Where is it located and what does the pressure switch look like in the washing machine?

A malfunction or breakdown of equipment requires diagnostics and repair of internal elements. Sometimes you need to replace one of the parts in order to restore the full operation of the machine. Where is the pressure switch located in the washing machine? It depends on the manufacturer of the SMA. Determining the location and appearance of the device will help in checking and replacing it.

Where is the level sensor located?

Relay, sensor or pressure switch are possible names for a small element that controls the water level in the tank. A tube leads from the relay housing to the tank. When water enters the machine, the pressure rises, which fixes the sensor by switching contacts. The control module receives signals from the pressure switch and stops the water intake.

That’s what the level sensor is for. Replacement may be required in the event of a breakdown of the electrical part (if the contacts are damaged) or failure of the membrane itself, which acts on the switch. Incorrect operation of the element is possible if the tube is clogged with small debris.

In such cases, you will need to find and dismantle the part. In modern washing machines, the water level sensor is usually located under the top cover of the case. To find it, do this:

  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply.
  • Close the inlet valve.
  • Remove the two screws on the back and slide the cover off.
  • Remove it from the case.

Now look at the top. The placement path is slightly different in these models:

  • In SMA “Indesite“,”Самсунг“,”Kandy» LG the sensor is side, closer to the right wall. Usually the pressure switch is not mounted exactly in the center, but closer to the corner of the front panel.
  • Car brands “Ardo” and “Whirlpool» are also equipped with a relay, which is visible from above at the side wall closer to the rear cover of the unit. Landmark – rear corner of the body.
  • Company washing machines Bosch differ in rather large element. You can find it in the center near the side right wall. In some models, the device is slightly lowered, which makes it difficult to search. Still, the sensor is located under the cross bar and is often hidden by wires.

If an external examination did not help to find the device, try to find a thin tube that comes from the tank. Follow its direction and find the device.

In older models of washing machines (usually vertical loading), the relay can be located below, in the tray. This will make it a little more difficult to find, so if possible, look at the instructions. The lower placement complicates the design of the technique, so today it is not used.

What does the pressure switch look like?

The network will answer this question with thousands of pictures with different images. We have already found out where the relay is located, it remains to determine the appearance of the device.

Most often, the pressure switch is a round piece that looks like a pill. Sometimes it can be a rectangular device. The fact remains that a pressure tube leads to the sensor, and wiring is also connected. The part is attached to the body with one or two screws.

The video will help you find the detail:

Thanks to the electrical part, the pressure switch is connected to the control module and can send signals. Typical signs of a sensor failure are:

  • Overfilling or underfilling of water in the tank.
  • Lack of drain of waste fluid.
  • Constant set and drain of water.

It is clear that if the relay does not send a signal to drain the liquid from the tank, the module will not start the pump. Therefore, in case of such malfunctions, the level sensor must be checked. Sometimes the washing machine’s self-diagnosis system suggests that the device is not working correctly. The display then shows an error code. The decryption is indicated in the instructions.

Removing the level switch

Still decided to remove and inspect the sensor? Then, after removing the top cover, find the device and do this:

  • Disconnect the wiring from the relay contacts.
  • Disconnect the handset.
  • Loosen the fixing screw.

The detail is in your hands. Inspect the pressure switch and its tube for blockage. By the way, the relay is beyond repair, so you can go to the store with the old device and choose a replacement.

As you can see, getting to the pressure switch is as simple as possible, and dismantling is not difficult. Follow safety precautions when disassembling and be sure to disconnect the machine from electricity.

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