Where is it easiest to catch COVID-19 now? The expert explains
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The fourth wave of the pandemic in Poland is making itself felt more and more strongly. Despite being fully honored, more than 50 percent. population, the number of COVID-19 infections is starting to rise rapidly. Where is the easiest way to catch the coronavirus today and how to avoid it? – There are two proven ways to control the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the one hand, there are preventive vaccinations, and on the other – respect for sanitary and epidemiological rules, says doctor Bartosz Fiałek.

  1. On October 7, the Ministry of Health announced 2007 new cases of coronavirus, the previous day there were 2085 infections
  2. This is more or less the same as at the beginning of October last year. At the end of the month, there were already over 20. infections
  3. What can be done to avoid this scale of infection in a few weeks? What places to avoid and how to behave?
  4. A closed room with a large concentration of people, which is not ventilated and people staying in it do not wear protective masks, is a place where it is very easy to get infected with the new coronavirus – says doctor Bartosz Fiałek
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Where is the risk of COVID-19 infection highest?

In the last two days, there have been over 2 coronavirus infections. The number of infections is growing, it is similar to that of the second wave of the pandemic. Delta virus also attacks vaccinated people (but vaccines protect against severe disease, which should be remembered), so virologists are constantly calling for compliance with the sanitary regime. It is mainly wearing masks indoors and avoiding large clusters.

The fourth wave coincided with the flu and cold season. This means that more and more people – potentially sick – appear in clinics. How to avoid coronavirus infection in this place?

– We should rationalize our visits, which does not mean that we should limit them. On the contrary, we have a huge health debt. I encourage you to contact your doctor, but first through teleportation – says Dr. Michał Sutkowski, president of Warsaw Family Physicians in an interview with WP. – People do not know why they are afraid of the phone, they do not want to call and arrange a consultation. And the doctors in teleporad are all about finding out when such a person will come for an appointment. It is easier for everyone. A given patient comes at a specific time and does not come to the clinic, reads the newspaper in a long wait, sneezes and infects others at the same time – adds the doctor.

Where else is the danger? – In confined spaces and in areas with the lowest percentages of the population fully vaccinated against COVID-19. A closed room with a large concentration of people, which is not ventilated and people staying in it do not wear protective masks, is a place where it is very easy to get infected with the new coronavirus – says the doctor Bartosz Fiałek.

– We have an example from the United States. The states with a higher percentage of vaccinated have a much smaller number of COVID-19 cases than those where there are fewer vaccinated, adds Fiałek.

  1. Rising COVID-19 infections during the healthcare crisis. Doctor: we are in for a disaster

– In our case, the eastern wall can be such an example. And even there, for example, a store where people will not wear protective masks, will not maintain social distance, in the era of a low percentage of vaccinated against COVID-19, is a prime example of a place where you can easily get infected with the new coronavirus. I am not saying this to stigmatize people from this region, but to give an example that is more understandable than just talking about masks and percentages – emphasizes the doctor.

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Coronavirus: How to Avoid Infection?

Bartosz Fiałek points out that we have two scientifically proven pathways that allow us to control the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.

– On the one hand, it is common preventive vaccinations, and on the other – respect for sanitary and epidemiological rules, i.e. hand hygiene, wearing protective masks, maintaining social distance, avoiding clusters and frequent airing of rooms, plus quarantine for contact persons, isolation in the group of patients and large number of tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection along with contact tracing – explains the doctor.

  1. The main mistake we make in the fight against COVID-19 in Poland. The expert says straight

Coronavirus: How to Avoid Infection in Schools?

Currently, as data from Israel show, there is an increased transmission of the virus among children, i.e. a poorly vaccinated group, more and more often. The research there showed that in the age group under 12 (vaccines for such children have not yet been approved) there were as many as 24 percent. all new infections (August data). A month later, it was already 42 percent. What can we do knowing such data?

– In Israel, we have a little over 64 percent. fully vaccinated citizens, but the demography there is different than in Poland. As much as approx. 28 percent. people there are children under the age of 15. Most of those eligible for COVID-19 vaccination have undergone the procedure, and school children are vaccinated in a smaller percentage due to the lack of universal approval of COVID-19 preparations in this age group. Therefore, the youngest who are unvaccinated transmit the new coronavirus well. Vaccination against COVID-19 does not completely stop transmission of the pathogen, but reduces it. Therefore, the vaccinated person may transmit the virus to a lesser extent than the unvaccinated person, hence the recommendation to wear protective masks regardless of the vaccination status – explains Bartosz Fiałek.

  1. How many people in Poland have taken the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine? [WE CHECK]

– What can you do? A study published on the US CDC website showed that schools that introduced the obligation to wear face masks during lessons were 3,5 times less likely to develop COVID-19 outbreaks compared to schools where the obligation to wear face masks was not introduced. Thus, in groups that cannot be vaccinated, sanitary and epidemiological rules must be particularly respected. You should wear protective masks and use social distance, that is, place the benches so that there is a distance of two meters. In Poland, of course, it is more difficult to do this, because we have smaller classes than in the United States, but you have to try. Plus, of course, hand hygiene and airing of classrooms – adds a specialist in the field of rheumatology, promoter of knowledge in the field of COVID-19 and – as he describes himself – a social activist in the field of health protection.

Fiałek draws attention to one more, often neglected element – airing the rooms.

In one of the preprints, a study that has not yet been reviewed, it was shown that in winter, after opening all windows wide for a few hours, you can reduce the load of the virus circulating around the room 14 times.. In summer, the impact is less. The less virus load in a room, the lower the exposure and the lower the risk of disease. Airing out rooms in schools, i.e. in populations with a relatively low COVID-19 vaccine coverage rate, is essential. It has been scientifically confirmed that the so-called Non-pharmaceutical interventions are effective and should be used, especially in groups that cannot be vaccinated. The vaccination program alone is not enough until we have vaccinated the right percentage of the population. When carrying out preventive vaccinations, we cannot resign from respecting non-pharmaceutical interventions – says the doctor.

Seasonal infection or COVID-19. How to react?

We are currently in the flu and cold season. These infections have many symptoms similar to those of COVID-19. What should we do when our child comes home with a runny nose, cough, fever? Do a test or wait?

– If these are symptoms of catarrhal infection, i.e. runny nose, cough, increased body temperature, general breakdown, muscle and joint pain, it may be caused by various pathogens: influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, but also the new coronavirus. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, such a child should be isolated. It is not allowed to go to school or kindergarten – emphasizes Fiałek.

  1. Gloomy forecasts for the holidays. Are we not spending them with the family?

– I know from experience that some parents let an infected child go to kindergarten, there it cuddles up to other children, which is normal behavior when playing in kindergarten and thus spreads this infection to classmates. Little problem when it’s parainfluenza or adenoviruses. It’s worse when it is SARS-CoV-2. The child then carries it home to caregivers / teachers and a new COVID-19 outbreak occurs. In the event of disturbing symptoms of respiratory tract infection, a test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection should be performed, but first of all, such a child should be isolated, regardless of the cause of the disease, so as not to expose others to the disease. – says the doctor.

Bartosz Fiałek once again emphasizes how important it is to test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

– I believe it is worth checking if the symptoms are not caused by infection with the new coronavirus. Although we do not have causal treatment in this group, it is still worth assessing whether it is COVID-19. Isolation in the case of COVID-19 lasts 10 days, and for example, after a paragullial infection, the child can be admitted to kindergarten 24 hours after the symptoms have disappeared. With COVID-19, you can become infected for a few days after your symptoms have cleared. That is why I remind you of the necessity to perform tests. Although young children do not tolerate SARS-CoV-2 infection tests, they should be performed when an infection is suspected. Children also do not like protective vaccinations, but in order to increase health safety, it is worth carrying out certain medical procedures.

Also read:

  1. COVID-19 despite vaccination – who is most at risk? A risk calculator was created
  2. New rules for declaring deaths. Changes in the regulations are coming
  3. BioNTech chief: a new COVID-2022 vaccine will be needed in 19
  4. The fourth wave is accelerating, but Poles are not afraid of infection [SONDAŻ]
  5. Norwegians started treating COVID-19 like the flu? There is a reaction from the local authorities

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