Where to put the tablet in the dishwasher

Where do you put the tablet in the dishwasher? You bought a dishwasher, as well as special tools for it. It remains to figure out where to put it all, after which you can start the equipment. Due to the versatility and abundance of components in the composition, the tablets are easy to use and are popular with users. Let’s look at the features of their application.

How to properly put tablets in the dishwasher

Before using the dishwasher for the first time, open the instruction manual and read it carefully. In most models, you need to put the detergent in the dispenser compartment, which is located on the door.

You can see the dispenser in the picture below. The second compartment (2) is the container for the powder, tablet, gel. Compartment number three (3) is designed for detergent (up to 5 g), which is used in the pre-wash.

Section F is intended for rinse aid and is additionally screwed on with a cap (C). The indicator (D) indicates the presence or absence of rinse aid.

Bosch dishwashers have a slightly different arrangement. The dispenser is also located on the inside of the door, but the compartments are in different parts:

There is a separate place for tablets (3), for powder and gel (1), for rinse aid (2).

In earlier models of dishwashers, such a basket is provided:

Concentrated products 3-in-1, 7-in-1 cannot be used. Only the simplest compressed cartridges can be loaded.

In addition to detergent, you need to use:

  • rinse aid. Gives dishes shine and shine, removes white deposits, stains. Promotes fast drying, has water-repellent properties.
  • Salt. Softens hard water, reducing the amount of harmful impurities. Prevents the appearance of limescale, scale.

How to run your dishwasher for the first time, read in a separate article.

Types of tablets. Application features

Compressed into cubes, products are made from powder with certain additives. In stores today there is a huge selection of washing cartridges:

  • three-component (3-in-1);
  • multi-component (5-in-1, 6-in-1, 8-in-1 and so on);
  • environmentally friendly (without chlorine and phosphates);
  • with water soluble packaging.

Each tablet is enclosed in a separate package, so it is very convenient to use them. If the manufacturer indicated on the package that the bag is soluble in water, then you can not tear it off, but immediately put it in the car. These are Finish Quantum, Sodasan, Amway.

If not, then remove the packaging and put the product in the compartment. These are Somat, Frosch, Econta, Ecover.

What’s in the composition. If this is not an environmentally friendly product, then the content is not much different from powders or gels:

  • chlorine;
  • phosphates;
  • Surfactants;
  • enzymes;
  • bleach;
  • fragrances:
  • Citrate;
  • salts;
  • silicates and so on.

How to insert and which side to put the pads? Follow these simple rules of operation:

  • Clean dishes thoroughly to remove food debris.
  • Arrange them in baskets.
  • You can fill the tablet into the compartment with either side, the main thing is that it closes tightly. Also add salt, add rinse aid.
  • Run a long wash cycle.

Important! Do not use pre or short program cartridges. They will not have time to dissolve, so the dishes will not be washed well, and plaque will remain at the bottom of the dishwasher.

For compact PMM or “Half Load” cycles, half of the product can be used. But this is not always convenient.

Should a tablet fall out, why does it fall out of the compartment?

The reasons lie in the principle of operation of the machine. During the start of the main wash, the compartment ejects the pad. Under the influence of water, it begins to gradually dissolve.

Do not crush compressed cubes. Each layer dissolves in turn. If they are mixed, there will be no proper effect, since the rinse aid is used immediately.

First of all, salt and detergent components are dissolved, and at the end – rinsing agents (red ball inside). It happens that the detergent does not fly out of the dispenser. The cause may be improperly positioned dishes that block the dispenser. It is worth checking the lid itself, maybe it is jammed.

Benefits of pressed products in individual packaging

  1. Convenient to use every day, no need to dose and get your hands dirty.
  2. They do not crumble, do not spill, neatly fit into the compartment.
  3. Easy and long storage. Individual packaging allows you not to worry about moisture.
  4. Efficiency, versatility.

Important! If the package is water-soluble, do not handle it with wet hands, otherwise the product will soften.

Now you know where to put the pills and what mode to put. Follow the PMM instructions, then it will work without failures.

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