Whey Protein

Whey Protein

Whey protein has long been considered one of the most active protein sources in sports nutrition. Whey protein is by far the most popular nutritional supplement among athletes and bodybuilders as it effectively boosts muscle metabolism and helps maintain lean mass.

Whey protein is a whey protein, which in its amino acid composition is close to the protein of human milk, which is why it is quickly absorbed by the body and has pronounced immune properties.


Whey Protein Production Methods

It took more than a dozen years to achieve special technologies for isolating protein from whey in sufficient quantities. Whey protein can be obtained in several ways today, one of which is the ion exchange method. This method allows you to obtain the purest protein formula, without the presence of lactose in the composition of the substance. Ion exchanged whey protein is recommended for people who have any difficulty with most protein supplements, as it is well absorbed by the body. Although this type of whey protein has its drawbacks: it contains insufficient amounts of peptides, which reduces its value and effectiveness.

Another way to get whey protein is the macro-ultrafiltration method. It allows you to remove most of the lactose from the protein and, at the same time, preserve almost all bioactive peptides. Unfortunately, certain treatments also remove cysteine ​​and bovine albumin from the protein, important constituents that play the role of antioxidants and cell protectors.

Cross-filtration is considered to be the most optimal method for obtaining whey protein. This method allows you to remove lactose and fats from the final product, while retaining all active peptides.

Whey protein by technology type. Which is better?

In sports nutrition, it is customary to distinguish three types of whey – whey protein concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate. Let’s consider each in more detail.

Whey Protein Concentrate

This type of whey protein is far from the purest protein, since during filtration, a mixed mass settles on special ceramic membranes, the protein content of which ranges from 35% to 80%. For this reason, whey protein concentrate can be high in lactose and fat, which can cause stomach discomfort. Among other types of whey, concentrate is the cheapest.


Whey Protein Hydrolyzate

In the process of hydrolysis, large protein molecules are divided into separate small fragments, which allows them to be absorbed faster and easier in the digestive tract.

The main indicator of the quality of whey protein hydrolyzate is its taste: if the content of small protein fragments is insufficient, the protein starts to taste bitter. This specific property can be used to determine the quality of the whey protein hydrolyzate.

Whey Protein Isolate

Protein isolate is obtained using the above mentioned ion exchange or filtration method. The isolate is practically free of fat and harmful lactose. And the resulting protein powder is 95% protein fraction.


Recently, sports nutrition manufacturers have begun to produce a protein that includes several types of protein, for example, combining whey protein and casein. On the one hand, this allows you to make the product cheaper and more affordable, and on the other, to avoid catabolic processes caused by long breaks between meals. Therefore, the more isolate and hydrolyzate in your protein preparation, the better the protein you choose.

Advantages and Benefits

Whey protein allows you and your body to get pure protein on a regular basis without much effort and time spent on cooking healthy food. The bioactive peptides contained in whey protein have a number of unique properties: they actively suppress the action of pathogenic microbes, stabilize the immune system, improve digestion, and lower blood pressure. For example, di- and tripeptides send special signals to the liver about the need to produce somatomedin C, which stimulates muscle growth.

In addition, whey protein contains ample amounts of glutamine, an amino acid that is used as fuel for the immune system. And the various immunoglobulins found in the serum will help to stop the weakening of the body’s immune system, which is a consequence of hard and intense training. Whey protein also increases levels of glutathione, an essential human antioxidant, in the body.


Numerous studies have shown that the immunostimulating effect of serum is directly related to its amino acid composition – the necessary amino acids in the right amount.


The high percentage of protein content allows whey protein to be used as:

  • a means of increasing nutritional balance for various diseases, muscular dystrophy, poor quality nutrition;
  • a means of fortifying nutrition in the process of intense training to build muscle mass and increase strength;
  • a drink that helps reduce body fat and achieve muscle definition (if you replace it with regular meals).

Protein intake time

1. After waking up. Most people sleep an average of 6-8 hours. And when the human body does not receive food for such a long time, it begins to actively use the body’s reserves. Muscle catabolism is triggered and the best way to stop it is by taking in a serving of whey protein. In 20-40 minutes, the level of amino acids in the blood will reach its maximum composition. This may be followed by a breakfast consisting of natural sources of carbohydrates and proteins.


2. Throughout the day. Protein should also be taken between meals. If you are losing weight, then you can replace several meals with the purest protein products – protein shakes. And complex protein mixtures will help people seeking to build muscle mass to ensure a constant supply of amino acids into the body a few hours before a regular meal.

3. Before training. A serving of whey protein should be taken 1 to 2 hours prior to training. Highly digestible whey protein will help avoid muscle catabolism and provide your body with the BCAA amino acids you need during your vigorous workouts.

4. After training the athlete needs to quickly raise the level of amino acids in the blood and replenish the reserves of carbohydrates. It is at this time that the human body assimilates all nutrients very well. Whey protein, taken immediately after exercise, will provide a quick release of amino acids into the bloodstream, and carbohydrates will help restore glycogen levels in the body.


Remember that you can achieve the desired results if your ideal physique is based on strict adherence to the regime.

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