates should be used in courses. Otherwise, the skin will lose its ability to recover on its own, without the help of active substances.

The optimal portion of the cream should be no more than a grain of beans.

How to get rid of inflammation

Cream is not a medicine, so no cosmetic product will help completely get rid of skin problems. It is necessary to develop a complete care package. A cosmetologist will better cope with this. However, there are generally accepted rules: diet, skin care. It is better to fight pimples with pharmacy products (ointments and gels) and use cosmetics in parallel. Choose creams strictly from hypoallergenic lines. Anti-inflammatory cosmetics may also contain vitamin C and salicylic acid, such components are able to actively fight rashes.

Count the portions

The cream must be used in strictly metered quantities. There is absolutely no need to saturate the skin with a lot of cosmetics.

A thick layer of cream is useless. If you feel tightness after washing your face, tons of cream will not save you. It is better to complete the cleansing procedure with boiled water (it is softer) and wipe the skin with a toner. After that, the skin will feel comfortable. Plus, too much cream can be harmful.

The skin is unable to absorb the thick layer of the cream, as a result, it remains on the surface, clogging the pores. It turns out a greenhouse effect – heat exchange is disturbed, blood vessels expand, excess shine… If a lot of cream is used at night, there may be swelling in the morning. The optimal portion of the cream should be no more than a grain of beans.

The cream should work

Cosmetologists recommend testing the new cream for at least a month. This is how long it takes for the skin to get used to the product and for the first results to appear. If after a while the changes in the literal sense of the word are not noticeable, then the cream, alas, does not work. If the effect is obvious (wrinkles have decreased, the oval of the face has tightened, the pores have narrowed, and so on), you can continue to use the product for at least three months.

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