Where to develop a child in Nizhny Novgorod
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Not only our problems, but also our successes come from childhood. That is why it is so important to pay maximum attention to the harmonious development of the personality at the beginning of the life path.
Life success and a positive outlook are built brick by brick in childhood. Of course, the basis of the foundations is the family, its special microclimate and great love, without which the successful development of a small person is simply impossible. But even the most loving parents do not have the amount of knowledge and skills that a growing personality needs. That is why it is so important to develop your child with the help of specialists who will help the child become a more versatile person and a self-confident person. Child development is the best investment that every parent can afford. And one of the best places for this is the “Little Country on Literaturnaya” children’s center.
Children’s Center “Little Country on Literary” for several years of its work, it has gained well-deserved popularity among the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod. Here, work is being successfully carried out in many areas of development of children of all ages using author’s methods. Children come to classes with pleasure, because here they are not only interested, but also psychologically comfortable: each child is provided with an individual approach. Parents and grandparents state that after classes in “Little Country on Literaturnaya” their children and grandchildren become more relaxed, self-confident, and therefore happier. And classes in the children’s center help the child better prepare for school, and in all respects – both in terms of the ability to interact in a team, and in relation to the skills and knowledge acquired. To assess the entire range of activities of the children’s center, it makes sense to present all areas of its work.
Early development classes are held for children from one to three years old in small groups. Groups are formed by age (1-1,5 years old, 1,5-2 years old, etc.)
In the classroom, exercises are used to develop cognitive abilities, spatial representations, fine motor skills, coordination of movements and much more.
Classes are held in a playful way and both kids and their parents take part in them. Children learn to communicate with their peers. A comfortable environment is created for the child and an individual approach to each is used.
Classes are held 2 times a week and consist of 2 blocks of 25-30 minutes each (developmental lesson + children’s fitness).
Developing activities for children from 3 to 5 years old
It is very important for a child that everything he does is interesting to him. Interest is the leading motive of any activity. Therefore, developmental classes in “Little Country on Literaturnaya” include various types of activities: exercises for the development of attention, speech, logic and memory, outdoor games, as well as physical education.
Classes are held with musical accompaniment, which helps prevent overwork of children and activates their mental activity.
For the convenience of children and parents, classes are held on Saturdays.
In a full-day group, kind and loving teachers, a homely atmosphere, delicious food, entertaining and fun walks and, of course, educational activities are waiting for your kid.
Groups are formed by age:
- youngest: 2-3 years
- senior: 4-6 years
The group has a maximum of 6 people. During the week, children are engaged with an English language teacher, speech therapist, a teacher of the Fine Arts studio, a teacher for early development and development of speech, as well as a music teacher.
The full day group works from 8.00 to 18.00.
In “Little Country” you can meet the most important holiday for your kid – his birthday
Pop dance studio “Surprise”
The need for dance movement manifests itself in a person in early childhood. And in the pop dance studio, kids have been practicing since the age of 3. Classes are held by age groups: 3-6 years old and 7-10 years old. The main academic discipline is the development of natural dance and physical skills. Then children begin to study the basics of classical choreography, pop dance, elements of gymnastics, get acquainted with the basics of acting, free plasticity and improvisation. Classes contribute to the formation and disclosure of the child’s creative abilities, the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of his personal potential.
Dance aerobics is a set of exercises that are performed with musical accompaniment. Its main principle is the performance of all kinds of dance routines in a non-stop mode, that is, an active and continuous dance for 4-8 counts. Classes will help form a muscle corset, improve posture and coordination of movements, and specific dance movements will help develop plasticity.
Classes are designed for adolescents (10-15 years old).
Sports acrobatics section
Sports acrobatics is a very beautiful sport that harmoniously develops the body. Acrobatics helps to strengthen muscles, forms correct posture, gives confidence and ease of movement, develops coordination and dexterity, so classes will be interesting and useful for both boys and girls. Sports acrobatics will help develop strength of character and determination, gain confidence in your abilities!
Classes include various exercises with music: somersaults, stands, bridges and much more.
Children from 4 to 6 years old are invited to the section.
Chess is a very ancient and interesting game that will help develop an analytical mindset, logical thinking and perseverance in a child. In “Little Country on Literaturnaya” there is a group for both beginner chess players, where you can learn the very basics of the game, and a group for children who are already familiar with the basic rules of the game.
Children from 4 years old are accepted to the chess section.
Theater is a game. Play is a natural way for any child to explore the world around him, as well as himself. By acting out various plots, children learn to reincarnate, trying on the most diverse characters of their heroes.
Theater studio teacher – Alexey, a graduate of GITIS. Alexey has been teaching acting and stage speech since 2005, a teacher at the Yeralash – Nizhny Novgorod studio.
The theater studio will give your child a unique, magical journey into the world of theater, music and fairy tales!
The studio welcomes children from 4 years old and older.
Right Brain Drawing Studio
It’s never boring in the right-brain drawing class! After all, already in the first lesson, the child will be able to draw a beautiful picture. Classes in right-brain drawing will allow each child to show their individuality, get rid of internal barriers and reveal their creative abilities.
The right hemisphere is responsible for spatial imaginative thinking. It is responsible for our creative abilities, allows us to think not only in forms, but also in images. It is this that makes our life bright and unique. Thanks to the developed right hemisphere, we can easily and quickly find a way out of the most difficult situation, we begin to think creatively.
The process of teaching pop vocal contributes to the formation and development of a singing voice, acting and stage speech, and also gives self-confidence. Vocal lessons are very important for children and are an integral part of the harmonious aesthetic development of a person.
In “Little Country on Literary” classes are conducted by a highly qualified teacher – Svetlana Evgenievna Kulagina, a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory (Academy) named after MI Glinka, laureate of the international vocal competition “Vocal drops”.
Vocal lessons are conducted both in groups and individually, and include:
- work on the development of ear for music;
- setting of singing breathing;
- voice staging;
- development of the range of the voice;
- work on the purity of intonation;
- work on diction and articulation;
- work with a microphone;
- work on emotional and singing culture;
- development of the vocal personality of the child.
The early aesthetic development of a child is carried out according to the author’s and adapted programs, starting from the age of 4. Studying in the children’s vocal studio, the child will expand the vocal range, will be able to sing with a set voice.
Children’s vocal studio “Assorti” is a friendly team where children not only grow and develop, but also do what they love, make friends and have a rest!
In the children’s center “Little Country on Literaturnaya”, children have the opportunity not only to develop their creative abilities, but also to study the English language that is in demand today. At the center, teachers carry out an individual approach to each child, which ensures effective language acquisition. Groups are formed both by age and by the level of training of the child.
Experienced teachers of “Little Country on Literaturnaya” will help your child prepare for such an important stage in life as school. In the classroom, children learn writing, counting, the basics of geometry and everything necessary for subsequent successful studies in the first grade.
Classes are conducted with children aged 5 years and older.
In addition, consultations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist and defectologist) are held in “Little Country on Literaturnaya”.
“Little Country on Literaturnaya” is a place not only for development, but also for a real holiday. Here you can organize the most memorable birthday or celebration for any significant occasion for the child. And so that mothers do not get bored while the kids are busy, classes are also organized for them in the children’s center – fitness for moms!
… Children are our everything. That is why we must do our best to keep them successful and happy. The Children’s Center “Little Country on Literaturnaya” will help every parent to realize his dream of the happiness of the child.
Center Address:
Nizhny Novgorod, st. Literaturnaya, 6a
Тел./факс: 8 (831)245−16−41
Тел. +7−908−162−51−20