Where to go to relax in our country: the five most “green” destinations

About how to find solitude on the spit of the Sea of ​​Azov, to see the flora and fauna in its original form in the Caucasus and to be the very boy who wants to Tambov after seeing the landscapes of the region

“Green” economy is the principle of sustainable development of cities in all progressive countries of the world. Many states are trying to achieve minimal environmental impact, reduce emissions into the atmosphere and improve the favorable environment for their citizens.

Recent disaster news has been a catalyst for environmental anxiety for many. It may seem that oil has spilled all over the country, and there are more heavy metals in the air than in a cast-iron pan.

But do not rush to get upset and look for housing in Sweden or Denmark. We will tell you about the cities of our country in which people have not yet had time to destroy ecosystems.

1. Tambov

The first in line is the capital of the Tambov region, which for several years has been a leader in the eco-rating of cities by the Green Patrol public organization.

In recent years, the indicators of the maximum permissible rate of emissions into the atmosphere have practically not increased here, and work is also underway to clean up rivers, against floods, repair hydraulic structures and eliminate unauthorized dumps.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo: Shutterstock

The city is one of the ten leaders of the “Green Shield” – a natural framework consisting of forests, fields, rivers, lakes, and shores. It serves to strengthen the environment and protect against the impact of technogenic and anthropogenic factors.

From Moscow to Tambov 459 km, from St. Petersburg – 1171 km. The most environmentally friendly option is to travel by train, the journey from the capital will take about 9 hours.

What to watch?

You need to go here for the beauty of Russian forests and fields, which abound in the region:

  • Reserve “Voroninsky”

You can get to the place from Tambov:

By car:

On the highway P 208 Tambov-Kirsanov, turn right for 66 km (there is a sign to Inzhavino), then along the highway 37 km to the village Inzhavino, at the “T” shaped intersection turn left, then at the first turn turn right, after 50 m on the left is the administrative building of the reserve.

By bus:

From the railway station “Tambov-1” on the street. Railway Station Square, 1. on the route Tambov — Inzhavino, departure at 8:00.

From the bus station “Northern” to the street. Michurinskaya 46, bus route Tambov-Inzhavino, departure at 10:30, 12:40, 15:40, 18:00.

  • suburban forest

If on the first day after the road there is no desire to go far outside the city, then the Prigorodny forest is an excellent option, where you can also feel the natural harmony of Tambov. Moreover, the basis of the forest is made up of pine trees aged 120-160 years, so outdoor recreation will definitely restore strength.

  • Lake Kipets

The area of ​​the lake is more than 50 hectares, and from the Barskaya Mountain it offers a simply stunning view. Around the lake there is a forest area, Klyuchevskoy spring and pristine nature.

2. Maykop

Last year, the national project “Ecology” allocated 1,5 billion rubles to the capital of Adygea. to improve the state of the environment. There are more than 130 rivers in the republic, so flood protection measures are a priority for the authorities. The city has clean drinking water, soil and air. Although the problem with noise and garbage pollution is still not solved.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo by wikipedia.org

What to watch?

  • Khadzhokh gorge, Rufabgo waterfalls and the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve

The territory of the reserve occupies a large part of the territory of Adygea, and this entire zone is a protected area. Her visit is possible only for a fee, on official routes and in compliance with the rules.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo: kavkazzapoved.ru

On the territory of Adygea there are two official points for entering the reserve, where you can purchase tickets (permits):

  • Checkpoint “Lagonaki”: Opening hours: around the clock. You can get to the checkpoint by the road from Dakhovskaya (road Dakhovskaya-Lagonaki checkpoint), the checkpoint itself is located right at the end of the asphalt road.
  • Checkpoint “Yavorovaya Polyana”: Opening hours: 06:00 – 21:00. You can get on the road from Guzeripl to Yavorova Polyana on asphalt, leave the car there, and walk through the forest to the checkpoint for another ten minutes.

3. Sochi

For the Winter Olympics, the authorities cleared the streets of the city of garbage and ennobled them with bins for sorting waste. Fortunately, after 2014 this idea was not abandoned. There are no heavy industries here, and the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve helps the air of the sea and mountains to remain clean.

What to watch?

  • Caucasian Biosphere Reserve

We already talked about this place when we talked about Adygea. But the area of ​​the reserve is so huge that you can approach it from different places.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo: kavkazzapoved.ru

So, for example, you can build a unique route from Sochi, while filling out an application on the official website of the reserve. The uniqueness lies in the all-season availability of travel, and in winter you can even ride a husky sled.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo: kavkazzapoved.ru
  • Ecofarm “Exarcho”

A place that is not so often included in the list of places to visit among Sochi tourists deserves a mention in the eco-rating. This is a large agro-technical complex that includes a farm, gardens, ponds and incredible mountain landscapes. You need to go here to dive not only into the flora, but also the fauna, which will be especially interesting for children.


  • Summer time (May-September): 10:00 – 19:00
  • Winter time (October-April): 10:00 – 18:00
  • Monday is cleaning day.
  • On holidays without days off.

Guided tour ticket prices:

  • For adults: 450 rubles.
  • For children (5-12 years old): 350 rubles.
  • For pensioners and disabled people: 350 rubles.
  • For participants of the Great Patriotic War and children under 5 years old: free of charge

4. Vladikavkaz

Continuing the eco-tour through the south of the country, it is worth looking into North Ossetia. Here, the state of the environment is at a decent level, largely because there are not so many industrial enterprises in the republic (as in Adygea). Clean mountain air, low population density, and affordable drinking water allow Vladikavkaz to occupy a leading position among “green” cities.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo by wikipedia.org

But even here there are enough problems due to backwardness in the development of technologies. So, in the republic they still have not learned how to dispose of the waste of the Electrozinc plant.

What to watch?

You need to go here for the inspiration of the Caucasian mountains, coniferous forests and the purest air.

  • Alania National Park

The park is located on the northern slope of the Central Caucasus, in the Urukh River basin, at an altitude of 800–4 m above sea level, on the slopes of the Side and, in part, the Main Dividing Range, separated by longitudinal valleys.

  • Fiagdon Gorge

To get to the natural monument, you need to go to the highway R-299 (Vladikavkaz-Alagir), which is a continuation of A. Ktsoev Street in Vladikavkaz. After 22 kilometers, near the small village of Dzuarikau, the road turns towards the mountains and, after 20 minutes, leads to the Fiagdon Gorge.

5. Taganrog

If there were few industrial facilities in previous cities, then in Taganrog there are plenty of them. Therefore, the city authorities have introduced new modern technologies to regulate waste emissions.

Here, the area of ​​green spaces is expanding, environmentally friendly fuels are being used, and traffic, compared to large metropolitan areas, is small, because only about 120 thousand people live here.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo: Shutterstock

What to see?

  • Beglitskaya hair

There are no holes and steep cliffs here, and the depth of the sea within 100 m from the coast rarely reaches even half a meter. Kosa is also very attractive for fans of camping. Here at any time you can find a secluded place and set up camp.

Where to go to relax in our country: the five most green destinations
Photo by wikipedia.org

When planning a vacation in this place, it must be taken into account that there is absolutely no infrastructure on the coast. The nearest store is in Beglitz. The spit is suitable for wildlife lovers. In addition, the protected area is recognized for good reason – it grows more than 140 plant species listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region. And in view of the fact that the place is located at a considerable distance from highways and industrial enterprises, the medicinal herb collected here is also environmentally friendly.

  • Alekseevsky forest

The nearest forest to Taganrog is Alekseevsky. It is located in the Matveevo-Kurgan region, near the village of Alekseevka, at the confluence of the Krynka and Mius rivers. The forest is great for camping and grilling, and there are plenty of large camping fields with parking spaces.

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