Where to put a toilet in the country, so as not to make trouble

Where to put a toilet in the country, so as not to make trouble

Autumn is the time of construction work at the summer cottage: there are fewer and fewer things to do in the garden and vegetable garden. It’s time to refresh the buildings or move the already familiar ones. For example, a toilet.

It seems that there is nothing difficult in organizing a toilet – digging a hole and putting up a house. But before starting construction, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances that relate to both administrative norms and the laws of feng shui.

We look at the norms

According to sanitary standards, a toilet can be placed no closer than 12 meters from a residential building. If there is a sewer well on the site, then the distance to it should be at least 8 meters. In addition, you need to measure the distance to the fence and, in general, any fence on the site. It must be at least a meter. Well, the nearest tree should be 4 meters away, or better further.

In addition to all this, it is still worth taking care of aesthetics: to put the house so that it does not attract too much attention. Therefore, the toilet is usually placed closer to the farthest fence.

Types of country toilets

Depending on the device of the septic tank, there are three main types of summer cottages: a backlash closet, a powder closet and a birdhouse toilet with a cesspool.

In the first case, the building is more expensive and differs in that it is made of concrete blocks. The second option is less expensive, it is called “peat” among the common people. It is equipped with a removable tank, and after collecting the waste, you can make fertilizer for the garden using sawdust from the contents of the tank. But these troubles are more likely for grandmothers than for modern summer residents.

The third is the simplest and most common. A wooden house, or “birdhouse”, is erected over the cesspool. When the cesspool is filled, then it is cleaned out with the help of sewage disposal equipment, if the size of the site allows. But most often they simply bury and transfer a wooden building to a new place, or they erect a more capital and durable toilet.

What about feng shui?

Lovers of ancient Chinese teachings know that with any construction, if you follow the basic rules, you can attract wealth and luck. So what is important to consider.


A better place for a toilet is west or northeast: negative streams in this case do not stagnate and immediately dissolve in space, and in return the atmosphere is filled with beneficial energy. But if, for example, you put a toilet in the southwest, you can get health problems. By the way, for buildings of other purposes, this direction may be one of the best – be careful!

Sha lines

Experts in this area ask you to pay attention to the Sha toilet lines. To find out where they are, mentally imagine, while sitting in the toilet, a line in the direction of your gaze forward and the same back. It should not cross the bed, refrigerator, dining area and workplace. Why? Sha is a negative energy in Feng Shui, which may not affect your life in the best way. How? For example, if the line passes through the bed, then this can negatively affect women’s health. It is not necessary for this line to pass through the nursery: babies are very sensitive to negative energy.


Take a closer look at the details. First, the path leading to the toilet should be winding to ward off the negative currents of dirty Sha energy. It is also very important that the closet is not located opposite the front door or wicket at the summer cottage, this can attract problems. It is important to know that any toilet bowl should have a lid, which must always be kept closed so as not to let the positive energy go away.

Water element

The bathroom belongs to the water element, which strongly conflicts with Fire. Therefore, place the toilet away from baths, smokehouses and barbecues – places where fire is used. It is better if there are any reservoirs nearby, and it does not have to be pools or ponds. Even a barrel filled with water will do. Also, avoid “fiery colors” in design, give preference to blues and blues.

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