Where dreams come true: how to treat ARVI and flu

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When we are young and full of strength, life seems to us devoid of threats, we are not afraid of influenza and SARS, we are not aware of adversity. We live without thinking that simple illnesses known to each of us from childhood can one fine moment change our plans for life. But the XNUMXst century is outside, and our fate is in our hands!

How to quickly cure flu and colds?

My mother used to tell me amazing stories before going to bed. The main character in them was a little girl who got into difficult situations. But every time her faithful friends came to her aid, a magic potion saved her or just an amazing flight to the island, where all her dreams come true.

As a child, the threat of influenza and SARS was more than real for me. The flu treatment was long, protracted. As it turned out, medications are contraindicated for me, and the doctors advised me to “stop the disease at a distant distance.” Get hardened, take vitamins in season – the time when the incidence reaches its peak. The years passed. I had no questions with the choice of profession. My mom and grandfather were teachers. After graduation, I managed to find a decent job in one of the prestigious gymnasiums. In order to become a full-time teacher, it was necessary to work as an intern for six months. And after that, a commission met, in which some of the founders, the director of the gymnasium, and representatives of the parent committee were present. I got a friend, a biology teacher, and together we prepared for this test, at the thought of which my heart sank!

But suddenly the threat of ARVI, like a children’s nightmare, surfaced on the horizon again! Three days before the exam, I woke up in sweat, weakness made itself felt, my hands were cold, my throat was treacherously sore. Three days before the end of the internship period, after which either “Thank you for your work!” Or “Hello, children!” And this must happen. According to the rules of the gymnasium, a teacher should not, under any circumstances, appear at work in a sick state. But I remembered how I fell ill with the flu as a child, and I realized what was waiting for me. Coughing, a runny nose began, and the temperature rose. In the next 6-7 days, I could not even dream of a successful exam …

Ingavirin is the best remedy for flu and colds

I called a colleague and said that I decided not to participate in the tests. He was surprised. She asked me to pick up my things from school and bring them home to me.

Seeing me with a coiled throat, he immediately left. I thought: “Afraid of getting infected.” Half an hour later, the biologist returned with the medicine. It was Ingavirin from ValentaPharm. I said that he wasted his money. I’m allergic. But the biologist said that Ingavirin is one of those amazing drugs that do not cause allergies! Is it worth it to say goodbye to a dream if there is Ingavirin?

The mechanism of action of this drug is aimed at promptly suppressing the multiplication of the virus, blocking its further development. While I was thinking that my main exam in life had failed, the biologist told me about Ingavirin and its almost magical fight against influenza and SARS. The fact that these diseases, transferred on the legs, can cause serious damage to health, cause a collapse or even swelling of the brain.

But Ingavirin is a remedy that prevents the development of the disease. I listened to him lying in bed, remembered my mother’s stories and quietly fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up completely healthy. It looked like a fairy tale! I called the biologist and he congratulated me on my victory in the fight against influenza and SARS. But, alas, I didn’t have to work as a teacher for a long time. The joy that I didn’t get sick doubled my strength. I made an impression on the commission and soon became a young head teacher!

And also … Now I know the name of a magic potion that saves from illness. Of course, Ingavirin!

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