In the article below you will find out, among others:
- Can cereal cakes replace a meal?
- Are cereal cakes dietary?
- Are cereal cakes healthy?
- Which cereal cakes should you choose?
- What is the composition of cereal cakes?
Can cereal cakes replace a meal?
At the outset, it should be noted that cookies, contrary to what we hear in the commercials are not the perfect breakfast or lunch. They will not replace a wholesome sandwich or porridge. It is a good option once in a while, when we really don’t have time and opportunity to eat anything else or just feel like eating candy is so great that we are unable to handle it. Dietitian Marta Tomaszewska wrote earlier about the perfect breakfast.
Are cereal cakes dietary?
The first thing which should be checked before selecting cookies is the amount of sugar. Of course, one cannot blame to manufacturers that it is in the product. After all, these are cookies! However, its quantity is important – the less the better, and certainly not it should be in the first place in the composition of the product. It’s necessary to remember that it may be hidden under other forms, e.g. as: syrup glucose-fructose, cane molasses, or invert sugar syrup.
Are cereal cakes healthy?
Leavening agents, dyes, and emulsifiers are also not recommended. Not all are harmful to health, however, if we are not sure about those in the composition of the product, it is better to avoid them.
Flours should predominate in whole grain cookies whole grains. It is good if the composition includes bran and oatmeal or Linseed. Plain wheat flour should be the least or the best at all.
Another thing to check is the amount of saturated fatty acids. The differences in amounts are significant, for example in cookies Bonitki contain 3 times more of them than the company’s cookies Oscroba. The type of oil used is also important. Unfortunately most often, manufacturers use palm oil because it is relatively cheap. However, it is not very beneficial to health.
Which cereal cakes should you choose?
The most advertised, and hence the most popular cereal cakes. Their composition varies considerably from one to the other kind. For example Belva with milk is more than half ordinary flour wheat, and biscuits Belva from cocoa they have only 16% of this flour and much more whole grain flour. There are also significant differences in the amount of sugar between the different flavors.
Scraper. Cereal cookies
The advantage of these cookies is that they contain instead of oil Rapeseed and palm oil have the least saturated fatty acids. Unfortunately, the sugar in these cookies is in the first place in the composition, so its quantity is considerable. They are also the most caloric, v 100 grams have 560 kcal, which is 100 kilocalories more than other cookies manufacturers.
Merchant. Crunchy cookies natural
Out of all cookies, they are the best in terms of the amount of simple sugars. They also have relatively little saturation fatty acids, but a lot of valuable fiber. However, they have their drawbacks – for example that they contain sodium bicarbonate, which is not very beneficial to health. There is also quite a lot of white wheat flour and other highly processed grain products.
Available in the Biedronka chain of stores. Out of all biscuits contain the most saturated fatty acids. For this a whole range of substances sweeteners: sugar, cane molasses, glucose syrup and syrup glucose-fructose.
Cereal Krakuski z oatmeal
Indeed, as the name suggests, they contain oatmeal and in quite a significant amount. The two most beneficial ingredients for health constitute 60% of the product. The rest is mainly sugar, fat and leavening agents.
San. Goldilocks
Just like in Krakuski. Oatmeal and flour wholegrain, and therefore what is most valuable, constitutes 60% of the weight of the product. The rest of the ingredients certainly cannot qualify as healthy and featured.
What is the composition of cereal cakes?
Choosing good cereal cakes is not easy. Some have a lot sugar, others a lot of saturated fatty acids and some very little addition of wholegrain ingredients. It confirms it only the fact that cereal cakes are among the sweets, not the wholesome dietary elements. However, if we decide to sweets, they are certainly a better choice than traditional cookies.
Apart from the nutritional value, the taste is also important. Which cookies do you like the most? What dietary snacks do you recommend? What to eat during the diet? Let me know in the comments!
Main photo: Mr.TinDC / Foter / CC BY-ND