Whey protein for weight loss. How Do Whey Protein Supplements Work?

Whey protein is a natural dietary supplement popular with athletes, especially bodybuilders. It helps build muscle mass.

Whey protein is a natural amino acid that is involved in building tissues in the human body. Without protein, it would be impossible to regenerate, repair and grow damaged tissues. The majority of protein is supplied with food, and some is produced by the body itself.

Providing additional doses of selected protein accelerates the process of renewal and formation of cells and tissues, including muscle tissue. Whey protein is such a selected protein, useful for athletes and used as a supplement to a healthy diet. Whey protein supplements are the most popular protein preparations among people practicing sports. Whey protein is found in milk, including breast milk. Some components of this protein affect immunological processes, others are involved in the synthesis of glutathione, a substance that makes the muscles regenerate after exercise and improves overall fitness.

Types of whey protein supplements

There are three types of supplements based on whey protein. In sports stores, you can buy whey protein concentrates, i.e. WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate), whey protein isolates, i.e. WPI (Whey Protein Isolate), and whey protein hydrolysates, i.e. WPH (Whey Protein Hydrolysate). The cheapest of these types of whey protein supplements is Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). It usually has up to 80% protein fractions, up to 8% carbohydrates (sugars) and a few percent fat. It is most effective for people who want to build muscle mass quickly.

On Medonet Market you can buy, for example:

  1. Whey protein concentrate WPC80.eu STANDARD OstroVit powder in various flavors,
  2. Whey protein concentrate WPC80.eu ECONOMY OstroVit powder also in different flavors.

Whey protein isolates are a dietary supplement useful for accelerating the building of muscle mass as a result of strength training, as well as for people who want to reduce the amount of unnecessary kilograms. This type of whey protein dietary supplement is low in carbohydrates and fats and has almost 90% protein fractions. Whey protein isolates are better absorbed and assimilated, however, they are more expensive than whey protein concentrates.

The most expensive, but also the most effective (best digestible) type of supplements based on whey protein are whey protein hydrolysates. They contain almost 100% protein fractions. They are recommended primarily to people who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms through physical exercise.

However, it turns out that not everyone can take whey protein because of an allergy. To determine if you are allergic to whey protein, take the Imutest Allergy – Milk – Home Cassette Test that you can buy from Medonet Market. You will get the result after half an hour.

Whey protein increases the amount of growth hormone, strengthens the immune system, supports the absorption of calcium, and also has an anti-cancer effect.

Intensive training causes the body to use more protein, so its demand for this ingredient increases. Physical effort destroys the muscles (lactic acid, which is not produced during training, has a negative effect). In order to rebuild and regenerate them, it is necessary to provide more than normal amount of protein.

For this purpose, preparations based on whey protein will work perfectly. They are also, it seems, safe and have no negative health effects. However, you should not forget about a healthy, balanced diet, which includes the right amount of high-protein products. Whey protein increases the athlete’s immunity, so its supplementation seems to be beneficial. Nevertheless, even the healthiest ingredient, when used in excess, can turn out to be harmful.

The source of natural protein will be luxury spelled flour and wholemeal spelled flour, which can enrich the diet of athletes. Both types are available on Medonet Market.

Side effects of whey protein supplementation

Too high doses of whey protein supplements may result in abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. If supplementation with whey protein is carried out inappropriately, nitrogen compounds that are harmful to health appear as a by-product of metabolic processes. These substances quickly damage the liver and kidneys. Sometimes these damages are irreversible, leading to serious disturbances in the work of these organs even after discontinuation of whey protein supplementation. For this reason, the guidelines for the dosage of preparations with this protein should be strictly followed and the daily dose should not be excessively increased. People who use whey protein to reduce body weight should also bear this in mind.

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