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The coronavirus is spreading very fast. You can become infected both from an infected person and by touching various surfaces contaminated with coronavirus. The basis of protection against the coronavirus is the maintenance of basic hygiene rules, i.e. frequent hand washing.
You can get infected with the coronavirus by airborne droplets. This means that the source of the infection is the other person. Down coronavirus infections it may be direct or indirect.
The coronavirus can survive up to several dozen hours on various surfaces. During this time, it is easy to transfer it onto yourself. For example, on cardboard surfaces, the coronavirus lasts up to 24 hours, and on plastic – up to 72 hours. After this time, it begins to dry up and ceases to be active.
Do direct coronavirus infection it may occur during contact with an infected person. It is enough for her to cough or sneeze to free herself coronavirus particles into the air. In the form of such an aerosol, the coronavirus can survive up to 3 hours. After this time, the virus dies.
Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]
In turn, an indirect source of infection means contact with surfaces infected with the coronavirus. The coronavirus can settle on a variety of surfaces and objects. It can also be transferred to the hands of an infected person who touches them without gloves.
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People infected with the coronavirus can carry virus particles on their hands. It is enough that they cover their mouth and nose with their hands when sneezing or coughing. The coronavirus, along with saliva and particles of secretion, goes straight to the hands of the infected person. If a sick person does not wash their hands or disinfect them afterwards, they spread the coronavirus on themselves to various surfaces, objects and people.
Coronavirus infection prevention it consists primarily in the application of basic hygiene principles. Therefore, it should be remembered that:
- wash your hands with soap and water or, if we do not have such a possibility, disinfect them with a suitable liquid with a minimum alcohol content of 60% – this way we will get rid of the coronavirus from our hands and minimize the risk of carrying it further;
- do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth – remember that if you touch infected surfaces it can very easily spread the coronavirus onto yourself. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands, you make it easier for the coronavirus to penetrate the body;
- keep an appropriate distance from the interlocutor – it is best to remember about a distance of 2 meters;
- stay home – if you can, stay home, this is the easiest way to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19;
- when leaving the house, cover your mouth and nose – this can be done with a protective mask;
- Regularly clean the various surfaces you touch – simply rinse them with soap and water to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Clean, among others door handles, handrails, table tops, desks, etc.;
- disinfect your cell phone and put it off until you eat it – remember that a cell phone is a source of many different pathogenic microorganisms, so it can also be a source of coronavirus infection;
- avoid crowded places;
- take care of an easily digestible and healthy diet, adequate hydration of the body and the right dose of physical activity – remember that the general condition of the body is of great importance for the risk of developing COVID-19. Remember about a high dose of vegetables and fruit in your diet, drink a minimum of 2 liters of water every day, avoid processed products, alcohol and cigarettes;
- learn about the COVID-19 epidemic from proven sources.
The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:
- Obligation to cover the mouth and nose in Poland. What are the types of face masks?
- How to safely play sports to avoid contracting the coronavirus?
- How to cope with long hours of wearing protective masks?
Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.