Jordan, which is officially allowed to swim, will be organized on the Volga near the Viking club and on Tvertsa near the River Station. EMERCOM employees promise lifeguard duty, tents for changing and heating, wooden flooring, dry closets and lighting, and possibly even hot tea.
Those whose health cannot be called strong are warned against swimming in an ice-hole: the body’s reaction can be unpredictable. But if you are hardened and frost-resistant, then Epiphany bathing is a great way to cheer up and feel a surge of positive energy. According to the testimony of doctors, the body in response to stress produces the release of endorphins and serotonin – hormones of pleasure.
According to forecasters, the thermometer on Epiphany night will not drop below minus 4-5 degrees, but it is more likely that the temperature will be zero. However, the more warm clothes you bring with you, the better. And don’t forget the thermos of hot herbal tea!