Where to start in Hashimoto’s disease?

Hashimoto’s disease is an increasingly common disease these days. This disease is not only associated with the insufficiency of the thyroid gland, caused by hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. This problem is multi-layered. Therefore, it needs to be addressed holistically if you want to experience a state of disease remission. For this purpose, it is necessary to precisely detect the root cause of the problem, and then start activities aimed at significantly improving the well-being and health.

The root cause of the Hashimoto problem

The initial problem that needs to be addressed is determining the true cause of the disease. This can be done easily if we have adequate knowledge of the causes of Hashimoto’s. This disease is the most common autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, leading to thyroid failure in all age groups.

Many scientific studies can read that The reason why Hashimoto’s is triggered is too little iodine in the body, which depletes the body’s ability to produce thyroid hormones. There are many other reasons that are responsible or only suspected of causing Hashimoto’s disease. These are:

  1. smoking;
  2. increased alcohol consumption;
  3. iodine deficiency or its excess in the environment;
  4. vitamin D deficiency;
  5. various types of viral and bacterial infections;
  6. chronic stress;
  7. anxieties.

The diagnosis is often made several years after the onset of the disease process – the average duration of the period from the initiation of autoimmune reactions to the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease is approximately 7 years.

Find out more: Thyroid profile, or what tests will detect thyroid disease?

Steps to break the Hashimoto’s vicious circle

As we said, the Hashimoto problem is manageable, but its main drawback is a vicious cycle. Even after reaching the state symptom remission in Hashimoto’s, you may have a relapse of bothersome symptoms. So, in order to try to maximize the remission state, we have prepared a few steps you can take to make it stable; to stay fit and healthy at all times. Let’s take a look at them.

Step 1: diagnosis

The first key step is to diagnose Hashimoto’s disease. For this, regular examinations are essential. Performing tests at specific intervals, such as measuring the concentration of TSH, fT3, fT4, anti-TPO and anti-Tg antibodies, as well as ultrasound of the thyroid gland, will allow you to monitor the progress of the disease and, if necessary, react quickly.

Find a doctor who is not limited to just prescribing but is also committed to keeping your hormones under constant control. Of course, we recommend our specialists, the Hashimoto Clinic.

Find out more: Hashimoto’s disease – what tests will detect it?

Step 2: medications

The next step is the treatment phase. After a properly targeted diagnosis, the next thing the doctor will do is selecting the appropriate pharmacological therapy. Medications will help you minimize the symptoms of hypothyroidism accompanying Hashimoto’s disease by providing the thyroid with substrates for the formation of appropriate hormones. To achieve this, it is worth following the most important principles of treatment.

  1. The right person: subscribe to a good endocrinologist who will prescribe the right drug and its dose, adapted to your current health condition
  2. The right drug: make sure you are taking the correct medication. There are preparations available on the market with or without lactose. Depending on the level of tolerance you have, it is worth choosing the appropriate preparation in this regard. Always consult a doctor, do not decide to take medications yourself.
  3. Correct dosage: taking too much thyroid medication is often harmful, while too little may not have any measurable effect against ongoing hypothyroidism. The optimal dose of drugs is extremely important and determines the achievement of the so-called euthyroidism, that is, hormonal balance. Of course, the dose is also adjusted by the doctor.
  4. The right time: remember to observe the time of taking your medications and the intervals between taking them and drinking coffee or eating a meal
  5. The right way: watch out for drug interactions in the body. Take medications as directed, wash them down with water, and keep at least 1 hour break from other pharmaceuticals and food.

Step 3: coexistence of food allergies and intolerances

Often, Hashimoto’s disease can coexist or cause various types of hypersensitivity, allergies or food intolerances. If you suspect any of the above, be sure to contact a gastroenterologist and allergist. The specialist will direct you to appropriate tests that will show any problems with the tolerance of specific food groups.

Also check: Five surprising facts about Hashimoto’s disease

Step 4: remove unwanted ingredients from the diet

We are often unaware of the influence of ubiquitous harmful substances on the occurrence of immune-related diseases, including Hashimoto’s disease. Meanwhile, every day we are exposed to the absorption of hundreds of toxic compounds that impair the functioning of the thyroid gland and the immune and digestive systems.

So let’s take care not to eat rotten, spoiled food, the one after the expiry date. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and avoid highly processed foods at the expense of fresh ones. Thanks to this, we will significantly reduce the risk of the penetration of undesirable substances into our body.

  1. Harmful substances in food and the work of the thyroid gland 

Step 5: the right dose of exercise

Physical activity plays a positive role in many aspects of our lives. Increased physical effort reduces the risk of many civilization diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases. What’s more, it helps to reduce and maintain a healthy body weight throughout life. Regular exercise also makes cells more sensitive to insulin, which results in a reduction in insulin levels, and thus also glucose levels. We recommend trying: longer walks at a brisk pace, slow jogging, yoga, stretching, Nordic walking and cycling or swimming. So – let’s go!

Do you want to learn how to live with the disease? Soon we will be able to help you with this in our “Step by Step to Remission” program. In an interesting, unconventional and interactive way, we will teach you everything about the thyroid gland. What’s more, we will walk you step by step through the most important issues related to a healthy lifestyle and habits, which when implemented together will lead to a significant improvement in well-being, reduction of inflammation and the titre of antibodies characteristic of Hashimoto’s disease. We guarantee that this will translate into a significant improvement in your quality of life and health. Do not wait, just change your habits with us in the interest of your thyroid health!

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