Where you can collect morels in the Moscow region, every mushroom picker should know, since many types of morels are not only edible, but also tasty. The widespread opinion that this variety is not suitable for consumption is based on the content of the poison gyrometrin in its composition, which, however, leaves the product with water during the first boil for 10-15 minutes.

Where morels grow in the Moscow region: mushroom map

Rules for collecting morel mushrooms in the Moscow region

Morels in the Moscow region have become one of those mushrooms that are being hunted. Many mushroom pickers and just curious residents have learned about the medicinal properties of this mushroom, and now everyone wants to get it not only for eating and preparing a medicine, but also in order to plant it in their summer cottage.

In view of the large number of applicants, it is worth going to those places near Moscow where there are a minimum of harvest hunters. In addition, it is worth knowing that by the end of June there are not so many of these mushrooms, and in the fall they completely disappear. Do not forget that the morel can be easily confused with the common fungus, which is poisonous and grows in late summer and autumn, so many inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse it with an edible specimen.

Attention! Harvesting in late summer and early autumn is prohibited, these are already poisonous mushrooms.

Do not forget about safety rules. If there is no exact certainty in the form of a mushroom, you should not take it. Recently, mushroom pickers have been collecting lines and passing them off as edible morels. Representatives of this species are distinguished by their appearance (very similar to brains), and they can be eaten only after a very long heat treatment.

When morels grow in the Moscow region

You can collect morel mushrooms in the Moscow region already in mid-April. But there is no exact date, much depends on weather conditions. Therefore, experienced mushroom pickers are advised to go on a “quiet hunt” from April to mid-June.

In order not to be mistaken with the timing, you should pay attention to some signs associated with the appearance of the crop in the Moscow region:

  1. The first grass appeared – the morel began to grow.
  2. Aspen fluffed her earrings – you can go out for mushrooms.
  3. Night blindness has blossomed – it’s time to move out for morels.

Where to look for morels in the suburbs

The list of places where morels grow in the Moscow region is indicated on the map of mushrooms:

  • New Grishino (Dmitrovsky district, in the north).
  • Akulovo (a forest near Kubinka, where the Trasna River flows, as well as Pesochny Stream – not far from Moscow).
  • Panino and Sandarovo (Chekhov).
  • Lyubyatino, Amelfino, Shishkino (near Volokolamsk).
  • Malaya Borshchevka (Streams in the Klin district, Sloboda).
  • Pochinki, Danki (Serpukhov, Oka forests are one of the most mushroom places).
  • Brekhovskaya, Tarakanovo (Yegoryevsk).
  • Kokovino, Oreshki (Ozerninsky reservoir area).
  • Nazimikha, Toporkovo, Novaya Sloboda, Ulitkino (Fryazino).
  • Zakharovo, Maryino (Elektrougli).
  • Flower, Puchkov, Malinovka, Novo-Spasskoe (Troitsk).
  • Zosimova Hermitage, Machikhino, Belousovo, Trinity (near Naro-Fominsk).
  • Gubino and Belozersky (Ramensky, a forest located directly near the airfield).

Where morels grow in the Moscow region: mushroom map

A map of morels in the Moscow region will help you navigate with mushroom places. The most reasonable solution would be a trip to the south or west of the Moscow region (on the presented map, these places are circled in red). It is there that you can find forest plantations and forests, manes and islands on which the desired species grows.

Attention! It is better to pick mushrooms a little further from the highways.

Where morels grow in the Moscow region

Representatives of the Morel family grow in any forests, they are even in the capital’s parks (Teply Stan). Therefore, in the Moscow region, you can choose any forest where there are pine trees. Moreover, they should not form the basis of planting, since morels in the Moscow region still grow mostly in deciduous forests, and the presence of pines is simply a good addition to their growth and reproduction.

Important! If there was a fire in the forest 3-4 years ago, then it probably has the desired species.

When choosing a place for “silent hunting”, you need to know a few signs where to collect morels in the Moscow region:

  • you need to focus on places where there are sandy soils: it is they who warm up faster and allow the mushrooms to “breathe”;
  • loves culture and moisture, so it is best to choose plantings and hillocks that are heavily overgrown with grass;
  • it also grows on peat soils, so the proximity of the swamp can also become a guide for lovers of “silent hunting”;
  • You can fill the basket not only in the forest, but also in abandoned apple orchards, in neglected summer cottages and along country roads.

Техника безопасности по сбору сморчков в лесу

Despite the fact that the forests near Moscow are not taiga, even in them you can easily get lost. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, when collecting morels, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. You shouldn’t go into the forest alone. Even if the mushroom picker goes alone, he must inform his friends and relatives about his intentions and the approximate time of return. It is also worth discussing the approximate route.
  2. You need to take with you the minimum, essential supply of things – matches, some food, water, a compass and a knife.
  3. A mobile phone will not be superfluous either. It must be fully charged at the time of leaving the house, with enough money in the account.
  4. Если в лес отправляется пожилой человек или страдающий каким-либо заболеванием, необходимо взять с собой лекарственные препараты, даже если время их приема, по мнению грибника, наступит уже после возвращения с тихой охоты.
  5. From clothes it is better to choose something bright and catchy. A great option is things with reflective elements.
  6. When moving through the forest, it is important to remember some features – broken trees, flowing streams, and so on. This will help rescuers more accurately determine the location of the mushroom picker if he does get lost.

Where morels grow in the Moscow region: mushroom map


Morels in the Moscow region are not uncommon. Therefore, everyone can go on a quiet hunt and replenish their stocks with these delicious healthy mushrooms.


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