Which dogs are best for an apartment: breeds
Choosing a four-legged friend to keep in an apartment requires a careful approach. It is not a security guard who should live in an apartment, but a kind, cheerful and sociable dog. Therefore, the best dog for an apartment is the one that, by nature, is suitable for living in an enclosed space. Coat type, appearance and breed are secondary characteristics.
Which dogs are best for an apartment: breeds
The best dog for an apartment and long hikes
If the owners are athletic people, they like to travel and go out into nature, then a strong and agile dog will become a good companion for them. But with such animals you need to do a lot and devote time to sports activities. If you do not deal with such a lively person for a long time, he will begin to get bored. If the pet does not throw out its energy on the street, he can start “destroying” the apartment. List of breeds:
– fox terrier;
– networks;
– Pinscher;
– Schnauzer;
– bigl.
Dogs with a calm temperament
What kind of dog is better to have in an apartment if the owners do not have the opportunity to walk and play with pets on the street for a long time? It is better to pay attention to the following breeds:
– Pekingese;
– fat;
– chow-chow;
– pug;
– French Bulldog.
These animals are characterized by emotional stability, calm character and strong psyche, so they will not suffer much from being indoors. Of course, daily walks are a must, but you can spend less time on them.
Which dogs are best for an apartment: boys or girls? While the puppy is small, there are no special sexual differences in character and behavior. But after six to seven months, the character of females and males clearly emerges. As a rule, males learn the norms of behavior more easily and respond well to commands. But if “she” appears on the horizon, then even the most educated dog can completely forget all the rules of decent behavior. Female animals are distinguished by their cunning and sneakiness, while their interest in males wakes up a couple of times a year.
If the dog is intended for a child, then the animal is best neutered or spayed. This is done before puberty begins. These pets are more obedient and sociable.
It is better to buy dogs in a kennel from trusted parents and educate on the advice of a dog handler or a breeder. The dog needs to be given regular exercise outside the home so that it can use its energy. Then there will be peace and order in the apartment. If the owners do not have time to deal with the dog, it is better not to start it.