Where to put the bed to get pregnant faster

Every woman has her own time when she seriously thinks about motherhood. For some, the conception of a child takes place without a hitch, while others face various difficulties. No wonder there are many signs, rituals and ceremonies for a woman to realize her main mission on earth.

According to feng shui experts, it is the western sector of the apartment that is responsible for the offspring. All you need to do now is arm yourself with a compass and choose a geographically correct location for your bed. And before doing the rearrangement, there are a few more things to take care of:

– do a general cleaning, that is, throw out everything unnecessary, torn and cracked;

– remove all sharp corners of furniture that are directed towards your bed. If the space does not allow for a radical rearrangement, simply round off the corners with decorative ribbons or hide them behind vines;

– activate the children’s sector with the help of a ficus tree, a figurine “Seven Happy Elephants” or a crystal egg, a panel “Happy Children”, photographs of a cute child in a silver frame or a still life with pomegranates. This fruit has long been considered a symbol of fertility;

– make sure that this sector is always well lit, and your bed is covered with a solid mattress. If you sleep on the couch, then put a thick blanket under the sheet and fold the couch as rarely as possible;

– you can use the power of stones that give women childbearing strength, and put them in the sector of children, among them diamond, emerald, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, rock crystal, topaz, amber, jasper;

– if you like jewelry, you can purchase a pendant with a picture of a crane and a peach fruit. This is an analogue of our stork.

The moon is the source of feminine energy. It is believed that contemplating her on the full moon helps to get pregnant. Just like the adoption of a child from an orphanage, but only on condition that you are ready to sincerely love this child.

There is a belief that close communication with a pregnant woman also brings the moment of conception closer: you can drink water from her glass, try on her clothes, eat fruit in half with her, or ask her to spoon feed you.

And, of course, there is a rule that always works flawlessly: make a guess and forget. Tell the Universe about your intention to become a mom like this:

– enjoy the beauty, relax by the sea, watch romantic comedies, walk more in the parks and lead a healthy lifestyle,

– buy an item of children’s clothing at Detsky Mir, for example, booties,

– change your wardrobe, more often choose feminine clothes instead of trousers and jeans,

– eat foods that have life inside: eggs, caviar, seeds, pomegranates.

Now try to let go of your desire. If you get hung up on it, your psyche can “block” fertility. Let the intimacy bring you pleasure above all.

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