Which blood group protects against infection and severe course of COVID-19? Scientists have checked it
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Prof. Jacques Le Pendu from France, together with his team of scientists, conducted observations for two years to determine which blood type protects the most against COVID-19. As part of his research, he also discovered where the risk of coronavirus infection increases in couples living together.

  1. Prof. Jacques Le Pendu of the University of Nantes has published the results of his two-year research into the coronavirus
  2. His observations indicate that blood group 0 owners have the least susceptibility to COVID-19 infection from another person
  3. In addition, the researcher found that the risk of transmission of the virus is lower in couples with different blood groups
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Prof. Jacques Le Pendu from the University of Nantes (western France) decided to check which blood type reduces the likelihood of COVID-19 infection and the severe course of the disease. The scientist conducted his observations for two years together with a group of French researchers.

Their results were published in the scientific journal “Frontiers in Microbiology”. The goal of prof. Le Pendu was to check whether a specific blood group (in this case he focused on 0) gives a protective effect against coronavirus infection and against its severe course. The scientist largely confirmed this.

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Which blood group protects against infection and severe course of COVID-19? Research results of scientists from France

A team of French researchers led by prof. Jacques Le Pendu covered only couples living together and having different blood groups. In most cases, scientists had information about which of the partners was the first to contract the coronavirus. Thanks to this, they were able to accurately determine the direction of COVID-19 transmission.

The results of the research confirmed that people with blood group 0, among all others, have the lowest susceptibility to coronavirus infection from another person.

“They showed a lower risk of infection in people with blood type 0 than in people with blood type A, B or AB” Gazeta Wyborcza quotes the results of the research.

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The rest of the text is below the video.

But that’s not all. The results of the observations of prof. Le Pendu also showed that it is good when two partners (people living together) have a different blood type. French researchers in this case focused on observing people living in France. On this basis, they estimated that the risk of COVID-19 transmission in couples with different blood groups is as much as 41 percent. lower than those who have the same.

«Hence the subsequent estimates that at least 14 percent. COVID-19 transmission cases at the level of the entire population were thwarted by the mere mismatch of blood types in both partners » adds «Gazeta Wyborcza».

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It is worth noting, however, that the observations come from the period before new variants of the coronavirus appeared: Delta or Omikron.

Prof. Jacques Le Pendu also notes that his research may suggest that blood group 0 also has a protective effect against the severe course of coronavirus infection and its possible complications. However, he adds that these observations still need to be deepened.

«People with blood group 0 are slightly less prone to thrombosis and blood clotting defects. However, also in these cases the protective effect is minimal and to a large extent depends on other health factors of the patient » quotes “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

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