Whether to get a flu shot: pros and cons

Mass vaccination against influenza is the first and surest sign of an epidemic approaching. But if in your office everyone is being driven to get a flu shot, and you are sure that you do not need a flu shot, it is worth examining the arguments with which you can resist the onslaught of even the harshest administration.

Allergies, Syndrome and Your Rights

Whether to get a flu shot

I just got off sick leave, I am not allowed to be vaccinated

Indeed, after an illness, vaccinations will not only be of no benefit, but may also harm the immune system. So, we read the law on vaccinations: “Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases are temporary contraindications for vaccinations. Scheduled vaccinations are carried out two to four weeks after recovery or during the period of convalescence or remission. ” That is, after you go to work, at least two, and preferably all four weeks must pass for the vaccination to be effective. Otherwise, the immune system may throw out some kind of cruel joke, such as an allergy to cats or pollen from flowers that began for no reason, which will bloom next spring (and you will break your head trying to understand why and why all this is happening to you).

I am allergic to egg white

This is a contraindication to many chicken egg white vaccines. Generally speaking, it should be written in your place – no, not on your forehead in red marker, but on your medical record on the first page. Well, if it is not written down, then it can be said without writing; however, it will be uncomfortable in front of colleagues later when you eat French-style meat at lunch (mayonnaise also contains eggs) or Olivier salad. But that’s the tenth question, isn’t it?

In our country, vaccinations are voluntary, I want to refuse!

Option for the brave. If you are one of these, then you should know: in some organizations, sick leaves of employees are very closely monitored, and if, God forbid, you still get knocked down by the flu after you refused vaccinations, then do not expect mercy from your bosses!

I get Guillain-Barré syndrome after vaccinations

Iron argument; if you add a dragging leg or an inactive hand to it, then you can walk past all vaccination rooms boldly and with your head held high. Geyen-Barré syndrome is an attack of the immune system on the nervous system, that is, it is an autoimmune disease, as Dr. House used to say. It is characterized by numbness in the legs or arms and paresis in them (temporary paralysis). There is nothing you can do with it, and, of course, after that you will have to avoid vaccinations and other interventions in the natural functioning of the immune system.

Flu shot during pregnancy

Live flu vaccines are contraindicated in pregnant women.

I’m pregnant (if that’s the case, of course)

This contraindication against the flu shot only applies to live vaccines. Even pregnant women should not be afraid of dead or inactivated viruses; but if you do not want to take risks, then it is better to refuse.

Now live influenza vaccines are distributed only in Russia and in some underdeveloped countries, throughout Europe they use only inactivated ones. Live vaccines are characterized by the fact that they can cause a flu-like condition in a perfectly healthy person. Although, for example, Professor Vladimir Tatochenko, chief researcher of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is convinced that the flu vaccine for pregnant women will not do any harm and will not affect the child in any way. However, obstetrician-gynecologist Maria Borets, on the contrary, is convinced that a pregnant woman should not be vaccinated against the flu. It is better to pay more attention to the prevention of influenza and strengthening the immune system, and for this, use folk remedies, preparations with echinacea (this is a natural immunomodulator) and homeopathic remedies.

In general, pregnant women need to carry out additional prevention of viral diseases, but all drugs recommended for this are prohibited during pregnancy. So pregnant women will have to splurge on a paid killed (inactivated) vaccine!

In Russia, such inactivated vaccines are in use as Grippol (contains a preservative and polyxidonium for better vaccine performance) and Grippol plus (does not contain a preservative, but polyxidonium is present there, it is even used separately, in tablets, to prevent influenza); Vaxigripp, which also does not contain preservatives and is approved for use in children from six months; Begrivak is also without preservatives and is also allowed for children from six months; Fluarix contains a preservative, but nevertheless it is also allowed for children from six months. You can also inject yourself with a subunit vaccine (contains two proteins of the virus: neuraminidase and hemagglutinin), from which, it is said, there are no side reactions at all.

Who should get the flu shot

Are you caring for an adult child? Get a flu shot so you don’t get infected!

For the sake of objectivity, let’s name those who can and should submit to the general flu vaccination. You will need a flu shot:

Women planning a pregnancy this season, but not yet able to implement the plan. The pregnant woman only lacked the flu: and so the load on the body was double, and even with the flu, it was completely unbearable. Moreover, half of the drugs are prohibited for pregnant women (for example, aspirin is not recommended, and for the flu, this is the first drug, everyone knows?).

People with chronic diseases… Regardless of diabetes or chronic bronchitis, you better get by without the flu! After all, the body is already weakened, and a virus, especially such an insidious one, can inflict a crushing blow, and you do not need the complications of the flu.

People over 65. In older people, the flu is usually more severe, with complications, and they recover much more slowly from it. So, recommend a good vaccine to your mom or grandmother and call the nurse at her house to have her vaccinated – give her such a gift!

For those who live with a child attending an educational institution… All educational institutions undergo massive flu vaccinations, but despite this, many schools and kindergartens are quarantined at the height of the epidemic. This does not mean at all that the flu shot did not work, it is just that children remain children and do not follow the basic hygienic instructions of their elders! Therefore, they get sick, despite the vaccination. So beware: get a flu shot for yourself too, because if a child brings the flu into the house, who will look after him? And then you cannot avoid infection. So spread straws if you do fall anyway.

Antiviral agents: remantadine and others

Doctors have come up with many medicines for the flu, so patients have every chance of getting better.

For those who have not been vaccinated against influenza, WHO recommends this: “With the antiviral drugs available for influenza available in some countries, disease can be effectively prevented and treated. There are two classes of such drugs: 1) adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) and 2) influenza neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir) ”. Here, obviously, some clarification is required.

Adamantanes are a substance of carbon nature, but with a diamond-like structure, obtained from oil or synthesized artificially. In medicine, it is used in the form of adamantadine as an antiviral agent; later it turned out that it is more effective in the fight against Parkinson’s disease. But doctors did not stop there in researching this wonderful substance. They synthesized rimantadine (do you feel the similarity in the names? They are relatives!).

The list of adamantanes also includes such an infamous drug as bromantane, which has ruined so many sports careers due to its use. Athletes use this super drug instead of doping. In general, it was originally created as an antiviral agent.

We are smoothly moving on to the second point of the WHO recommendations. Inhibitors, as we all know from school chemistry, are substances that slow down a chemical reaction. Neuraminidase is a constituent of the envelope of the influenza virus (and not only it, but we are not talking about that).

Oseltamivir, for example, blocks the multiplication of viruses in the body of the victim, that is, the patient. And thus, it facilitates the work of our immunity! Zanmivir has a similar effect, with the only difference that it should be taken not in pills, but by inhalation.

In general, if you were bypassed by vaccination (or for some reason you could not get vaccinated), then die early, there is a cure for the flu! And if you catch a cold, do not lead to complications and start drinking medicinal herbs.

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