Where to find the 25th hour in a day: secrets from a time management expert

We play many social roles that modern society has awarded us. But how to do everything? And how do others do it? Let’s talk to a time management expert.

How to get more done in a day

Sometimes it feels like some people have more time in the day. This mainly happens when we watch people on social media who broadcast “successful success” and maximum productivity. But our day again wasted in vain, nothing was done. How do others do it?

Most likely, these people have learned to plan their day, and they even have time to rest. The main thing to remember is that it is important to solve global problems gradually. We take a big goal and break it down into sub-goals – we go towards it in small steps.

This will not only help you perform more effective actions without being distracted by secondary matters, but also clearly demonstrate that our global goal is not so unattainable if we take a small step towards it every day.

System of effective work with current cases

There are many different day planning techniques. The GTD (Getting Things Done) technique is one of the most fundamental. It can be done through the planning application on your phone or even in your diary. The essence of the technique is that you need to write down absolutely all your tasks. This, by the way, helps to unload the head and be more open to new things.

All tasks should be divided into folders. There is a standard set of six folders:

  • “Inbox”: here we enter all new tasks, ideas, thoughts and small assignments.
  • “Today”: a folder with specific actions and steps for today.
  • “Tomorrow”: these are not the most urgent and burning things.
  • “Schedule”: there will be events that are clearly tied to time: a matinee in the garden, speeches at a conference, a wedding anniversary.
  • “Someday”: in this folder we will write down “wishlists”, travels, going out, that is, everything that we would like to realize.
  • “Expects”: here we write down what you expect from others. A call, a courier with an order or something else.
  • “Trash”: all irrelevant cases are sent to this folder. We try to use it as little as possible.

We add the rest of the folders at will, the main thing is that everything is not stored in your head. With the help of this technique, space is freed not only in memory, but also in time. At least, we spend precious minutes not on remembering the next task, but productively spending them.

How daily routine affects our productivity

In order to have the strength to achieve goals, it is necessary to observe a regimen in which sleep, food and other needs are fully present.

  • Sleep is the most important ingredient. Determine the number of hours of quality sleep based on what time you need to wake up. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. To form such a habit, you can use a reminder on your phone, which will send you to bed on time every evening.
  • Sports also help to be in a resource state. It is not necessary to go to the gym, even daily exercise increases the amount of energy and makes us more productive.
  • When planning not only work, but also rest, we do not forget to fill our “vessel”. Only rest is not about gadgets, but about rituals that give strength. It is enough for someone to lie down for 20 minutes in the bathroom in complete silence, while someone needs more serious actions, but the meaning is the same. You shouldn’t forget about yourself.

So where is the 25th hour hiding?

Scattering attention to less priority things, being distracted by calls and social networks when the main tasks are not completed, we spend a lot of time. Distracted from the important for 15 minutes in the morning, half an hour in the afternoon and another 15 minutes in the afternoon – and have already lost this very hour! But people are much more distracted.

You need to stop communication with those who steal your time, set personal boundaries. Try for 3 days every 15-20 minutes to “catch” yourself on what you are doing now. And you will see how many precious minutes and hours are wasted.

Record your achievements, even the smallest ones, and reward yourself for them. Celebrating small victories, we become more confident in our abilities.

The secret to productivity is very simple: to work well, you need to rest well. Don’t wait until you are very tired. Set aside time for rest and if you are already resting, then rest and do not think about work and business. And when you work, then work without being distracted by anything.

About the Developer

Ekaterina Bespyatykh — international planning expert, winner of the Business Woman 2021 award, author of the bestseller “Resource Time Management for Women”, founder of the Woman Time Academy of Women’s Development, mother of many children. Her blog.

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