where to put the Christmas tree in Feng Shui in 2019

where to put the Christmas tree in Feng Shui in 2019

We choose the most energetically strong place for the symbol of the New Year’s holiday.

The fluffy beauty will become not only a decoration of your apartment, but also a real magic, if you choose the right place for her. Let’s use feng shui tips and energy rules.

The southeast sector of the house is responsible for wealth and prosperity in the house. If in your apartment this place is not in the bathroom or toilet, feel free to choose it for the New Year’s beauty. For decor, choose red, purple and gold colors, bright lights and symbols of material well-being: coins, round balls, bright garlands.

Another place that will attract wealth into your home is the kitchen. So that the house is always nourishing, cozy and warm at the family table, you can choose a small Christmas tree and put it on the windowsill, table, one of the shelves.

Are you dreaming of strengthening or building new relationships? Identify the southwest sector in the house. Another option is in the bedroom or by the bed, if the apartment is small. In decorating the Christmas tree of love, use shades of pink, red, silk ribbons. And when choosing toys, pay attention to paired objects. These can be birds (doves, mandarin ducks, swans, etc.), hearts or flowers (peonies in feng shui, roses in common symbols).

And if you want to strengthen family ties, choose the eastern sector or the eastern part of the room. Green, warm brown and blue colors can be used to decorate the family tree. And also use the symbol of the family – a figurine or an image of a dragon. The main thing here is to place it correctly: the dragon should not be located above the eye level of the owner of the house (head of the family). This will harmonize the hierarchy among family members and maintain strong warm ties among family members.

In feng shui, the western sector of the apartment is responsible for the children. In dreams of motherhood, you can not only choose this sector in the house, but also come up with imagination to decorate the Christmas tree itself. For example, place it in the living room, but make it as attractive as possible for kids. Imagine that the children of friends and family come to you, how they look at your beauty mesmerized and rejoice, jump and laugh with happiness.

Such a Christmas tree can be decorated with sweet gifts, shine with lights, and attract attention with beautiful toys. You can even dress her up in the theme of children’s fairy tales (or one of your choice). So you will show the Universe (or Santa Claus!) That you are ready for the appearance of children in your house.

Herringbone for career heights

For professional achievements, you can choose three sectors in Feng Shui at once. The northern part of your apartment is directly responsible for career growth. If you or your husband have been waiting for a promotion for a long time, choose this sector, decorate it in white, blue and blue colors. Use figurines of horses, turtles, fish or lotus flowers.

If you want to add new skills to your resume, hone professional skills, improve academic performance and efficiency, or go to a prestigious university, set up a Christmas tree in the northeast of your apartment. This sector is responsible for wisdom and learning. Choose from yellow and brown Christmas tree decorations, elephant and dragon figurines.

And if it’s high time for you to reap the fruits of your own labors, pay attention to the southern sector of the house. He is responsible for glory and greatness. The classic Christmas colors for decoration – red and green – are considered to attract popularity and recognition in feng shui. Choose them in jewelry and toys. And from the symbols of glory – the phoenix bird and the eagle. In the zone of glory and grandeur, they traditionally have their own portraits, diplomas and awards. You can turn on your imagination and figure out how to use examples of your achievements in this zone or decorating the Christmas tree.

By the way

Psychologists have named the best time to decorate the Christmas tree so as not to spoil your New Year’s mood. According to experts, this process is best left for sweet – right on December 31st. Then the New Year’s spirit will not be wasted in you, and the festive mood will be just in time. True, psychologists did not explain how to have time to set the table, clean the house, and decorate the Christmas tree, taking into account the fact that December 31 is a working day.

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