Which children are not allowed to go to kindergarten
Socialization is, of course, needed. But without fanaticism. Otherwise, the benefits for the harmonious development of the child will be very doubtful.
Only the lazy did not write about the benefits of the kindergarten. How to choose a good kindergarten, too. And even in the discussion about whether it is possible to take “under-treated children” to the kindergarten, they seem to have put an end to it. But sometimes it is still better to protect the child from active socialization. Psychologist Ekaterina Makarova told which children should not go to kindergarten.
Under stress
Various family ups and downs are a severe blow for the child. For example, moving, divorce of parents or the appearance of a little brother or sister. The baby’s usual way of life is changing, his world is shaking. And if, at the same moment, the little one is sent to a new environment, then he will begin to relate to everything with a double experience: anxiety will increase and fear towards others will appear. It will come to the point that a child may subconsciously regard going to kindergarten as a betrayal! That is, he does not want – he is forced. This can manifest itself in a slowdown in development and psychosomatic diseases (arising from psychological factors). The immune system will immediately slacken. The child will get sick from any sneeze. Psychologists usually advise first to let the baby get used to the current situation, and then to the new environment.
Survivor of the loss
A child who has suffered an acute shock (loss of a parent, death of a pet, etc.) is absolutely contraindicated in any kind of socialization. Adults are often convinced that babies who have experienced this need to turn their attention to toys and new friends. Few people think that it is fraught with neurosis (neuropsychic disorder caused by psychological reasons). But if there are no more options, then you need to talk to the teacher and explain the situation. Let him protect the child from noisy games and try to find close contact. After all, while his parents are at work, he needs understanding and support.
Having communication problems
A child who has difficulty communicating due to his psychological characteristics should not be forced into society. In the kindergarten, he will not become more talkative, but will be offended and close. First, you need to prepare him for this. For example, to rehearse at home options for meeting other kids (where to start a dialogue with his peer). Any simulated situation is perfect for this. If the baby is still too confused and cannot prove himself, then try to play it with toys. He will shift attention away from himself, and he will not be afraid to make mistakes. With such confidential communication, you will help the child get rid of embarrassment. The child will be able to rely on the scenario already passed.
“You can often hear that it is better to raise a baby with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at home, – says Ekaterina Makarova. – Like, he will constantly urge others to noise, etc. However, he, like no one else, is shown a kindergarten! It is there that there is a clear regime that will restrain his so-called impulses to self-indulgence. The child will begin to perceive the educator as an authority, and other children will contribute to the normalization of the child’s behavior. “
Children with special needs (Cerebral palsy and Down syndrome)who have difficulty communicating with others, it would be good to visit kindergarten. Of course, for them this will be the first serious encounter with real life. However, having come to school, they will be able to more or less navigate the situation. Also, communication with healthy children will have a positive effect on their development. They will try to find ways to communicate, adjust. It will be especially helpful for children without disabilities to learn how to help inclusive toddlers. They will start to empathize and care. Such qualities are laid down from early childhood.
What a child should be able to do when going to kindergarten
Understand simple directions
The kid first babbles something on his own, trying to convey his emotions or desires to his parents. Remaining with the teacher, he should be able to express what he wants, at least in a simple way. He also needs to understand the basic instructions: go to eat, sleep, dress.
Talk about needs
The most pressing problem is potty training. Arriving at the kindergarten, he already absolutely must understand that the “wet case” must be done in a specially designated place. After all, these are, first of all, norms of behavior in society and hygiene. Here, many mothers advise leaving a baby over 18 months old in panties without safety net (diapers). After “failures”, he will understand that it is better to first tell an adult about his desire before doing anything. He also needs to be taught to serve himself: take off and put on his pants, etc.
Dress and undress
A two-year-old should be able to button and unbutton clothes. For example, first he needs to figure out what position is better to take in order to take off his pants, then tights. Also, he should at least understand how to deal with zippers and buttons in order to avoid unwanted situations. After all, during a walk, anything can happen: the button will transmit or the lightning will pinch the skin. Dexterity in undressing can only be achieved through training.
Use cutlery
In kindergarten, drinking from a sippy cup is considered a bad habit. The child needs to be taught to drink from a mug, use a spoon and fork. It must be remembered that the teacher is not a parent, he will not spoon feed and wipe the compote from the floor.
Communicate with peers
In order not to be a savage and painlessly begin to socialize, a child must know basic communication skills with peers in order to avoid conflicts. First of all, you need to understand that you cannot fight over a toy, push and hurt someone. Also, the baby should know how to get acquainted with children. This can be fixed in any game situation that you simulate.