Which drugs were the most expensive? The list includes what every Pole has in his first aid kit

Inflation in Poland has reached an unprecedented level for a long time. Medicines are also becoming more expensive. The WherePoLek website checked the prices of 100 drugs and products most often purchased in pharmacies. How much have been the price of drugs recently? Which product prices rose the most?

  1. The galloping prices are also felt by patients buying drugs and other drugs from pharmacies
  2. What was the most expensive? Products used in anemia, indigestion and motion sickness were on the top of the list of the WherePoLek website.
  3. The price increase will also be felt by patients struggling with hypertension, coronary heart disease or pain
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

How much have drug prices increased?

The inflation level in Poland has already reached 15,5 percent. This is the most in 25 years. The increase in prices is clearly visible in grocery stores, and drugs are also becoming more expensive. The subject was dealt with in detail by the WherePoLek website.

According to the Central Statistical Office (GUS) data, the price of pharmaceutical products “only” increased by 3,7 percent compared to the previous year. However, careful analysis shows that the increases were much higher.

The authors of the report checked the prices of the 100 most frequently purchased drugs and other products in pharmacies. These were mainly OTC drugs, i.e. over-the-counter drugs. In total, there were 68 such products in the list. The rest of the list consists of 28 prescription drugs, 3 dietary supplements and one medical device.

It turned out that the prices of the products from the list increased by an average of 7,8%. In the case of over-the-counter drugs, it was 8,54%, and the price of medicines prescribed by a doctor went up 6,55%.

The most numerous on the list are drugs from the categories “Alimentary tract and metabolism” (29 products), “Respiratory system” (19 items) and “Cardiovascular system” (17 measures).

Older patients, who often struggle with hypertension, coronary artery disease, digestive problems or pain will feel particularly painful. The prices of some drugs necessary for their treatment increased by an average of 10%.

Which drugs were the most expensive?

Sorbifer Durules, available only on prescription, is the drug from the list developed by WherePoLek which has become the most expensive. Its price has increased by over 20 percent. Sorbifer Durules is prescribed for iron deficiencies that may cause anemia. It is used for preventive treatment during pregnancy and for the treatment of iron deficiency (latent or anemia). Importantly, this drug does not have a suitable replacement. According to the database of the website WherePoLek, its average price in pharmacies is currently PLN 45ł.

The ten drugs with the highest increase in price include, among others, over-the-counter Theraflu Extra Grip, used to treat symptoms of flu and colds (fever, chills, muscle aches, bone and joint pain, headache, nasal mucosa swelling and congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing), four drugs from the category « digestive tract and metabolism »(Aviomarin, Sylimarol, No-Spa and No-Spa Max), as well as the prescription Dicortineff suspension, an antibiotic used in ophthalmology and ENT.

Which drugs were the least expensive?

On the other hand, there is also a group of drugs the price of which has changed to a small extent. From the list of 100 products discussed by WherePoLek, the price of over-the-counter (by 1,16%) was the lowest.

Do you suffer from muscle and joint pain? At Medonet Market you will find Mentholka gel for muscle and joint pain – a product that allows you to get rid of the nagging pain in the spine, muscles and joints in a comprehensive way.

A slight increase, below 2%, also applied to products such as: Lokren, available on prescription (used in the treatment of hypertension and ischemic heart disease), Octenisept (disinfecting skin aerosol with bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties), Dicloziaja (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects) and Skudexa (a prescription drug containing tramadol used to treat short-term and symptomatic pain, acute, moderate and severe in adults).

The entire list of 100 drugs and medical products can be found at this link.

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