Where to plunge into baptism in Rostov 2017
Traditionally, on the night of January 18-19 and in the afternoon of January 19, fonts are prepared for believers in Rostov. For those who haven’t tried the plunge yet, but really want to, Woman’s Day has put together helpful tips.
Natalia Nikolaeva, actress:
– I’m scared to plunge into the font, although I did it in late autumn. Therefore, on Epiphany I will wash my body under the shower, which is located on the street at the monastery courtyard. From above you pour ice water three times with a prayer. I believe that it makes no difference how to receive God’s grace. I understand perfectly those who have come to this in desires, but cannot make up their minds – the body resists, is chilled to the skin. Therefore, for all the advice is this: prayer helps, any. And when it is completely cold, I, for example, start singing some songs of praise to the glory of the Lord – you cheer yourself up, your heart becomes warmer, you warm up internally. And it is difficult for my body to tune in advance – our body is afraid of physical suffering, pain. I can not. I immediately, wow and that’s it! With prayer, with faith, that God gave this water to us, that it will cleanse us, wash away all bad things.
Natalia Tolstaya, psychoanalyst:
– On the eve of Epiphany, go with the whole family to the solemn service. And also, do you know what Orthodox hostesses do? They put things in order in the house and illuminate all the corners “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit …” so that the evil spirits flee from the consecrated house.
Bathing in Epiphany water on a holiday testifies to a person’s faith in the undoubted power of God’s grace, which will save him even in a thirty-degree frost somewhere on the Yenisei or Ob from all sorts of ailments, serving for the health of soul and body. A person who plunges into an ice bath with the awareness of the true meaning of what he is doing will receive undoubted spiritual benefits. But the ice hole in no way replaces confession, does not automatically cleanse, as some think, of all sins.
Gennady Malakhov, folk healer:
– The first thing to do before swimming is to tune in! – Gennady Petrovich assures. – In a few days, convince yourself that everything will be fine. Do not be afraid at all!
Two hours before swimming, eat borscht with sour cream or other warm liquid food so that it warms up the body. You can eat bread with garlic, wash it down with warm tea. The stomach should not be empty – it will freeze quickly!
Come to the font warmly dressed. The main thing is not to freeze and not sweat.
Don’t worry about being cold or uncomfortable. Climb boldly into the baptismal water! You will experience a bliss that rarely can be compared to. Plunging into the hole, you feel how every cell of the body begins to renew itself and you seem to be getting younger.
Quickly undress and … jump into the font! Do not hesitate, otherwise you will freeze. If you are diving for the first time, it is enough to dive once.
It happens that a person is lost from cold water, cannot move. It’s good if there are three assistants next to you. Two will take you by the hands, dip and pull you out of the water, the third will give you a large bath sheet at the exit.
Immediately run into the warmth, get dressed, drink hot tea with raspberries or honey.
When I plunge into the baptismal font every year, I say: “Mother Voditsa, take me into your health-giving arms!” I wish everyone to be healthy and get, like me, a lot of pleasure from the bathing process!
And representatives of professional medicine, physicians categorically do not advise people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, colds and high blood pressure to plunge into the ice hole. Otherwise, the patient may experience severe spasms, which will lead to dire consequences. It is known that faith is of great importance to a person, but the risk is great. Everyone else, before swimming in the font, should warm up, do a few bends, squats, jumps. You can drink warm tea or juice, water. Don’t overflow your stomach – don’t overeat. And in any case, do not take alcohol! It increases the load on the heart and promotes rapid hypothermia.
What promises the weather on Epiphany night?
On the night of January 18-19, the air temperature will range from -2 to -4 degrees. In the afternoon of January 19, it will rise to 0 … -2. The water temperature in Don promises to be about 0 degrees. Precipitation is not expected, but east and north-east winds of 7-12 m / s are expected, sometimes up to 14 m / s.
Where to plunge into Epiphany in Rostov?
Northern Reservoir, Kosmonavtov Ave., 2/3. January 18 from 19:30 to 22:00.
Explosive source, st. Portovaya, 72. January 19 after liturgy from 11:00 to 13:00 (procession).
A source on the territory of the Holy Iveron Women’s Monastery, st. Neklinovskaya, 4. January 18 from 11:30 to 13:00, January 19 from 05:30 to 07:00.
Temple of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, st. Sadovodcheskaya, 11 (area behind the dam of the Rostov Sea). January 19 from 12.00 to 19.00.
Spassky temple, st. Orskaya – st. Graceful (area in front of the dam of the Rostov Sea). January 19 from 00.00 to 03.00.
Seraphimovsky source, Botanical Garden of the Southern Federal University, st. Chapaevskaya, 18.January 18 from 14:00 to 15:00.
Font on the territory of the Prepolovensky Church, st. All-Union, 167 January from 18:12 to 00:16, 00 January from 19:10 to 00:18.
Source Georgievsky, Art. Pervomayskaya, Kommunistichesky ave., 38b. January 19 from 05:00 to 06:30.
Spring of the church “Surb – Khach”, st. Baghramyan, 1. January 18 from 20:00, January 19 from 5:00.
Spring in the park “Friendship”, st. Kapustin, 1 from 20:00.
Lifeguards will be on duty on Epiphany night near each source.
Are you going to plunge into the baptismal font?
Sure! I’m a believer!
I haven’t figured out yet if I need it.
Absolutely not! What could be worse than falling into icy water in such frost?
I used to always dip, now I don’t want to.
I’m afraid of getting sick. I’ll wait next year.