Where to order a high-quality and original New Year’s gift?

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Nobody looks forward to the New Year like children. They sincerely believe that Santa Claus will certainly fulfill their desire, which they so diligently expressed to him in their letter. And the kids also know that under the New Year’s tree there will definitely be a sweet gift: well, what is New Year without sweets?

To please their child, thoughtful parents approach the issue of choosing a gift in advance. You can, of course, grab the first bright bag of sweets from the supermarket shelf at the last moment, but is it necessary? Firstly, this is a classic version of a pig in a poke, when the contents may decisively not correspond to the elegant, promising packaging. And secondly, a gift will warm your soul much more, in the ordering and formation of which you took a direct part. Only in this case, you will be sure that the chosen version of the New Year’s packaging will contain delicious and freshest sweets, which your little one will enjoy himself and will treat his relatives with evening tea.

In order not to torment where you can get such a gift, we inform you the coordinates: company Sladkiypodarok52.rf. Delicious sugary kits are assembled here for both organizations and individuals. The gift contains no banal caramel, only high-quality chocolates! Moreover, the freshest and very tasty (the company cooperates only with trusted, reputable manufacturers). And how many and what kind of sweets should be in the gift, you can determine for yourself: the company takes into account individual wishes.

However, even before your child appreciates the quality of the chocolates, he will sincerely enjoy the gift decoration. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the gift can be made in the form of a real postal parcel from Santa Claus (a hand-painted plywood box), or in an elegant bag, or in a cardboard painted tube. Gifts from Sladkiypodarok52.rf are the case when the spectacular form matches the excellent content as much as possible!

The minimum gift value is 300 rubles, the minimum order quantity is 10 pieces. Delivery across Nizhny Novgorod and the region is free. Payment form – any convenient for you.  

Hurry up, New Year is coming soon! Please your child with a delicious and beautiful gift so that he will remember the New Year’s magic for a long time!

Gift packages, packaging, gift investments – on the website: http://сладкийподарок52.рф

Buying gifts from the Sweet Gift company, you help children! Five rubles from each gift are transferred to the Kind Heart Foundation for the Christmas Tree charity event (for more details https://vk.com/dobrofsp).


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