Where the abilities of a special child will be developed
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Today, more and more parents are faced with the fact that something is wrong with the development of their child. Most often this is expressed in the absence of speech, sometimes there are disorders associated with mental development. Who should you run to in such a situation? Should I sound the alarm? There is an answer. For almost 3 years, the Center for Speech Correction and Development “Tomatis – Volgograd” has been successfully operating in Volgograd, which helps children and adults with problems with speech or mental development. As the name implies, the Center works with unusual technologies, the story of which is below.
Audio training by the Tomatis method
This technique was created in France by the physician Alfred Tomatis more than 60 years ago and is successfully used in the largest speech therapy centers around the world. Supervisor
The Tomatis method ** is used for children from 2 years old and adults with the following features:
· Lack of speech;
· Speech disorders;
· Developmental delay and its types;
· Autistic symptom complex;
Learning disabilities at school:
· Dyslexia,
· Dyspraxia,
· Discalculation;
• impairment of memory, attention, concentration;
• poor understanding of speech;
· Communication difficulties;
· Problems of psychomotor development;
· Affective and emotional disorders;
· Communication disorders;
· Preparation for childbirth;
· Problems in learning foreign languages.
In addition, the Center uses a methodology that works on the principles of biofeedback (biofeedback) – bioacoustic correction. Bioacoustic correction combines the latest technologies in neurotherapy, biofeedback and music therapy.
The method was developed by neurophysiologists at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) in St. Petersburg. The effectiveness of the method has been confirmed by 25 years of research in the most reputable medical institutions in Russia.
The method of bioacoustic correction (BAC) is indicated for children with mental disorders:
Mental retardation,
· mental retardation,
· Autistic syndrome;
– with impaired speech development:
· Dysarthria,
· Dyslalia,
· ONR,
· Alalia,
· Dyslexia;
– with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
– with neurosis-like disorders (tics, enuresis);
– with the consequences of organic brain damage, craniocerebral trauma;
– with reduced hearing.
If you suspect that your child has problems, but do not know which correction to choose, sign up for a free consultation by phone 8-937-751-11-20
What else should parents pay attention to if there are doubts about the correct development of the child in the absence of pronounced disorders?
1. change in appetite in any direction;
2. meteorological dependence;
3. motion sickness in transport;
4. sleepwalking (sleepwalking, sleepwalking);
5. accompanying movements (for example, when he writes at the same time he sticks out his tongue, licks his lips, etc.);
6. pretentious speech (speech ahead of age);
7. confuse right / left;
8. asymmetry of the face, eyes;
9. improper growth of teeth;
10. strabismus;
11.if the child had a hard time taking the DPT vaccine, etc.
If more than 3 signs coincide, then neurocorrection is recommended, which is carried out at the Center by a certified neuropsychologist.
A feature of the Center’s work is that all the methods used are not medical, but have proven their effectiveness in medical research. *
* Biofeedback in the Russian Federation is not included in the register of medical services and can be used for non-medical purposes.
** The TOMATIS method is a training program and cannot be regarded as a medical treatment or a method of making a medical diagnosis.
Head of the Center for Speech Correction and Development “Tomatis – Volgograd” Olga Ryzhkova
Address of the Center for Speech Correction and Development “Tomatis – Volgograd”:
pr-t them. IN AND. Lenin, 33a.
Телефон: 8-937-751-11-20.
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