Where to seek the help of a phlebologist?

Beautiful legs are the pride of women and the subject of admiring glances of men. But beauty is, first of all, health. Such external manifestations on the legs as vascular zdezdochki, protruding varicose veins not only spoil the beauty of our legs, but also say that you should seek help from specialists, phlebologists.

Куда обратиться за помощью врача-флеболога?

Why does varicose veins occur?

The main cause of the development of varicose veins is a hereditary predisposition, and more often the disease is inherited through the female line, since it is directly related to the hormonal structure of the female body. In most cases, pregnancy and childbirth, prolonged use of hormonal drugs and the presence of adverse factors lead to deterioration of the veins. Also, the development of varicose veins for a long time to sit at the desk.

Specialist comments:

Куда обратиться за помощью врача-флеболога?

Chupeev Andrey Vasilyevich, Chief physician of the “Center of Phlebology”, surgeon-phlebologist

Varicose veins do not occur suddenly. As a rule, the disease develops gradually, and if you carefully monitor your health, then varicose veins will not go unnoticed (see the link for a convenient online test for self-assessment of the first signs of varicose veins). The first signs that you should pay attention to are swelling, pain, fatigue, heaviness of the legs, often night cramps in the calves. External signals also include “vascular sprockets”, or” meshes”, as well as various seals in the legs and protruding veins. The main thing is not to give varicose veins the opportunity to progress and contact a phlebologist at the first symptoms. At the initial stage, the problem will be much easier to solve. Modern phlebology has various methods, and after treatment, the beauty and health of the legs returns.


You can make an appointment with a doctor in the “Phlebology Center” by phone. (495) 212-93-03 or on the website varikoz.ru.

To learn more about varicose veins and medical care, you can visit the website “Center of Phlebology” varikoz.ru It contains full information – articles and interviews of leading experts, useful tips and videos).

You can also ask your doctor a question.

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