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Every parent dreams that his child would be better than them, more successful, and therefore happier. Therefore, he uses the maximum of opportunities, investing in the education of the adored child. But success in general education is not enough for success in life. What else to look for to provide your child with better starting conditions?
A person is met not only for clothes, but also for manners, for the ability to carry on, communicate competently and naturally, the opportunity to maintain a conversation with unfamiliar people. This is given by nature, alas, not to everyone. However, the skills of problem-free communication in society can be taught. If a person from an early age knows how to take care of his appearance, how to dress in relation to a specific situation, how to behave (and even how to hold a fork and knife correctly!), This will help to avoid many annoying oversights that directly affect his life path. That is why, in addition to traditional music and foreign languages, it is important to teach a child to present himself correctly. But where to do it if your own knowledge is not enough?
The best option is to trust the specialists. Such professionals work at the Beauty secret School of Young Ladies and Gentlemen. Here children get the opportunity to find their individual image, style, develop good taste, learn how to properly take care of their appearance, move beautifully and feel confident in any society. The Beauty secret is not just interesting and usefully spending time: the guys participate in shows, photo projects, are published in children’s magazines – in a word, they are immersed in the wonderful world of creativity and good manners.
Absolutely all girls and boys from 5 to 15 years old can attend school. Groups are formed by age. Classes are held once a week on a weekend according to a stable schedule:
• in the recreation center of railway workers (street July days, 1a)
• at FOC “Atlet” (Monchegorskaya street, 34)
• st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, 7
In the training program:
– defile
– acting skills
– choreography
– etiquette
– Fashion & Style
– Visage
– psychology of communication
– hairstyle basics
– the basics of manicure
– applied art
– photographing
A beautiful gait, stylish clothes, a dazzling smile, politeness, confidence in every step – this is about our kids!
Tel. 8 (905) 662 86 82
Group in VK
Instagram @beautysecretschool
# školabs