Which beans are healthier – red or white?
Beans are an indisputable source of protein and a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Which of the varieties of beans is healthier is a moot point.
Studies have shown that red beans have two and a half times more calories than white beans. At the same time, red beans contain almost three times more carbohydrates and proteins. By its properties, it is the undisputed leader in the level of antioxidants. Thus, its regular use in food allows you to reliably protect the body from various diseases. Also in the composition of red beans are zinc, copper, iron, potassium and other elements.
White beans are a valuable source of fiber with a low calorie content, which is especially important for dieters. The list of vitamins and minerals contained is as extensive as that of the red species.
In the diet of diabetics, beans have a special place. Valuable amino acids, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals have a direct impact on the course of the disease. Eating beans allows you to quickly feel full, providing the body with everything it needs.
Expectant mothers need to observe the measure in the use of beans, paying attention to its correct preparation. It is important to listen to your body.
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