Where does the moral hangover after alcohol come from? [WE EXPLAIN]

Have you ever had remorse and a sense of shame after a drunk party? Some people refer to this condition as a moral hangover. Why does excess alcohol evoke such emotions in us? Where does a moral hangover come from? We explain!

Sometimes when we play, we lose control of how much alcohol we consume. One drink, another drink … We relax and feel extremely at ease, and this is a simple way to exceed the limits of good taste. The next day we wake up not only with a sore head, but also with a sense of shame. And the most common question we ask ourselves is: “How did this come about?”.

How does a physical hangover arise?

To explain the moral hangover phenomenon, let’s first focus on the physical side effects of excess percentages. Alcohol is metabolized by the liver. During this process it produces toxic acetaldehyde. It is he who causes that after consuming too much alcohol we feel unwell, mainly with headache and nausea. In addition, there is also dehydration of the body.

See: Hangover Remedies – How to Mitigate Its Effects?

A physical hangover is quite understandable for most people and does not arouse so many emotions. However, the moral hangover can come as a surprise. Why do we experience strong emotions after a heavy party?

Further part under the video.

How does alcohol affect our brain?

Alcohol has an effect on the central nervous system. Under its influence, we begin to process and transmit information slower and slower. All this is due to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Its secretion increases under the influence of alcohol.

Percentage drinks also affect the limbic system and the hypothalamus. These, in turn, are responsible for memory, emotions and sexual arousal. In these areas, hormones such as dopamine and serotonin are also released, and levels increase at a high-drink party. In addition, alcohol also acts on opioid receptors. They are responsible for feeling pleasure and unpleasantness.

See also: Dopamine responsible for male alcoholism

Since alcohol affects so many vital areas in our brain, excess alcohol can lead to unpleasant situations. When the level of anxiety and anxiety is lowered in us, and the dominant feeling is arousal (also sexual) and excitement, it is not difficult to exceed your own limits and do something that does not meet any social norms. Random sex, fights, or extreme honesty are just a few examples of what can happen when we ingest too many alcohol drinks.

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Symptoms of a moral hangover

After a party where we overdid not only with alcohol, but most of all with our behavior, we wake up not only sore, but also mentally distressed. The dominant feeling then is the feeling of shame. Often we don’t even remember exactly what happened the night before. However, we feel that it was something humiliating for which we should apologize. Unfortunately, alcohol is still circulating in our body, which does not help us to rationally look at the situation that has arisen. All the more so because in the morning his “positive” action disappears.

After such an event, many people promise themselves that they will never come to this state again. Some people do and actually start to be cautious about alcohol. However, if you or your friend are persistently crossing certain boundaries, it may be a good time to seek help from a specialist.

Read also:

  1. Do you blush after alcohol? It could be a symptom of an illness
  2. The doctor warns: never take this drug for a hangover, it is toxic
  3. Alcohol and cigarettes. The connection through which we have a monstrous hangover [EXPLAIN]

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