Which countries and regions does our country cooperate with in 2022

We tell you with which countries our country has maintained economic relations in 2022

South Korea

Back in the middle of the 3th century, South Korea was a poor developing nation, but today it is one of the largest economies in the world, a popular tourist destination and an important business center. Today, Korea is at the forefront of technological innovation, outperforming most countries in the development and implementation of digital solutions. The Republic of Korea maintains economic growth rates at the level of 6-2021% per year, which is a good indicator for a developed post-industrial economy. South Korea’s GDP indicator, according to the World Bank, in 1,8 amounted to almost $XNUMX trillion – higher than that of our country.

Today, the Korean economy remains oriented towards foreign markets. Thanks to the focus on the production of high value-added goods (for example, sophisticated equipment), over the past few years, the export indicator of Kazakhstan ($750 billion in 2021) has consistently exceeded the import indicator ($684 billion). The main trading partners are the US, China and Japan; Depending on the year, India, the countries of the European Union and neighbors from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region are among the five key partners of Korea.

South Korea is among the countries that are insufficiently provided with their own energy resources. Almost the entire volume of raw materials consumed comes to the country from abroad. Because of this, the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Korea is vulnerable to crises that can have a negative impact on the volume and stability of foreign supplies.

According to Alexander Firanchuk, senior researcher at the Center for International Trade Research at the RANEPA, our country exports goods worth $16,9 billion to South Korea, which is 3,4% of total exports. Basically, oil, gas, coal, metals, as well as seafood, corn, flour, meat by-products, timber and wood pulp enter the Republic of Kazakhstan.

South Korea is a major manufacturer of ships, electronics and vehicles. The country exports to Russia in large quantities cruise liners, bulldozers, bodies, cabins, machinery, lighting and signaling equipment. our country also buys industrial or laboratory machines, engines, tires and tires from the Koreans. A separate niche is occupied by Korean cosmetics.

In 2021, our country imported products worth $12,99 billion from South Korea, of which the republic receives most of the revenue from ships and vehicle components.


In the conditions of the current crisis in our country, there are high hopes for partnership with China. Due to sanctions and a transport blockade, imports from the EU to Russia have “collapsed”, gas problems begin, and an oil embargo will come into force very soon. In such circumstances, our country needs to drastically reorient its exports to other countries, among which the main one is China.

China buys a lot of Russian oil, having almost tripled its purchases since February with a discount of about 20-30%. In the future, this trend will only intensify, as it will be necessary to complete the pipes and increase the capacity of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline.

According to experts, there are political reasons behind the economic cooperation between our country and China – our country, along with Kazakhstan, is capable of supplying energy resources to China by land. In the event of an aggravation of the confrontation with the United States, they can use the technique of a marine hydrocarbon blockade. In this case, our country will come to the rescue. China is interested in a stable northern neighbor that is not politically oriented towards the West, let alone NATO.

But one should not experience unbridled optimism about the “pivot to the East”. According to sinologist Yuri Ilyakhin, this term is a figure of speech, since our country is simply forced to look for new connections. Chinese companies are reserved about emerging opportunities.

Yuri Ilyakhin:

“The Chinese market is not waiting for us. It is filled with goods from all over the world. It’s extremely difficult to break through.”

However, China accounts for 13,8% of all exports to our country. our country supplies China with oil, coal, wood, turboprop and turbojet engines, gas, metals, ores, cellulose, timber, polyethylene, precious metal concentrates, fertilizers and crustaceans. In total, the profit from exports from our country to China in 2021 amounted to $67,96 billion.

Imports from China to Russia, according to Alexander Firanchuk from the RANEPA, during the same time reached $72,67 billion, or 24,8% of the country’s turnover. our country buys telephones, computers, tricycles, pneumatic hand tools, lighting devices from China – our country imports more than 70% of these goods from China. In addition, parts for tractors and special-purpose vehicles, such as fire trucks, truck cranes and watering machines, are brought to the Russian Federation from China. Russia receives Chinese electric heaters, monitors and projectors, cars, transformers, footwear and air conditioning units.

Which countries and regions does our country cooperate with in 2022
Photo: Kira Vojvodina for

Latin America

The economies of Latin America consist of two main sectors: agriculture and mining. The main economic centers of Latin America are Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Chile. They account for 2/3 of industrial production and the same amount of regional GDP.

The economy of Latin American countries is largely based on exports. For example, Mexico, Argentina and Venezuela have the largest oil and gas and mining companies. But since 2016, the volume of mining in these regions has declined sharply: in Venezuela, for example, in 2016 the volume of daily oil produced fell from 2,5 million barrels to 2,2 million, and by 2018 – to 1,4 million.

The largest share in the structure of exports of Argentina and Mexico is now occupied by tourism. The leaders of the countries, understanding the problems of the “oil needle”, are systematically restructuring the structure of export-import trade flows.

Our country conducts the largest trade turnover with Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Ecuador, according to the Center for International Trade Research of the RANEPA. In total, exports to Latin American countries amount to $12,55 billion, and imports – $8,99 billion. The countries of the region buy heavy and chemical industry products in our country – oil, iron, steel, coal, aluminum, mineral and chemical fertilizers, as well as rubber, wheat, meslin, paper and cardboard. Latin America supplies Russia with food products and agricultural raw materials – 78% of imports are soybeans, peanuts, bananas, cattle meat, fish, flowers and coffee. In a smaller volume – cars, medicines and tobacco.

central Asia

Central Asia includes Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. One might get the impression that these countries are devoid of subjectivity and are only “decorations” and “resources” for the games of big empires. But it is not. In recent years, the states of Central Asia have outlined their own vector of development. A steady growth of the economy began and the final separation from the former “mother countries” took place.

  • In development Of Uzbekistan China, our country and Germany are actively investing – if in 2010-2016 investments in the economy of Uzbekistan amounted to 20% of GDP, then in 2020 this figure increased to 37%. In 2020, the volume of investment assimilation exceeded the approved annual forecast indicators twice. Today, Uzbekistan ranks 14th in the world in terms of natural gas production and third in terms of exports. Also, the state is in sixth place in the world in terms of cotton production and seventh in terms of gold mining.
  • В Tajikistan in recent years, there has also been a serious flow of investment. More than 2022 billion somoni ($1,9 million) of investment in fixed assets has been used since the beginning of 150,3, according to the local statistics agency. According to the agency, this figure is 22,5% more than the same period in 2021. Today the Republic of Tajikistan is trying to develop tourism. But the state still has a weak infrastructure, few decent hotels and trained personnel. The reasons are an underdeveloped economy and a low level of education.
  • Economy of modern Kazakhstan can be attributed partly to raw materials. Ores, metals, gas, oil are mined in the country. The structure of imports and exports in Kazakhstan remains stable. In monetary terms, the volume of foreign trade is growing. So, in February 2022, our country, China, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey became the five leading trading partners of Kazakhstan.

In recent years, light industry, pharmaceuticals, the production of automotive parts and accessories for babies have been actively developing.

  • Due to the presence of oil and gas Туркменистан – the most closed country in Central Asia – receives quite large incomes. In 2020, the economy of Turkmenistan, according to the head of state, grew by 5,9%. According to economists, in 2021 there were also structural changes in GDP in favor of the real sector of the economy — an increase in the share of commodity-producing industries.
  • В Kyrgyzstan Today, mainly noble, non-ferrous and rare metals are mined. They also make up the bulk of exports. Kyrgyzstan can be called the most democratic of all the countries of Central Asia. The level of political and business freedoms there is much higher than, for example, in Tajikistan. In recent years, the state is betting on the development of tourism. The country is especially attractive for travelers from our country, who, due to sanctions, have become more difficult to move around the world. But in Kyrgyzstan there are not enough conditions for the full development of the industry – there are not enough hotels and qualified personnel.

The share of our country’s exports to the countries of Central Asia, according to RANEPA, is 5,6%. Revenues from the sale of oil, metal, timber, coal, cars, sunflower oil and chocolate amounted to $27,67 billion in 2021. The former CIS countries import ores, iron, precious metals, zinc, ferroalloys, and grapes to Russia. The main exporters-importers in relations with Russia are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Which countries and regions does our country cooperate with in 2022
Photo: Kira Vojvodina for


By August 2022, India is one of the largest players in the world that has not joined the sanctions against our country.

In 2014, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation announced plans to increase trade and economic turnover between Russia and India to $30 billion by 2025. At the end of 2021, it amounted to $13,5 billion, an increase of almost 50% compared to the pandemic year of 2020. This is a lot, but the pace is hardly sufficient to achieve the goal in the remaining 2,5 years. At the same time, India has not yet entered the top ten key foreign trade partners in our country.

In total, in 2021, our country exported goods to India in the amount of $9,13 billion. Almost a third of this volume fell on mineral products (including ore and fuel), 19,88% were machinery, equipment and vehicles, 18,44. 16,08% – precious metals and stones, 5,5% – products of the chemical industry, 4,27% – metals and products from them, 2021% – food products and agricultural raw materials. In turn, India exported goods worth $4,43 billion to the Russian Federation in 31,7. These are mainly chemical products (29,9%), machinery, equipment and vehicles (16,34%), food products and agricultural raw materials ( 7,69%), metals and metal products (7,31%), textiles and footwear (XNUMX%).


Trade relations between our country and Africa are weak: the continent accounts for only 3% of Russian exports and 1% of imports. By 2050, the situation may change dramatically.

Some sectors of the African economy already occupy a prominent place in the international system of division of labor, Andrey Maslov, director of the HSE Center for African Studies, said in an interview with Trends. For example, the mining industry: gas (Algeria, Nigeria), rare earth metals (Democratic Republic of the Congo), diamonds (South Africa, Angola).

In addition, African countries have significant mineral reserves: diamonds, bauxite, cobalt, manganese, lithium, nickel, tantalum. They are in demand all over the world.

PwC has ranked Nigeria among the top 3 countries, along with Vietnam and the Philippines, with the fastest projected GDP growth over the period 2016-2050. By the way, Nigeria today is a country with one of the highest levels of entrepreneurial activity in the world. Almost 37% of the country’s population have opened their own business.

According to the Director of the Center for African Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, manufacturers are successfully entering the markets of North and West Africa, but so far they are not so noticeable in East. And there, demand is growing even faster than in the north and west, due to the inclusion of the region in the dynamically developing Indo-Pacific space.

The basis of Russian exports to Africa is food, mineral products and secret commodity groups, including weapons. African countries occupy a prominent place in Russian exports of grains, vegetable oils, ammonia, copper products, timber and radar equipment. On the other hand, the continent is important for Russian imports of fruits, vegetables, cocoa, tobacco, aluminum oxide.

Near East

The Middle East is a large region that includes 17 states with a population of about 470 million people: Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Cyprus .

Sales of hydrocarbons remain the predominant source of income for most countries in the Middle East. About half of the world’s explored oil and gas fields lie in the region, and their sale is about 51% of all exports: Saudi Arabia has 76%, 85% and 87% from Kuwait and Qatar, and as much as 97% from Iraq. Since oil rents account for about 30% of the region’s GDP, energy price fluctuations have a serious impact on the economy, for example, in 2014, Kuwait’s GDP fell by 30% due to lower oil prices.

Dependence on the oil industry has led to high unemployment and a sharp division between rich and poor, both within the same state and between countries with different resources.

Our country has long established economic ties with a number of Middle Eastern countries. Tourism remains one of the main areas. Despite a significant decline during the coronavirus epidemic, Russian tourists account for about 10% of trips to Turkey, about 17% to the UAE, almost 20% to Cyprus (before the imposition of sanctions) and up to 40% to Egypt.

The Russian Federation is also one of the key suppliers of agricultural products to a number of countries in the Middle East. In particular, about 85% of the grain imported by Egypt comes from Russia and Ukraine, and Lebanon and Syria are also heavily dependent on wheat imports. Since the seaports of Ukraine were blocked in 2022, the share of deliveries from our country may be even higher.

In addition, the export of mineral fertilizers, contracts for the supply of military products and the construction of nuclear power facilities have already become traditional areas of cooperation for our country. Trade with countries in the region continues to grow. In 2021, the total turnover reached $20 billion. The main importers of Russian goods in the Middle East are Turkey, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt.

Separately, it is worth noting Iran, whose exports to Russia in 2022 increased by 73%. It can be assumed that against the backdrop of the imposition of sanctions, Iran will become an increasingly important export hub for our country, including for a possible circumvention of sanctions. There are also many rumors that our country can direct its financial flows to the Middle East by establishing cooperation with the banks of the Persian Gulf countries.

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