Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbsTraditionally, with the onset of warm spring rains, the long-awaited “gribalka” begins. Many lovers of “quiet hunting” are happy to go to the forest for mushrooms. At the same time, each mushroom picker always singles out for himself “favorites” among all representatives of the fruiting bodies. Someone likes to collect chanterelles, and someone cannot convey the delight of honey mushrooms. However, each type of fungus chooses its own territory in which it is convenient and comfortable to grow. The same feature has not bypassed the oil, which will be discussed in this article. These mushrooms also found a suitable landscape and neighbors for themselves – plants, without which they simply cannot exist.

In which forest do butter mushrooms grow?

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Experienced mushroom pickers already know by heart where to pick butterflies, and at what time of the year there are especially many of them. Moreover, they know specific places in the forest where butterflies grow in families. This mushroom rightfully deserves a place as a leader in the ranking of the most delicious. It is perfect for any cooking process that is only in cooking. It is fried, stewed, pickled, dried, frozen for the winter and even salted. They are also loved for the content of nutrients and nutrients.

If you are a beginner and do not know where you can collect boletus, do not be discouraged. Luckily, mushroom books and the internet have a lot of good information on this subject. After all, the vast majority of mushroom pickers unanimously repeat that the success of the “quiet hunt” and a rich harvest will directly depend on the habitat of a particular type of mushroom. Thus, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the forest in which butter mushrooms grow.

Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbsWhere to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbs

Of course, collecting butterflies in the forest is a real pleasure. These mushrooms are widely distributed throughout the Federation. In addition, they are found in Ukraine, Belarus, America and even North Africa.

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Butterflies in a spruce and pine forest (with photo)

In total, there are more than 40 types of oil, of which 3 main ones are distinguished – granular oil, larch and late. So, granular butterflies grow in a spruce forest, preferring limestone soils. Larch, based on the name, are well “attached” in deciduous forests and copses. But mixed forests and young plantings are places where the late butterdish mushroom grows.

However, often mushroom pickers do not pay attention to what kind of butter dish they are holding in their hands – late, larch or granular. All of them boldly go into a basket, since the rules for processing and cooking for all types of butter are the same.

Basically, most often “hunting” mushroom pickers go to coniferous forests. These mushrooms are very “friendly” with representatives of these plant species – cedars, pines, larches. Therefore, when going to the forest for mushrooms, look for young coniferous trees.

Below is a photo of oiling in the forest:

Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbsWhere to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbs

How to look for butterflies, where and when it is better to collect them

However, it is not enough to know in which forest butterflies grow. After all, the forest is large, and not under every pine tree you will find this “cute” mushroom. To do this, you need to know exactly where to look for butterflies in the forest. The following photo of butterdish mushroom in the forest shows where it likes to grow:

Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbsWhere to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbs

As you can see, the butterdish gets along well with coniferous plants. So, in nature, this mushroom perfectly interacts with pine, so experienced mushroom pickers probably know how to look for boletus in the forest. Being in symbiosis with this tree, butterflies do not try to go far, but stay close to the pines. They love sandy soils with a bunch of coniferous needles, as well as forest plantations. They are comfortable on the spacious edges, flooded with sunlight. Since butterflies do not tolerate excessive moisture, they do not need to be looked for in marshy places. In plantations with a height of about 5-8 m, which have open ground, but there are no bushes and grass, oil plants will not grow.

You can see how butter mushrooms grow in the forest in the photo below:

Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbsWhere to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbs

Although butterflies prefer young pines with open glades, they can still be found in an adult pine forest. Here, their “families” usually live near a forest road or path, in which the cover of lichen and moss is disturbed.

So, it is better to collect boletus where coniferous trees grow. Young Christmas trees, mature pines, majestic cedars, mixed spruce-birch plantings – all this is considered a “paradise” place for their habitat. In a word: if there are coniferous needles under your feet, then an oil can lives here.

It is also very important to know not only where butterflies grow in the forest, but also how they grow. These mushrooms are known to be very friendly and do not tolerate living alone. They grow in whole families, hiding in grass and needles. Therefore, having found one butter dish, look around: for sure there will be a whole “community” of its relatives nearby.

Important: never collect oilseeds in forests near roads or industrial plants. These mushrooms, like sponges, absorb radiation and salts of heavy metals. Even after being cooked, they can cause serious food poisoning.

The season when butterflies appear in the forest

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The collection season, when butterflies appear in the forest, will depend on the climatic characteristics of a particular territory, as well as on weather conditions. So, it is generally accepted that these mushrooms begin to appear in June, and grow until late autumn. A suitable temperature for a large crop of oil is an average of 16 °. Especially plentiful boletus grows after warm torrential rains. Only 5-7 hours are enough for a brown oily hat to appear from the soil. However, the life of this fruiting body also passes quickly – after a few days they become wormy and unfit for food. If you picked a worm mushroom in the forest, do not rush to throw it away: just hang it on a tree branch with the leg down. Drying, the spores will spill out, forming a new mycelium. Therefore, when going to the forest for mushrooms, do not forget to visit this place again. Most likely, you will be surprised when you return: a whole “family” of butterflies will be waiting for you.

Having familiarized yourself with the rules for picking mushrooms, namely: where the butterflies grow and when to pick them, you can greatly simplify your task during the “silent hunt”.

Where do boletus grow in the Moscow region and how to find them

The Moscow region occupies large-scale territories around a large metropolis. Most of it is covered with forests and copses, in which a huge amount of edible mushrooms is concentrated. From summer to autumn, lovers of “silent hunting” go to the forest and collect full baskets of mushrooms. However, it is difficult for a novice mushroom picker to determine where to collect oil mushrooms in the Moscow region. For this, special maps of directions where you can go for mushrooms have been compiled. It must be said that any direction of the Moscow railway can be called “evil” places.

It is known that Muscovites are very fond of collecting boletus, because there are always a lot of them after heavy rains. In addition, “hunting” for these mushrooms is just a win-win. If you are not lucky with representatives of other types of fruiting bodies in the forest, then you can definitely gain success with butterflies and collect more than one basket.

So, where do butterflies grow in the Moscow region? There are 5 main directions here: Savelovskoye, Yaroslavskoye, Leningradskoye, Kazanskoye and Kievskoye. Many experienced mushroom pickers know how to find butterflies in the forests of the Moscow region, so they will be happy to help you and point you in the right direction.

If you are a beginner mushroom picker, or just want to spend time with benefit and pleasure, remember one important rule. The forests of the Moscow region, of course, are not taiga thickets, but you can easily get lost in them. Therefore, it is advisable not to go deep into the forest, or go in search of butter with a person who is well versed in the area.

Where to collect butterflies: the best places in the suburbs

This photo shows which butterflies grow in the pine forests of the Moscow region.

Study the map, memorize the mushroom places and boldly go to the forest for butterflies.

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