Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a rather unpleasant disease. Even talking about illness causes embarrassment in an ordinary person. Many people, faced with the symptoms of this pathology of the rectum, because of their ignorance, are silent about it for a long time, do not go to the doctor, and sometimes do not even know which doctor treats hemorrhoids.

Meanwhile, the disease is very common. The causes of hemorrhoids are diverse, including hypodynamia, that is, the lack of movement.

Why does hemorrhoids occur?

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?

The risk of developing the disease increases when exposed to the following adverse factors:

  • Regular retention of stool (chronic constipation);

  • Lack of physical activity;

  • Features of professional activity (truck drivers, programmers, builders, sellers, accountants, etc.);

  • Lifting heavy objects;

  • Adherence to various dietary nutrition schemes;

  • Enthusiasm for certain sports;

  • Genetic predisposition;

  • Errors in the diet (eating spicy and fatty foods), alcoholism.

Which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids?

A person who has noticed bloody discharge from the anus, having found knots and seals there, for quite understandable reasons, will ask himself the question – is it hemorrhoids? Only a doctor can dispel doubts, but for this you need to know which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids.

The fact that the patient has manifested hemorrhoids will be evidenced by such signs as: prolapse of nodes of varying severity, pain during movement and in a sitting position. At the same time, pain may not bother a person much, manifesting itself only in unpleasant sensations.

If one or more of these symptoms are observed, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. The doctor to go to for hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist or proctologist. This is a highly specialized doctor who can expertly understand the existing problem, find out and eliminate the causes of hemorrhoids.

Every person who detects blood in the stool should remember that hemorrhoids can often be confused with other serious diseases of the rectum, for example, with an anal fissure or cancer.

What does a coloproctologist treat?

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?

Not so long ago, a specialist who treated hemorrhoids and other pathologies of the rectum was called a proctologist. Now the field of activity of the proctologist has expanded and his competence includes the treatment of diseases of the colon. In this regard, the nomenclature of specialties was revised and at this point in time, a specialist in the treatment of hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist.

  • How to prepare for a doctor’s examination? Before visiting a coloproctologist, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory activities. First of all, it concerns bowel cleansing. To do this, put an enema. For high-quality cleansing, an enema is placed twice in the evening and after sleep. As an option – use the drug Microlax in the form of microclysters. The procedure is performed once – in the morning, on the day of the visit to the specialist. Bowel cleansing is mandatory for performing rectoscopy.

  • Can there be hemorrhoids without blood? At the first stage of the development of the disease, blood loss may be absent. However, bleeding is a hemorrhoid-specific symptom and can be quite profuse. Blood appears even with internal hemorrhoids, however, this is not the only sign of the disease.

  • Can hemorrhoids go away on their own?? The disease cannot go away on its own. Moreover, untreated nodes are prone to constant growth. Treatment with folk remedies is only able to somewhat slow down the pathological process, as well as reduce its symptoms.

  • Is pain after hemorrhoid surgery inevitable? Modern surgery is able to manage this pathology of the rectum with minimally invasive operations. Nodes can be removed without pain or other unpleasant consequences of the operation.

  • With pain in the anus – the diagnosis of hemorrhoids? Pain in the anus does not always indicate hemorrhoids. Sometimes there are no pains at all, and they begin to disturb a person only in the later stages of the development of the disease. They, as a rule, occur when the nodes become inflamed and when they fall out. Pain in the rectum can indicate a variety of diseases. Finding out the cause of their occurrence is within the competence of the coloproctologist.

  • Is a Coloproctologist’s Exam Always Painful? Pain can occur only when the patient has certain pathologies from the intestines. Against the background of complete health, the examination by this specialist proceeds painlessly.

  • Hemorrhoids – a disease of the elderly? Statistics clearly indicate that the disease is often found in people under 30 years of age. However, hemorrhoids are often diagnosed in patients over 45 years of age. The first symptoms of the disease can occur at a young age, and as maturity approaches, hemorrhoids will progress.

  • Are hemorrhoids treated with laxatives? Getting rid of constipation does not mean getting rid of hemorrhoids. In addition, diarrhea can only provoke the development of the disease.

How should hemorrhoids be treated?

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It is impossible to choose the optimal therapeutic regimen without seeing the patient, without having data on his state of health, etc. The treatment of hemorrhoids is an individual process, it depends on many factors: the stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the nature and causes of the disease, etc.

In an outpatient setting, it is possible to implement the following modern methods of treating hemorrhoids:

  • Photocoagulation of nodes;

  • Sclerotherapy;

  • Ligation;

  • In European countries and in the USA, no more than 25% of patients with hemorrhoids undergo surgery, the rest of the patients manage to get rid of the problem thanks to modern minimally invasive methods of treatment.

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