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The clinic pays special attention to the treatment of endocrine diseases, in particular hypothyroidism. This is a disease caused by long-term and persistent deficiencies in thyroid hormones, which regulate energy metabolism in the body. Therefore, all metabolic processes in hypothyroidism slow down somewhat.

In Russia, approximately 10 percent of women and 3 percent of men suffer from hypothyroidism. Despite its prevalence, the disease is often detected late because its symptoms and signs are subtle. People think that they are simply overworked or perceive their condition as a consequence of another illness or pregnancy.

What symptoms should you suspect you have hypothyroidism and be tested? Lethargy, sluggishness, decreased performance, fatigue, drowsiness, memory loss, dry skin, puffiness of the face and swelling of the extremities, a rough voice, brittle nails, hair loss, weight gain, a feeling of chilliness, parasthesia, constipation – all this can be a sign of endocrine disease.

Hypothyroidism is one of the causes of female infertility and menstrual irregularities.

The main methods for diagnosing both hypothyroidism in particular, and thyroid diseases in general, is the determination of the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and ultrasound of the thyroid gland to clarify the cause of hypothyroidism.

On the basis of the VERO clinic, a complete diagnosis of the thyroid gland is carried out: consultations of highly qualified specialists, all necessary laboratory tests, ultrasound on an expert-class apparatus with elastography, and, if necessary, ultrasound with contrast, puncture of the thyroid gland with cytology. Endocrinologists treat patients with obesity, underweight, endocrine infertility, and pregnant women with endocrine pathology.

The high level of professionalism of the specialists of the clinic “VERO” is evidenced by the fact that they often go to international and all-Russian conferences, congresses, scientific and practical schools; are members of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, members of the Russian Association for Osteoporosis. The clinic’s doctors work in close contact with specialists from leading medical centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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